Once you go FLAC you'll never go back

I have a very esoteric taste in music and still haven't been disappointed, even just once. I think it's largely because of how difficult it is to get a good ratio without uploading

I converted all my mp3s to flac. Feels good man.

>have a very average taste in music
>can easily get most of what I want from rutracker, but every once in a while, there'd be an album that isn't seeded or in FLAC (recent example would be the Breakfast Club soundtrack)
>realize that getting a what account would be wasteful for this exact reason, I don't have anything new to upload

>only listeners to music from one Era
Lmao kill yourself

>not reencoding your music to FLAC every few months to counter the effects of rotational velocidensity
>succumbing to bitrot

but I went Opus.


I do the same thing for all of my media. Every couple of years, I change the file extension on all of them to .flac and change it back a couple minutes later.
It keeps my hard drive from getting fucked up.

>very esoteric taste in music and still haven't been disappointed

your taste isn't as esoteric as you think then

flac -t