Lets discuss Linux desktop customization, themes, window managers/Desktop environments, and more

Lets discuss Linux desktop customization, themes, window managers/Desktop environments, and more.

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I congratulate you for posting the first screenshot of Xfce I see that doesn't have a system tray full of randomly sized and colored icons.

Ok but mandatory

>Window Manager Reviews. To decide the main look and feel.

>GNU/Linux Software Big List. For options on many more stuff.

>How to Customize your Bash Prompt

>Where to get some themes and icons

Arc, a GTK Theme: omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/06/arc-gtk-theme
Mac OS X (MacBuntu) Transformation pack for Ubuntu: noobslab.com/search/label/macbuntu
How to have a Win 95 theme on Lubuntu: ghostbin.com/paste/atb7t
Macintosh System 6 XFCE4 Theme: github.com/ubuntufag/System6-theme

IRIX icons: darkdoomer.deviantart.com/art/da-motherfuckin-irix-icon-set-179568520
Win95 icons: gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Classic95?content=157298
Paper Icon Set: snwh.org/paper/icons/

>Starting x without DM or Login Manager

>How to Enable and Tweak Flashy Graphical Effects.

>Desktop application to show various info on CPU, battery power, e-mail inboxes, many popular music players, etc.

>How to make your own theme

So in Linux Mint Xfce they have this option to change the window manager from the GUI. Ubuntu Mate tweak tool has that as well.

How can I get that in any Xfce

go to settings. window manager

Papirus theme is awesome. You can find it on xfce look

Let's so those desktops!

I hope the lives of everyone in this thread improve a bit tomorrow

is that yours, OP? how do you get the fonts to look so smooth?

thanks for the ip



Oh no, better get ddos protection for 192.168.0.x!


Plz post pape, looks real nice :)

delet this
Desktop threads are NOT generals

+1 good post jordan
can you post your current desktop

welcome to my world,kid

This is why desktop threads were banned


who are you replying to?

anime website

The person I quoted

baka baka baka

Post wallpaper please

all i c is red lines
i guess they what ur tryign to say is they were banned from bad moderator practices

as in no one????
mayb u shuld see a shrink? help u deal with those hallucinations?

If that is thunar, I need to know how you tweak it.

Also, how to theme without a DE?

I wonder how many people stopped ricing when desktop threads got ban.

Regardless, it's an off topic post

i don't think they stopped but the quality dropped a lot
even you have to admit the anime posters are the best ricers

u need to change your gtk theme and ur icons

Is this a joke? Anime is the worst ricers here

yeah something about being NEET makes you just want to rice. I know that's when I was most prolific.

I use arch I SWEAR I'm not lying!

anime website

I love your style- is linux or BSD beneath this?

It's a shame mods seem to delete threads pertaining to WMs and general GUI customization, I love the effort that goes into some setups.

Post more programs, this is dangerously close to /wg/ material

post ur desktop DESU

Jordan is the only good non anime ricer currently


is this the new desktop thread

I did in the op

more like the only good non anime ricer ever

not that i would know, i've only been here for half a year

Don't turn this in to reddit circlejerk literal faggot

>Compton doesn't fix it
have you gone through the config file? it has a lot of options for tear free comp but is not always the same on every machine and every gpu.

thanks user! and it's linux

jordan loves anime he's currently watching k-on and his favorite girl is ui (good choice imo)


oh, i thought that was a regular disguising their thread, that's why i didn't make fun of it in my posts

pokemon is anime

shh they'll hear us

ᶦˢ ᵗʰᶦˢ ᵗʰᵉ ᶰᵉʷ ᵈᵉˢᵏᵗᵒᵖ ᵗʰʳᵉᵃᵈ

hello guys, I was wondering what your opinion is on my openbox setup.


But how user, how.

Your desktop is bad and you should feel bad

tfw jordan quotes ur post

tfw ur running out of desktops

i gotta get to work on that maki deskpto

Which current window managers allow the window chrome to go on the sides of windows? It seems like the better place since screens are wider than they are tall.


looks alright

Nice and clean

tfw someone with no taste posts

restraining myself is so hard rn

cool user! keep posting


How ironic lol

aha you can use lxappearence to manage them and you can learn to make them by downloading both things from gnome.org and looking at the files and such. goodluck!


Yes, I have obsessively tried every option on radeon, nvidia and intel GPUs. This seems to happen on every machine I've used.

It's not tearing (compton does fix that) but rather artifacts (looks like random noise) that appears at the edges of a floating window when it is resized. Doesn't occur on thunar or terminals, but does occur on chromium or firefox.

u be quiet

I feel like the grays in your Sup Forums css don't go together that well.

thank you friends

how can i improve it, user?

inb4 windows
this is actually a good desktop so huck u

wth someone ripped me off