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Technology #561
What is your stance on piracy, Sup Forums?
TFW Amerifags pay a shit ton for internet and get fucked by ISPs
/PTG/ EMP Disables Invites edition
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
NVIDIA shows off Self-Driving Car technology
Anyone got links to the nsa tools that were leaked?
Is there a way to build an entire computer without using a screwdriver?
We are creating a free online magazin (planet-express...
Hey Sup Forumsuys
Which's the worst language?
Whats the best music player for windows?
/bst/ battlestation thread
Is it safe to run an R9 280X on <225W? Can it draw less than 225W with underclocking?
Dual-Boot, or Windows VM inside a Linux distro?
What does Sup Forums thinks about Android Blackberry?
Is he "our guy"?
Sup Forums Jobs thread
Office / task chairs
Speccy time!
Can I extend C into the unallocated? Do I just need a 3rd party software?
Why aren't you on Linux yet?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
You only need 8GB of ram
Learning C
It's habeebening :---DDDDD
/csg/ Chink Shit General
How do you make you're computer comfier?
Install windows
Sticker thread
GTX 1060 vs. RX 480?
Sup Forums, is Arch a meme? Ive used a ton of *buntus and have been using Fedora 24 these past few months...
Intel (ME) Management Engine
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Due to recent events, I have approximately $2000 to spend on a new gaming machine...
Gtx 1080
Whatever happened to this massive flop?
Hey Sup Forums, I'm a new Windows-to-Linux convert. Anything I should know as I start this journey?
How come people complain about having to use the keyboard in vim when you can just enable the mouse and act as dumb as...
I heard that there are no mods on Sup Forums
The best NAS distro?
Email Clients
What was your first memepho- I mean smartphone, Sup Forums?
Cheap programming books
I heard when you "turn off" a computer it's still running, and you have to unplug it to turn it off
How is it?
Running your own chan
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Tomato vs DD-WRT
Be me
Do you shave?
Servers / VPS
What is Snowden's hacking power level?
/music players thread
Ylyl tech thread?
Installed Manjaro for the first time
Text Editor of choice?
Given our current understanding of physics, what is our best chance at FTL?
Whatever happened to this?
Well. Sup Forums?
Why is ignorance of other operating systems considered a badge of honour on Sup Forums?
Will posting ever become available?
His Sup Forums Im a noob at tech stuff I just need a strong laptop £200 and under for my college shit any...
How do I rice?
Do websites use scripts which allow administrators to reveal users' passwords when they log in?
Pcbuild thread
There are people on Sup Forums right now who don't have a Mac or Hackintosh
Let's talk self driving cars
E.A.S. Anti-theft systems jamming
Wasting your money on useless tech instead of saving it to pay your house/apartment
Should I learn GPU programming? If so, CUDA or OpenCL?
That time of the year again, I am bored, friendless and want to fill the void by buying something
Why did Windows Phone fail? Is there room for a third phone OS?
I bought Asus laptop, because it had good parameters for its price
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Fuck you Filezilla and your sponsored updates
/spg/ Smartphone General
Is 3GB enough for 1080p gaming?
Why is SD card support so poor and limited in android 5...
Powershell on Linux
Does anyone actually do these tests in strongly typed languages?
Is this duck safe
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/retro/ - retro, vintage, old computer
Can you find the brand of these monitors?
He bought into the firefox meme
How to make wingdong 10 as less botnet as possible?
What does Sup Forums think of putting an EVGA GTX 1060 6 GB SC in this setup...
Every single operating system today is fucked
Which one vir/g/ins?
Are password managers worth using?
Unigine Valley Benchmark
Do people actually use this or is it just a meme?
Favorite Linux programs, commands, or pranks?
Looking for new headphones
I didn't fall for it
/mpv/ - the Sup Forums media player
SQT - stupid questions thread
Hey Sup Forums is there a way to stop windows 10 automatic updates?
