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/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread

Do i need to install dx 11 and dx12 manually

To suck dicks ?
No you're fine on you own.

Seriously, that is one vague question.
Most games/steam will install the required version during setup.

Is there a way to set up a watch folder from my RPi to watch my remote seedboxes download folder and queue movies to download from it when they're completed?

Does ffmpeg work with .ass files to put subtitles?


Seriously I've been trying to get in touch with this guy and no response. Not even the other archives like desustorage knows him

Sup Forumsents, I have a request... my old desktop computer died last year and I've been using a shitty laptop since. I need to buy a desktop again.

A guy I know is selling his HP desktop for $360. Here are the specs:

>Core i5 3.8GHZ
>16GB DDR3
>2TB 7200 RPM HDD
>Windows 10 Pro
>MS Office

should I do it? is this a good price? I have no fucking idea :( Thanks.

Yeah just put that in the "subtitles=subs.ass" section
This is for mass converting so replace the $file with the file name you want to use

If you play a 1080p video on a 1440p display would it look better, worse or the same as if it was being played on a 1080p screen?

What if the display was 720p?

It would upscale and it would depend on the source

>mfw my fucking computer

OK, Sup Forums, I need your help and I need it quick.

>begin to play some vidya
>been working perfectly fine the night before, constant 144fps
>today it's stuttery, drops frames often and more despite being on a G-Sync monitor
>look at MSI Afterburner
>Voltage limit goes to 1 and Utilization limit goes to 0 when I'm playing the game
>temperatures in game never go past 60c despite going to 75c the night before

How fucked am I and is there anything I can do to fix this? Here are my specs:

>i5 4690k
>MSI GTX 980 Ti
>16GB of RAM (not the issue)
>Seasonic 660W Platinum Certified PSU