Sup Forums gaymer manchildren BTFO by Stallman

>If [the injustices of Pokemon Go] were fixed, I'd have no reason of principle to refuse to the game. But I'd still have better things to do with my time. Don't you? Isn't there some worthy cause you would like to work for, if only you had time? Well, here's how to get the time: do it instead of some other hobby.

Why aren't you fighting for a worthy cause Sup Forums?

lol what an asshole

Protip I: Nobody cares about Pokemon Go, it's a fucking fad

Protip II: Nobody cares about Stallman either, guy's a fucking dinosaur and has minimal to zero influence in the open source and free software community these days

He's more like a mascot that educates normies that are completely oblivious to the concept of free software than he is a freedom fighter at this point.

I always knew stallman didn't care about vidya, but if even he thinks they're a waste of time that really says something.

>but if even he thinks they're a waste of time that really says something.
He considers it a waste of time because of the massive invasion of privacy it is. Stallman enjoys vidya; his only requirements are that it is free as in freedom and doesn't go full on botnet on him.

sweet source mang

He should go fuck his parrot

Ah, the butthurt gaymer manchildren are arriving now.


>preaches about putting his time to "good use"
>eats himself into an early grave

Has Stallman actually achieved anything besides being a Sup Forums meme? All I see him doing these days is giving the same speech and dispensing cringe everywhere he goes.

>Isn't there some worthy cause you would like to work for, if only you had time?
It's easy to have time to spare when you don't even shower or do laundry.


Nope. Torvalds by all means is the superior man. He's autistic, has actually accomplished a shit load, and is living a pretty nice life while sticking to his beliefs.

Yeah, but I mean nowadays.

>complains about manchildren wasting their life
>father of the free software movement, his life is going around talking to BRs about freedom
>The BRs just pirate Windows anyway


How many children has your father produced nowadays?

i played pokemon Go for like a week, now im sick of it. It was just a meme, honestly. Cool idea, but it's not deep enough to keep you hooked. I have a full time job anyway

>Protip II: Nobody cares about Stallman either, guy's a fucking dinosaur
It's funny, even he knows he has no real place in this world:

In our original interview, Stallman said, “I’m the last survivor of a dead culture. And I don’t really belong in the world anymore. And in some ways I feel I ought to be dead.” Now, meeting over Chinese food, she reaffirms this. “I have certainly wished I had killed myself when I was born,” she says. “In terms of effect on the world, it’s very good that I’ve lived. And so I guess, if I could go back in time and prevent my birth, I wouldn’t do it. But I sure wish I hadn’t had so much pain.”

thank you sir for this enlightening comment


as retarded as the manchildren playing pokemon go are, what worthy cause is that fat fuck dedicating his time to?

Not playing manchild games

>she reaffirms this
>she says

>Why aren't you fighting for a worthy cause Sup Forums?
Like what? ISIS?

Sorry, forgot to turn off my anti-patriarchy script. I usually turn it off to stop myself from triggering people like you.

Fighting degeneracy and liberal corruption and upholding traditional values seems pretty worthy to me.

I'm just confused because Stallman clearly identifies as a white, jewish male.

I hate this fat cunt so much.

It was my fault, I didn't turn off my script I use to flip gender-specific words on the web. I forget about it until I copypaste something and everyone gets confused.

Found the crybaby manchild

You could have just looked at the OP pic.

Stallman started the free software movement and made GPL. Without stallman, the linux kernel would be proprietary and worse, bought by apple.

nah I pretty much gave on everything that isn't instant and easy gratification

>only proprietary software licenses existed before Stallman
What kind of delusion is this?

All software used to be free as in fucking freedom until some time during the 80s, where suddenly new proprietary licenses and closed source software started popping up. If you had access to a mainframe, you had access to the source of the OS it was running and all the software running on it. Distributing software was synonymous with distributing source code and compiling it for the platform it was supposed to run.

Used to use that setup in college, only the chair was right by my head on the side of the bed not the end.

You god damn retard. Don't ever comment on anything related to Stallman until you know the difference between open source and free software.

I said he started the movement user. Yes, in the early days all software was free software. But later that disappeared as corporations began controlling what you were allowed to do with it. That's why stallman started the movement.

He wrote almost everything necessary to bootstrap development.
>Stallman was responsible for contributing many necessary tools, including a text editor (Emacs), compiler (GCC), debugger (GNU Debugger), and a build automator (GNU make). The notable omission was a kernel. In 1990, members of the GNU project began using Carnegie Mellon's Mach microkernel in a project called GNU Hurd, which has yet to achieve the maturity level required for full POSIX compliance.

In the early days, there were no difference. The distinction between those two is artificial and arbitrary and is the result of a hippie communist having an autistic fit over a fucking printer driver.

>I said he started the movement user.
But he didn't, the movement already existed in the MIT and Berkeley hacker cultures.

Do you think the BSD licenses just popped out of nowhere? They existed before the GPL.

In fact, I would go so far as to argue that Stallman's main contribution isn't the GPL at all. It was starting writing a userland for the GNU OS and especially the compiler which Torvalds used to compile his kernel for a i386.

Because that would require me caring about other humans or myself


maybe Pokemon Go is a waste of time the way he plays it

pic related