Android apps recommendation
Live or die?
Literally, best OS ever made, how can loonix even compete?
Thoughts on Vivaldi?
What would consumer electronics be like if everyone was as informed as you?
Windows 10 Loses Marketshare in US
Why does it keep happening
Opera seems like a really comfy browser
Does Sup Forums store it's files in the cloud?
LAMO some one is trying to bruteforce my twitter
VHS Tapes are on Magnetic Tape right? Does that mean they're all just going to fail one day?
Music Streaming
Sup Forums humor
Do you suffer from brand loyalty?
Just finished the build and I'm having an issue
How do you clean you're computer?
Post your desktop
He fell for the "midrange GPU" meme because he really thought a GTX 960 was enough due to his poverty
I work at research and I need to read tons of PDF, my laptop doens't help me and it's a bit distracting...
It's the weekend, what are you doing besides sitting in front of the monitor?
Favorite IDE
Shills general
Is browsing the internet on a phone the most insufferable experience since video ads?
Sup Forums Cringe thread
Java hate thread
/guts/ thread
Hi Sup Forums, I'm about to move into a new flat and I've got a fairly large sum on money to work with...
What are the best current android apps? Is there an updated Sup Forums list?
What cube do you have, user?
Wired claims that programmers will soon become redundant as a result of Deep Learning algorithms
Job thread?
The dream is over
Sup Forums OS thread
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What's the best all around aptop in the $1000 range?
He fell for the "midrange GPU" meme because he really thought a GTX 960 was enough due to his poverty
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
/csg/ Chink Shit General
User what are you listening to
Airlander 10 Hybrid Airship First Flight
Hi Sup Forumsuys
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Just started using Moebuntu
Tech gore thread
I resisted KDE for years because of the 'it's too bloated' meme...
Why aren't you finding exploits in botnet CPanels and stealing all their bots and logs to get rich as fuck?
Buy an android phone in 2016
Remove Icloud account
All I want from an editor is that it detects which language I'm using and
How to become hacker i have always wondered and i think somebody could teach
What are some lightweight browsers that work well on 32-bit Windows XP?
Got contacted by my ISP for torrenting. Have to pay 1400€. What to do Sup Forums?
If loonix is so good for programmers, how come the best IDE ever made is Windows only?
How can I bypass a WinRAR file password?
/wt/ watch thread
New challenge thread rolling
/retro/ - retro, vintage, old computers
Why can't Lenovo/Motorola make a ThinkPhone, a smartphone with ThinkPad aesthetics?
BSD And Other Things
Current year
I have att uverse. is it possible to disconnect one of my tv's through logging into the modem...
Micosoft taking away Windows Update control in October
For Win10 users, what do you prefer, Classic Shell or Start10?
Has another app went from being pretty successful to completely (and willingly) destroying itself for absolutely no...
Did anyone else have problems with pulseaudio?
How do I into programming, Sup Forums?
Microsoft Edge leaks your Microsoft account email and password!
Locked out of Moto X
Going back to college
/sqt/ Stupid Question Thread
Prove to me why Visual Studio isn't the most clusterfucked...
Rate Your ISP and post your
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What graphics card should i get my budget is around 250-300 dont worry about power or processors or anything i already...
4chanOS General
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Apple users
Will Chrome become the new IE everyone hates?
I like the Moz://a
Sticker bread
Normies are starting to use linux omg
In my laptop, these mini heat sinks are attached to my CPU...
Be grill
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
So I finally ditched Gmail for email, but what do I use for calendar and tasks?
Golang thread
Why Amd should live on
Is 1440p worth it or is it just a meme?
He's scared of learning a terminal because it's "too hard" or "shouldn't be needed"
/hsg/ - homescreens
How many years until human drivers are made illegal?
Could we have a discussion about motherboard brands and your experience?
High tech low life is cyberpunk, but what is low tech low life?
