Why? PHP is solid and everybody knows it. There is literally no reason to use another backend language.
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Define solid.
Give me a better backend scripting language with proper C-like syntax and not hipster whitespace syntax and maybe I'll change my mind.
Why are you limiting yourself to scripting languages? But when compared to PHP even Javascript is a godsend.
>Why are you limiting yourself to scripting languages?
Is there another option?
>But when compared to PHP even Javascript is a godsend.
What makes JS better for backend?
>What makes JS better for backend?
Not that user, but PHP just feels awkward to write. I can't pinpoint any one thing about it I particularly dislike, but the whole thing just has a bad smell. Node is pretty comfy, especially using ES6+.
Go is one, if you are so adamant about C-like syntax.
Less pitfalls in the standard library, better performance, less stupid syntax like $variables and dot concatenation.
Can I get some critique on my first portfolio?
I know it's basically a simple slideshow, the images need to be replaced and I have no real work to show but how's the basic template?
P.S. Haven't gotten to test it on Safari/iOS, it might look fucked.
Any coding challenges involving React and Redux?
Can I echo in HTML like PHP in JS or Go?