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Do what? Bin chips? Everyone has been doing that for the last 30 years

do what?
make useless shit for gaymer laptops?

Now you know where the GP104 stock went

>3 threads already

except AMD

there is literally 0 laptops with AMD GPUs

based nVidia, simply the best

Binning is not exclusive to laptop chips you twat


holy fugg it's a desktop performance... notebookcheck already review it. 1080 desktop and laptop framerate different is only 1-2 fps on gaming.

It also has an hour of battery life.


Sure love melting my legs off.

Am I supposed to care about $1000+ gaming laptops? With Thunderbolt being integrated into USB C and good GPU enclosures hitting the market, the high-end gaming laptop is going to quickly become irrelevant.

Laptops featuring the RX 460 interest me much more, as they won't cost three times as much as an equivalent desktop and won't chew through their battery in a matter of minutes.

Fuckin poor lol

What the fuck that looks like a converted bus hanging in the sky.

You can also just stream the games off your desktop PC. Steam has this feature built in.

Unless you are some sort of competitive CS:GO Fag or something the added latency isn't a factor. Especially if you are on your local network.

Dude this new 1080 and 1070 is close as dekstop gpu performance, maybe soon nvidia release 1050/1040 on laptop.


I understand that they perform well, but given the options going forward, I don't think it's good value. If I'm buying a laptop, my first concern is portability. The cooling system and extra battery size for something like a 1070 or 1080 is going to necessitate the laptop being a fucking behemoth. If I'm to spend the 2000+ asking price that we'll inevitably see for a laptop with a 1080, why wouldn't I instead buy a nice $1000 laptop that's small, portable, and nice looking (read: not a gaymur edition eyesore), along with a GPU enclosure and a decent GPU? With that combination, the laptop retains the qualities that I value in a laptop, AND I can play games on it if I want to.

Razer's Core is just the first enclosure that we've seen. The reason we're only seeing them now is that there wasn't an interface good enough for eGPU until now. Thunderbolt is now matured enough to carry eGPU and USB C integration ensures Thunderbolt will be included on almost all premium laptops going forward. You can bet your ass that we're going to see more eGPU enclosures pop up over the next few years, and some will be better than the Core and the prices will certainly drop. $500 for a Razer Core is simply the "we did it first" price.

>If I'm buying a laptop, my first concern is portability.

and there's people who don't give a shit and are willing to pay thousands for a desktop replacement

manufacturers go where the money is

>gaming laptop

Not an issue with Optimus, the GPU can be powered down.

Powering down the GPU doesn't make the cooler go away, nor does it change that the battery has to have increased capacity to deal with the GPU. If you're saying that the GPU would only be powered on while plugged in, then we go back to the enclosure, which is a better option.

Depends on if it has G-Sync or not as I am pretty sure Optimus is removed with that.

Obviously, but I'm arguing based on the idea that someone who wants to play video games has already decided they want to buy a laptop.

You would probably need to disable Optimus switching to use G-Sync I'm sure. So you would probably have to reboot.