Small Questions Thread
Gaming computer
What's the most American piece of technology Sup Forums?
Fellow Indianbros, how are you preparing for GATE?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Securely erase an SSD?
Which one would you buy, Sup Forums?
What's the best image viewer thing?
Who else Note 7 here?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Fuck this fat cunt
What language is best to get myself an internship at Microsoft
So Sup Forums
Sup Forums Win95 CSS Style
Can I please see your laptops ?
Any Linux users here?
Anyone knows any decent PSU with 12+ sata connectors? No...
ITT: Rich people of Sup Forums, prove yourselves
/bst/ - battlestation thread
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Foobar2000 1.3.11 is out - aka the undeniably best music player and official player of Sup Forums
Today I was arguing with my friend about the MacBook...
Reminder that there is literally no reason to use VLC
Thinking about getting SLI 480 Nitro+ (8GB+8GB) to replace my dusty SSC 970...
Did some research, is this correct?
What the fucking fuck is this piece of shit "code"?
Why is gentoo is not on fsf list
Oldest threads by board
Which speakers does Sup Forums recommend? I'm looking for $200 monitors tops
Surface area of a tiny flash drive: 1.61cm*0.86cm = 1.38cm^2
Where do you buy your electronics?
GTX 1060m is more powerful than a PS4 Neo as Pascal technology enables laptop GPUs now be on par with their desktop...
Should I be using CCleaner?
PIN and chip credit cards
Linux is unusable as a desktop OS
Ok, I fucked up, I went to a porn site and I disabled adblocker, now when I turn on my pc, this happens...
He doesn't know the difference between GB and GiB
GPU Thread
Is HDR(high dynamic range) a meme?
256-bit systems WHEN!??!
Is there any good software for developing Javascript Software?
How much of this show is true? Do you watch it...
Internet shuts off
Firefox replacement
Femanon here
Gtx 560 ti msrp $249
My intents are pure, I am working on an art film
I wanted to write to my personal blog for a moment and say how impressed I am with ubuntu
Python Comments Suck
This handsome sunnuva'bitch walks into your home and installs Windows 10 Anniversary Edition on your computer
What do you keep on your portable storage?
The greatest distro ever
How to show yourself IPS is better
Why isn't OpenSUSE more popular?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
I was browsing Sup Forums when one of those threads that's really just a bot came up...
Is this normal?
IIT; You have $800 to make the best gaming PC you can, What do you buy?
How many of you can get away with this
My friend is willing to sell me a brand new 970 for 200$. is that worth it?
How can I download torrents without getting rekt?
Can half of Sup Forums even into programming?
Is this a good laptop?
When i google "buy windows 10 oem pro key" I get tons of sponsored and top first page results selling keys for under 30...
How bad does it hurt tech bloggers to admit Note7 is the best phone ever built?
Sticker thread
How do you pronounce ASCII?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/sqt/ Stupid Question Thread
Which iPhone currently offers the best bang for the buck?
Why don't they sell parts to put together laptops like they do desktops? It can't be that complicated...
What's the best antivirus software under $114?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Has anyone here tried Ubuntu touch?
Why games at linux runs slower that in Windows?
Anybody know a cheap china mic that's not total garbage? ie i dont need to boost 30 db to use
Windows 98
Sup Forums-chan, daisuki~
Linux sucks
New Apple Announcement Tonight
The cringe
Ok guys, I recently had the desire to switch to Linux and made the jump...
Did you ever lose a gf because of tech shit ?
Question time
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Nothing to hide mothing to fear
Mfw am an AMD fan
Should I even bother with privacy if I'm not into cp, furry or trap?
Let's see what Sup Forums names their wifi routers
See Sup Forums is all hyped about the new 480
Do you tape over the brand name on your laptop?
Tfw only bought 5000 stocks of amd back when they were only $1.90
Should I ditch gaming for good?
What CAN'T an iPhone do that an Android can?
