Fuck this fat cunt

Fuck this fat cunt
He is literally Leafy of youtube """""""tech"""""""

He doesn't even review tech, he just makes click bait videos of some of the dumbest shit. I wouldn't be surprised if hus fan base only consisted of 12 year olds that post “dank memes“ on Instagram and think 9/11 is the funniest shit out there

Why has no one called this cunt out on his bullshit

Oh, and terrible tech YouTube thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Youtube was a mistake. It's a literal cancer on the internet. I can't wait till kys is on the filter list.

I feel that way about every Youtube review and have no respect for your opinions.

This, same with tripfags

Who are you replying to?

Who is leafy

Do not like it? Do not watch it. And do not draw attention to it, because that is how it grows: I went to his channel, and watch a couple of videos, because you made this thread. If you had not, I would have no incentive to watch his stuff.

Salam brother-of-peace, and may Allah show you the light of Ramadan.

>I don't like X
>so I'm going to do free advertising for X on Sup Forums!

Fuck off you AMDtart. Take your terrorism elsewhere

If it is this guy, then it is something worse than cancerAIDS.

Thats truly horrifying.

Anyway NVIDIA is much better than AMD. Who would buy a card from a dead company?

You are supposed to kill me or hide the fact that you are a terrorist, trolling with Ramadan is for after you subjugate and convert.

Looks like most other average youtuber retards. In fact youtube is encouraging making titles and previews as retarded as possible:

I can feel my brain cells dying reading those titles; is this really what youngsters watch nowadays?

>Th !e.FaLconO6
Muslim terrorist, supports an Islamic terrorist organization (AMD). Probably doesnt poo in the loo,

>愛してるさわこ !BE/4wes0mE
Honorary Aryan, supports Team NVIDIA.

Its kinda hard not to notice it when it's on your fucking recommended list even though I stay away from his videos

I've seen his videos and i still don't get why anyone would watch that shit. Do i have to be 12 to understand?

>Honorary Aryan
This just means you get gassed last.

Why are you even looking at what youtube recommends? Their recommendations are literally trash now. Only use the subscriptions page.

As I juggle my scimitars and turbans in a threatening manner, I will contemplate your advice. Salam, brother-of-peace, and may Allah let your beard grow as wildly as my own.

Several million views, per vid. This is our world now.

YouTube has a huge tumor, it has taken over its body

Cancer thread?

You know, world war 3 sounds like a great idea now.

Ive changed my mind I hope Islam wins to take care of this.

When you watch it, Youtube will show you more of the same. So watch what you like, and Youtube will slowly start recommending stuff that you like.

I puked a little

I just ate a bacon sandwich with my left hand, its too late you must jihad.

I still dont get how the fuck he became so famous in this little time

Remember when it took too much effort for normies to use the internet and the world wide web?

I miss those days.

I will create 5 halal Muslim babies with my wives (note the plural?) tonight, to compensate for your actions.

The huge asshats who all the 'tards follow mentioned him at some point.

>halal babes

Sounds delicious.

9/11 itself is funny because it came to light from multible sources, that it is planned by the US itself.
The deaths aren't funny.
>muh "terrorists"

Deaths can be funny when dark humor is done right. Yes, 9/11 is one of those subjects where there is a thin line between trying too hard to be edgy/provocative and honestly funny, but it's possible to make it funny.

So there are literally millions of genuine idiots who made this guy famous.

And when one guy gets famous, a spawn of hundreds of copycats will follow.

I disabled the watch history and the search history and it still shows me DIY garbage and tech clickbait shit, the homepage is a fucking joke now, I only use the subscriptions page.

Java, C#, ASM

True. Tough in case of 9/11 it's very tragic what happened to the people. I wouldn't make fun of anyone falling/burning to death there. That'd cross the line.

Thank you for your absolutely based website man.

I will tempt them with music, grain alcohol, and pepperoni sticks.

This. ISIS got the right idea after all. The west must burn. Import more mudslimes now! Islam will make it legal to fuck lolis.

Islam won't make anime real, donald trump is already working hard to make our waifus real.

Donald trump is a gay

God already made anime real

thanks for reminding me to filter you. sucks forgetting to export Sup Forums x settings