on my 640, only spotify worked well but when I used the offline mode, one of my lists ( which I had downloaded on spotify) with 400 songs uninstalled itsself often. So I had to keep downloading it to listen while offline. Maybe a hardware issue?
Hey Sup Forumsuys, anyone on lumia 950 here? Is it really that bad? Have you tried continuum...
What kind of office work? It doesn't do well on my thousand pages document full of tables and charts. Anything below handles fine but you'd need to adapt to the different shortcut keys the UWP has.
You would also need a Office 365 subscription but you don't have to worry that if your research department would be providing licenses.
I can get a licence from my emploeyer. Most of the work would be data entry and analysis plus some Powerpoint every now and then. Maybe using it to write on a personal paper when I don't bring my Laptop.
It's not really portable compared to a laptop. You're relying that a keyboard, mouse, and a TV/monitor is available for you to use it on the go.
Data entry and powerpoint is fine. I happened to use mine over Miracast to present some things. Impressed them a bit how I can just go in and present right away, rather than fumbling for cables and using a mouse to move back and forth slides.
What's analysis? Generating graphs and charts from thousands of data?
1gb is now the minimum for WP, it used to be 512 mb. That being said, as more of the apps adopt UWA standards that "resuming" experience will decrease.
Fuck Evan spiegel in the ass with a spiked dildo dipped a pot of ghost chili pepper sauce. Rudy Hyugen offered him a free app and free development, and certification and everything so that it wouldn't be like the 3rd party apps that hacked. And instead he goes out of his way to mock WP users for being too try hard about our OS. Fucking flaming faggot can crash and burn, I hope Instagram stories completely take over his market.
Lol ms doesn't give two flying fucks about WP. It just sorta slowly evolves. They never have been relying on it to bring money, just like they haven't been replying on Hololenses to make money. It's just developer teams that love their job, doing the dev work. No shilling or marketing teams exist for WP whatsoever.
Value is in the eye of the beholder. I love mine. Does everything I could ever want.
Don't get it OP. It's not ready for the mass market. We only *just* got a Starbucks app. I mean, you would seriously have to love the OS.
Monitor, mouse and keyboard are allready in office and at home, the scenario would be to just plug it in when I'm in either of these places.
Visual representation of data would be useful some times, most of the time I'll only need to be able to make a crosstable to show correlations.
I had the lumia 925 back when, liked it a lot and am still sad that I sold it. Is it anything like that?
>snapdragon 808
>no snapchat
>"one drive"
>shitass live tiles
nah, I'm cool
Sounds like it can do what you want. How much are you paying for this? Do you have that 50% off discount?
If your employer is paying for it, why not try the HP Elite X3?
The app/OS design is a little different, but neither better nor worse. UI elements aren't so fat anymore, they're thin and refined/flat & material, which is nice, and usually things have traditional WP design adherence. However, occasionally you see shit like hamburger menus.
As for the lack of apps, it still lacks apps. And now for the local weather forecast...
All in all yes, I'd say it is. I came from a 925 myself. Very pleased with what I have as a daily driver..You'll meet some people on r/windowsphone and r/android who don't like where it's come but they're probably hard to find in general. I've been around since the original 7.0 days.
808 isn't the one with the overheat and throttle issues. 2 cores ain't enough to overheat it like that. Plus, it never heats up that hot anyways, unless you're playing games which is....eh. I don't see a point to it. I've never met another WP user interested in using it as anything more than a smart dumbphone (I do that too).
>no Snapchat
Fuck Evan spiegel
>mocking onedrive
It's better than google drive..
>mocking live tiles
Lmao okay. I mean whatever floats your boat.