Itt good Indian software
"""universal""" serial bus
BSD And Other Things
Is this worth it?
How do i unlock lain mode Sup Forums?
Are hdds/ssds in the 2.5"/3.5" form factors deprecated...
GPU Passthrough
Free Software
Is Zen going to be locked to Win10 just like Kaby Lake?
Can Sup Forums code basic problems?
Should i be worried
Had a chance to try a 144hz screen everybody keeps hyping around
Buy extremely expensive $10 earphones
Powerbank experience & recommendations
In several circles I'm involved, we've stopped using the word “gender” when discussing clothes...
Wtf facebook? Are they blatantly censoring comments now???
There is nothing wrong with systemD
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Headphones + mic for gaming?
Tfw everytime I receive newly bought product I feel fucking empty inside
Hey Sup Forums. I secretly installed a Raspberry Pi as a server in my mothers house...
Gaymen keyboard: $100
What is the fastest Android phone with the purest Android experience and long-term support (not getting discontinued...
How would you deal with this situation, Sup Forums?
What would the world be like if computers were outlawed?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Any of you favela bois use a Mac mini?
"Firefox is shit !"
Playing with a Network
Yeah I vape, don't freak out about it bro
Has Sup Forums been breached?
GUI Application?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Terminal thread general
Explain this
Linux for the Desktop General
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Why is Apple so amazing?
MFW your children will never have to work a day in their lives because of automation
Why does my Steam gaming performance on Linux suck so much...
Sup Sup Forums
OS X looks so fucking good holy shit other OSs are you even trying?
People still don't seem to realize that trying to hide makes them more visible in peoples' eyes
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
I need a new Dac for my m3-6
Top Tier Mouse
Hat advice
Reaching near your wallet to pay at the store
How do i ddos my professor's website on ubuntu...
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Why should I waste time on developing desktop applications when i can target a much bigger amount of people by writing...
Font rendering thread!
/retro/ - retro, vintage, old computer
Mini-ITX LGA 1155
Will we ever truly solve the solve the problem/stem the flow of android fragmetation?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
What does Sup Forums use to protect there computers?
He fell for the "mid-range card" meme
Microsoft Edge
Dumbphone thread
Is this really that secure, or is it just not popular enough for anyone to bother hacking it?
Why is CS so hard? I honestly can't comprehend anything past programming itself
Why is Sup Forums fuckin terrible
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
Ignoring all the AMD vs Intel buttmad wars
Hot chick moves in to an apartment next to mine (ok 5.8/10, but that is hot to me)
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Robotic Caterpillars
Lets make the best software license ever
What is this? It's all over my laptop stand...
ITT: The scummiest companies
Speed test thread
Latest android, high end device (samsung s7 edge)
Does Sup Forums smokes marijewana?
How to be a MILF magnet
Is the unreal engine made for fgts which can't program?
Is it true that Intel is 5 years ahead of AMD?
ITT: Red flags that a piece of software will be shit
How can you find good laptops to buy online? I’ve read the Laptop Buying Guide on the Wiki...
Our modern computing power is vastly insufficient to model biological complexity...
Help a bro out
Hey Sup Forums, I bought this graphics card about a week ago. I know it's nothing great...
I just wanted a free goddamn email
In a few years time, ad blockers will be illegal. you know this to be true
Why is ublock no longer blocking ads? is it only me or what?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Limits on unlimited data
Your current phone
The neet life fucking rocks. Who else /neet/
El Capitan
Are computer glasses a meme?
/wt/ watch thread
Deleted my Facebook and other social media outlets what's my next step Sup Forums????
Saw a thread about a less popular distro last week
What's the best way to arrange your pockets, Sup Forums?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Show me a lighter desktop
All major browsers and OSes support HMTL5 DRM, what's next for ads?
Let's see what everyone's bookmarks toolbar looks like (if you use it). No cleaning it up beforehand
What will finally replace JPEGs on the Web?
