no user please that old be fucking retarded. there are motherboards tgat support ddr3 your mobo in this case does so it will 100% work
Sup Forums wasn't helpful with this
he already said it's a prebuilt I think it's same to assume he can't build a pc therefor won't upgrade. otherwise if he is upgrading and only if he upgrades to k cpu then he should buy it. some people just don't want to overclock so buying a k cpu is useless therefor z mobo is too
nice bait
Can't wake up
there's nothing wrong with amd gpus unless you use a cpu with shitty single threaded performance
>now but not later
Your card will be worth dogshit that literally a card half the price will beat by that time. AMDcuck false economies are retarded. Never ever buy video cards to 'future proof'
This thread is filth
>summer Sup Forums
>kid asking basic questions about his electronic Legos
>kid too brain dead to do his own research (read: Google search)
>"Sup Forums didn't help much with this...."
>serious responses
>wants people to tell him what to do
>millineal too entitled
>mfw he's so entitled that he will respond and try to defend himself because he is so far up his ass he can't see how stupid he looks
Fuck this website holy shit
Sup Forums should move to a different website, it's clearly not doing it's job as a containment board for summer fags