I'm a technology expert because I spend thousands of dollars a month on useless gadgets

My spoon is too big

Wednesday is coming. Have you got your coat?

>plug legos together
So much this

Anybody with half a brain can replace a part or build a machine if they take 15 minutes and google it. Your "skill" is worthless.


>Anybody with half a brain can code if they take 15 minutes and google it. Your "skill" is worthless.


Most programmers can be replaced by someone copying and pasting code from stack exchange.

Sound like a salty 1990er who can write Hello World in 20 different languages and is mad that they can't get a job.

children in china put together higher quality builds than you. I seriously doubt children can write even reasonable code.

face it, plugging things in isn't a skill. quit wasting your time and money

>tfw sysadmin
>tfw easily replaceable code monkey seriously thinks he has a desirable "skill"

I won't be outsourced but you will. I'll make sure to toss you a few pennies when I see you begging on the streets.

>I won't be outsourced but you will

The fact that where-ever you might work at still uses on site sysadmins is a miracle in and of itself.

Your skill set is gone, everything is on cloud based servers now, which can be accessed from anywhere in the world. It's a super outsource-able skill.

>tfw making 120k at 22
>tfw I built half the codebase for my company

Yeah, I'm sure I'm much more replaceable than a sysadmin who can't even script