How do I get Crystal Disk Info without all the weeb shit?
Is VIM a meme?
D-D-D-DAISUKI Sup Forums-CHAN!!!!!!!!!!!
This is where Logitech fucked up hard!!! I don't understand for the life of me why they wouldn't just use 2 large pads...
I'm looking for a compact smartphone. It should be around 4" - 4.7" and cost about 300-400€. Thanks!
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Are my specs shit?
Could a new Internet be created?
Hey Sup Forums
This thing
Oh hey bro you mind if we sit... OOHHHHHhhhh FUCK DUDE! Is that a fucking T460?! No way...
Wtf I hate Stallman now
Hey guise, what do you think of this specs
Android Root Thread
Hey guys are these good specs
He uses a 4-year-old, outdated kernel because he is too stupid to upgrade
Sony hacked again
What's the best torrent client?
So is fx8350 8 core, 4 core 8 thread, or 4 cores?
Without using "ethics" as a last ditch effort to sway me, convince me to switch to a non-windows OS
Do you have good posture Sup Forums-chan?
Bought a macbook today
Tfw no NCIX gf
Never stop learning Sup Forums
A Sup Forumsenie appears:
Where do I get a job?
Recommended Linux Distros
No Man's Sky BTFO'd
Best. Desk. Ever
ITT: Post your order history
What went wrong?
Wahhhhhhhhhhhh why are people allowed to express their Non-PC opinions on the internet...
Find a flaw
How does one zoom in on a VM in VMWare? I know with virt-manager on Linsux I could easily scale a VM up or down
I'm in the metro, ask me anything
Zen Performance Demo vs Intel’s $1000 Broadwell-E i7 6900X
Why the FUCK Jew-tel does this? If you want to make a GPU, make a GPU. If you want to make a CPU, make a CPU. Not both...
Dubs decide computer name
I sent a six-month-old laptop off to Dell for repair after the keyboard stopped working...
Tech illiterate people stories thread
Which 1
Breakthrough MIT discovery doubles lithium-ion battery capacity
Is there anything this language can't do?
Who /nano/ here?
NSA Hacking Tools Equation Group Auction Uncrypted
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Wired endorses Hillary Rodham Clinton for president
How to hack wifi networks with GPU
Alright anons, let's settle this once and for all
How does it feel to know that this is the future of computing?
Systemd's grasp is already too strong
ITT: memes
How does this make you feel, fellow Lincuck friends
/guts/ for the Mini ITX master race
What do you use for load balancing? Dicks out for haproxy
Fuck ads
Homescreen Thread
Feels good, man
Intel sockets
Got thinkpad
Intel making ARM chips!
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What does Sup Forums think of it?
$199 Nvidia 1060 3GB launched today
/retro/ - retro, vintage, old computers
Install Ubuntu
Perfect sensor
Is Type C USB the future for smartphones?
Guy confesses to murder
I'm looking for a router. i'm don't know what to look for hat spech is important what is not...
/pcbg/ PC Building General
Power shell now open source
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Call for a Mozilla boycott
PowerShell open-sourced, ported to Linux
Ubuntu winning again
What is better for carpal tunnel (and other wrist-related injuries) prevention? Trackpoint, touchpad, trackball...
Has there ever been, is there now, or will there ever be another operating system more perfect than Windows 7?
There are people on Sup Forums that doesn't sit in a Herman Miller ®©â„—™ Embody ®©â„—™ chair
I live in a CIA prison. A nigger runs my prison. In prison, the nigger tries
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Old thread: >>56119618
Where were you when AMD just BTFO out if Intel?
AMD says Zen CPU will outperform Intel Broadwell-E, delays release to 2017
Raspberey Pi Project Ideas
T-Mobile Un-Carrier 12
Shitposting laptop
AMD Zen Microarchitecture: Dual Schedulers, Micro-Op Cache and Memory Hierarchy Revealed
"people" who pretend to listen to music and charge their phone at the exact same time
Foobar rice
/csg/ Chink Shit General
ITT: Surprisingly reliable products
So, have any of you heard of an operating system called TempleOS?
