>This tread again

>Can't afford a server
>Calls other poor
No wonder you are an insignificant NEET

OP is a massive faggot, and here is why:

Laptops are for mobile computing. That is, when I'm not at home, work, or wherever else I often am.

It looks like OP uses a laptop at home, which is quite the masochistic experience.

I take my laptop when I'm travelling, and as such I take a sizable collection of entertainment with me. That's pretty much it.

>using a home server for no reason

>home server.

You sad fucking autistic wanker, I suggest you find the nearest massage parlour and ask for a happy ending, Itll do you good

>gets a home server instead of a larger SSD for 20 bux more


video rendering

>implying OP uses his laptop for anything productive and not just Redshit and Facecuck

To me they are just portable computers that can be moved around the flat. That's why i've got an alienware machine for example.

SSD wears out with writes.
Having a greater capacity disk will increase lifespan as bad sectors are relocated

300 gig of my laptops 512 gig is taken up by Anime reaction images, Not even memeing