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Sup Sup Forums
I need to make a video file larger,
I have a 360 MB video file and I need it to be between 2 to 5 GB, anyone knows how?

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Put the video into windows movie maker and copy and paste it ten times next to each other then save the video

Encode it differently, choose something less efficient. Or just make it raw

Convert to a lossless format using ffmpeg.

Now tell us why the fuck you'd want this.

dd if=/dev/zero of=movie.avi bs=1M count=40960 conv=noerror,sync

I encode it in AVI resulting a 30gb file, but it has to be in .mov or .mp4, (requirements of a film distribution company)

Probably for making fake torrents.

You can use the command dd

dd if=YOUR_MOVIE of=/dev/disk1

c'mon Sup Forumsuys

tell me what it's for and I'll help you out

Just give it an outrageous bitrate with FFMPEG. Like 5000kb/s or some shit.

just do something like
ffmpeg -i movie.avi -b:v 5000k -b:a 320k movie.mp4
Now tell us why the fuck you're selling a movie to a film distribution company and made it 360MB? Is it like 20 minutes long or are you used to the good old days of RMVB?

>outrageous bitrate

You don't really need much more than 2000kb/s with a 1080p screen that's smaller than 50". It's another thing if the nigger's gonna be screening in a cinema.

Enjoy your bitrate-starved eye cancer

Why do you need it to be so big


I put this command with as much as zeros as possible and the biggest file is 761mb, is there another way?

the placebo is real

What's the purpose for you wanting to do this?

I gotta make all this imitation crab meat I got stuck with look good.

You should learn more about codecs and bitrates

Does converting lossy to lossless actually do anything?

Yeah, it makes unnecessarily large filesizes.

Yes, it coverts lossy to lossless.

Answer my question before I tell you.

How about you don't make fake torrents.

Why not re-encode using something like lagarith?

yes, check ffmpeg documentation for how to turn up quality

Add padding to the start of the file, garbage is ok.

I rendered it for a festival in h264, and I also have it on mpeg (1.74gb) it's only 4min long.

waiting for the answer m8