What is Sup Forums's thoughts on Best Buy's greatest commercial that BTFOs weebs?
There are people on Sup Forums who don't use fingertip grip
Finally made the switch from windows to linux
Can we have job related thread?
He bought a 1440p screen
Defend this samsung
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Hey I am fed up with windows and I am planning to switch to linux...
Have you ever had a girlfriend? Recently my productivity in my studies and part time work fell...
Tfw fell for the cast iron meme
Thin, light
What the fuck happened to HBM2?
Best distro without systemd?
Is it autistic to put a sticker on a laptop?
How hard is it to learn loonix to the point where you are proficient in a terminal and can do all sorts of neworking...
Sup Forums humor
GPS tracking
Is he "our guy"?
What's the best 1070 variation out right now Sup Forums?
Real Unix (especially BSD) is super fun
Discuss and post cute mini laptops/netbooks
An IBM spokesman talked about the internet of things at my uni today
Why didn't we get the fantastic future we were promised?
>BST - HermanMemeEdition<
Is it the year of the Linux desktop yet, Sup Forums ?
What the fuck is going on?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Post your Desktop
Is rx460 with i3 skylake(with hypertreading) enough for 1080p med-high 50fps dx12 gaming?
Program Cancels It's Own Uninstallation
Internal 5.25" card reader
Why is Sup Forums on my newspapers?
Guess the language
Do you run a YouTube channel? Do you live off the money? How long did it take to get to a point that you could?
Kobo releases 7.8" e-ink reader
Let's have a calculator thread!
Who is this? Sauce to video?
How does Apple maintain such a cancerous shit GUI from the 1990's across two different platforms...
/wt/ watch thread
Why is caps lock a thing? Why is there no caps lock lock key?
How the fuck do you organize your shit, Sup Forums?
What are the odds that Apple actually makes this year's MBP worth a purchase?
Why's this browser so fucking garbage
Is 144HZ worth it?
Is information the most valuable asset humans possess?
Sup Forums-chan, daisuki~
Thoughts on this
Is it dead?
Why does Sup Forums hate apple and apple products so much?
What power bank do you have, and do you reccomend it?
I love Gentoo!
Ayy lmao
What do you visit thriftshops for?
Current year
MAKI! Shes our queen and I love her! If you don't worship maki as the true technology queen, you're a newfag
Sup Forums is a joke
Sup Forums's general consensus on Windows 8.1?
Asshole friend told me to fix his laptop, what should i do to fuck with him
Just got a call for an interview with Best Buy
Do not trust Sup Forums advice
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Have you actually used Test Disk to recover deleted files?
"Hey user, Mom says you have to let me use your computer."
What's wrong with systemd Sup Forums?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Can Rust replace the C programming language for things like kernels, microcontroller etc.?
Why isn't this you laptop, Sup Forums?
Put computer together
Is building a PC worth it anymore? Or should I just get a premade?
Speccy thread
/jag/ - Jordan Appreciation General
7-Zip Benchmark
Ok.. torrentz is dead,, kickass is dead.. I need alternatives. Anyone able to help?
Hi, I am the Xiaomi notebook air shill from yesterday...
Getting caught stealing a .pdf worth $ directly from its publisher?
This will likely be the next logo of Mozilla
PC won't power up with graphics card plugged in
Is this the only rx480 custom model worth considering ?
What do you even use Linux for?
Decent hacker forums
Should I buy a laptop with AMD processor? Is it much worse than intel?
Name good alternatives to the google search engine, in terms of
Is it worth it to have a Facebook? I got rid of mine ages ago and to be honest I've become very isolated...
What's the reason for any phone I touch losing signal until I place it back down again?
Sup Forums Youtube Channels
Hi Sup Forums, so I used i3-gaps recently and I really enjoy it. I truly can't go back to Windows UX...
BSD And Other Things
What torrent client does Sup Forums use?
Asus PG279Q Weird line, pixels appear lighter?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Saw this and thought you guys would like it
Can we finally put the "Linux is not a meme OS" meme to rest?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How does microsoft earn money?
What modern technologies would be like if Bill Gates wasn't born at all?
Shit you just bought thread
I need to use non-free javascript to post on Sup Forums
This always bugged me
Just asked a friend who has a masters degree in programming if he could teach me a language over skype
The Windows 10 free upgrade offer has ended
"Memory booster" brain implants finally a reality
Just bought pic related, have I been memed Sup Forums?
Homescreen thread #37374742828
He went to college to study "computer science"
What editing software do you use, Sup Forums?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Pi ideas
Why aren't you using the world's most advanced operating system?
Tfw your shaver runs proprietary code
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Someone asks for a gaming laptop for college
MSRP: $379
Redpill me on Macs, Sup Forums
First smartphone
Pic unrelated, I have a Windows 10 laptop, and when I hover over my wifi signal it says "unidentified network...
Chinese VR headsets
I need a new bluetooth speaker for work (indoors). I don't have a budget restriction but I still shop for value...
When was the last time you pirated software?
Mozilla is out there to defend the interests of corporations, not users
Why do normies laugh about old hardware?
What's a comfy tech related job? Network/Server Admin? Programmer maybe?
Re-flashed my rom
Thoughts on Nvidia's fast sync?
Are the Yik Yak devs playing 4D Chess or are they just purposefully trying to torpedo their app?
Sup Forums will discuss this
What do you homies think of da note 7 ? shit looks bala with the hdr dislpay and quad hd resolution...
Come at me
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Please, Apple, don't fuck this shit up in September
/sqt/ ~ Stupid Questions Thread
RAM General Thread - Best RAM Edition
Years a programmer
Daily reminder that if you use Google and your activity settings don't look like pic related, your privacy is fucked
The Superbook is a shell that turns your Android smartphone into a complete laptop
Windows Hate Thread
My code isn't doing what I want it to. It runs through the code twice for some reason. What do?
You should be able to solve this
ITT post tech shit you wish they still made
Where were you when Intel saved VR?
Is Asus VG248QE 144hz really that bad? I just want a decent monitor for 250 euros, help me out Sup Forums
Which mouse is better for a fps
/hpg/ - headphone general
More retarded fanboy shit like this?
Yes, we know everything already is from China but in here we discuss the no/low-name cheap shit you see on Gearbest...
Should i buy this Sup Forums
Buy iPad Pro
Can you draw a digit that humans recognize but computers don't?
Rate NSA's file structure
Fucking hell when do we get "cheap" 1tb (or even 512gb) SSDs?
Official retro Sup Forums thread
Xp is just a fond memory now
Cheap as fuck processor for Gaming
What are some good books about hacking?
What's wrong with Apple?
Is AMD truly finished this time?
So? The only thing this changes is that reference cards can't display the PCI-E logo...
Why the fuck can't you save virtual desktops in Windows 10? I dont want to start 50 programs manually
What are the very first programs you install after a fresh Windows, MacOS, or Linux install?
Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with botnets and privacy?
Watching occulus rift giant bomb 10 hour special
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
I know this is said a lot as a troll question but I'm legitimately wondering -- is there anyway I can run Linux and...
AMD Phenom Support:: Thousands of lines of assembly have been rewritten to support AMD CPUs...
Post screenshots of your music players, Sup Forums
Why are gaming motherboards so gaudy and cringey?
Why does cs need advanced mathematics?
I want to record everything that happens between this chick I'm fucking and I. She comes over often
Best free Antivirus?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
What is the best steel currently available for knives, chisels, and other bladed cutting tools?
Name a better laptop
Are we close to building the first artificial consciousness?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Homescreen thread?? Didn't see one, so post em and rate em!
Retard here
/mouse/ - Mouse General
Why do businesses still rely on Windows XP? Is it even supported still for business customers...
Tfw too poor to afford a fast computer
Should the Atom line be terminated? I've owned two machines (one with an Atom N470 and the other with an N450)...
Sup Forums confession thread
Desktop thread
Be me
So what the fuck are we supposed to do now?
NSA current capability
Hold phone
Best Language For Game Development?
If I gave you ten of these to do with as you wanted, except sell them, what would you do?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
If one were to learn and eventually get involved in the pentesting field, is this the go to OS?
Sup Forums-chan, daisuki~
What do you Sup Forumsentlemen use to sync your passwords across all devices?
Post local tech shop websites
Why do "gaming PC's" (custom and prebuilt) look so autistic?
Sup Forums is it worth deleting facebook? Like how would i remain in contact with people...
What's this open box theme Sup Forums?
Find this shit sitting in my closet
Cases we want / cases we have. I'm not entirely sure if this is even a real case
Ohayou, Sup Forums!
Which would you rather?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Not even 7 or 8.1 will be safe anymore
Guys I think I might need some serious help...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
You've been tasked with making a webapp. Post your preferred stack (Full) that you will use to do so
Explain this
/wt/ watch thread
SLI soundcards?
Why didn't you drop out of high school at age 15 to found a hot SV start-up and become a billionaire, user?
Razer Deathadder
More and more jobs will only take applications through Linkedin or even worse Facebook
How can Raspberry Pi even compete?
What kind of recording setup do you use Sup Forums?
Windows 7 Fresh Install
What router do you guys use?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Where do you hide your porn Sup Forums?
Who here hyped for Kaby Lake?
Okay Sup Forums let's be real for a second
Airflow question
Today i tried pic related for the very First time
/sqt/ ~ Stupid Questions Thread
"So grandpa, what was life like back when people used to manually drive cars and the cars would exhaust smoke?"
Why do you guys hate him?
Which distro do Sup Forumsentooman use?
OS X really is the best OS around and Macs are the best computers
Hello guys so I decided I don't want to get tracked by windows (the vision of sensitive info being sold to third party...
Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 are all getting forced spyware
What are the big energy burners in your house, Sup Forums?
Someone on Sup Forums knew I use an ipad however I did not tell them. I am new to this website and this worries me...
What operating system(s) are you currently using?
You have been visited by Mad Mod Mike of the PC mustard race
Intel will allow ARM chipmakers to use its 10nm manufacturing process
How is it acceptable for a major banking company like PayPal to limit their password length to 20 characters...
FX4350 w/ MSI GTX 970
Which 1 is better
BSD and other things
What is the best/most efficient way to browse Sup Forums?
BSD And Other Things
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Do solar powered laptops exist?
Is there any other choice?
Ask a guy who's running an insider build of FuchsiaOS anything!
Bash blob
32gb ram is less than 150$ these days
Chinks won this time. Nobody can beat this thin, lightweight performance monste for $500
Sup Forums
Poll! Best video player for anime/films 2016
(case) Fan-thread
Alternative is now !
Share Logitech receivers?
/edc/ every day carry
Archfags BTFO
One reason to use linux over windows?
Linux bug leaves 1.4 billion Android users vulnerable to hijacking attacks
Seriously guys how do we fix the programming community?
I write all my passwords into a 128bit AES encrypted file (GPG)...
If the goverment wants to spy on you doesnt matter how leet linux distro or android rom you use they will do it anways
Which OS for IBM Thinkpad T22?
Has programming improved over the years?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
UEFI is a fucking cancer
Install Windows 10
If you use an IDE you don't really know how to code and don't deserve to call your self a programmer
What the fuck do you do with all your flash drives, Sup Forums?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...