Sup Forums

Sup Forums,

some faggot is stealing shit off of porches in my apartment complex so I have an excellent idea for revenge if possible, hear me out

I have an older rooted S4. What I want to do is leave my phone out on my porch and let the fucker steal it. Here's where shit gets good: I want to be able to remotely overclock the cpu to the point that the phone becomes a fire hazard or the battery catches fire. Is this possible and, if so, how can I do this? I want this fucker to get 3rd degree burns on his leg and/or burn his house down.

Other urls found in this thread:

record video

call police

>better in every way

Why not just shoot him in the face

howabout this.
Use your rooted S4 as a camera, and call the police!.

>burn his house
That's also your house, senpai.

this. put the phone out and hide a camera somewhere... or if it's on your property fucking shoot the nigger.

no thanks i want him fucked

I have plenty of guns but I'd have to lure him into a break-in then it's prison for me. no thx

Watch me give a shit. I have full coverage renter's insurance

>no thanks i want him fucked
prison will do that plenty

Processors have protection against overheating nowadays. They will simply turn off.

Yes user, the phone will catch on fire and his house will burn down!
You're fucking stupid

Ok then senpai. Your thing is actually possible. Install a ssh+vnc server, configure your phone so it doesn't stop apps when locked (or disable audio and backlight (also possible to cut the voltage to screen but I've never been able to do that on my S3. Better luck?)). You'll also need a Wi-Fi close enough (possible via cellular too but much easier with Wi-Fi) After that, all yours.

Op is autistic and a little bitch

why don't you just enable tracking and call the police once you know where Jamal lives

Bear traps

Also, you do not need to waste that phone. Just make an (Arduino ?) circuit that shorts the battery when you remote activate it and make it fancy.

With cum?

You are American, right? Just shoot that nigger. Or alternatively replace the insides of the phone with explosives. He'll steal it thinking it's out of battery and keep it in his pocket when you blow it up

Maybe you'll have better luck with Sup Forums

i'm basically there, anyway, judging from this thread

Jesus user are you really this stupid?

The processor will shut itself down if it gets too hot, and even if it didn't it wouldn't be hot enough to make the battery explode

So you want to cause other people possibly very expensive problems if not an outright risk to their life by causing an apartment fire because you're autistic/obsessed enough to take revenge on some thieving prick instead of just getting the thief arrested? You're an even bigger prick than the thief. You have absolutely no moral high ground whatsoever if you do something like this. You could even get some innocent kid killed because of your stupid games and lack of brains to see the possible consequences of your actions affecting people other than the thief. You're scum wrapped in cancer tbqh. Kill yourself. Seriously.


>said the dishonorable plebeian
Why don't you want to personally destroy your enemies, user? I bet you've never even challenged anyone to a rapier duel.

faggot detected

>from a 12-year old's point of view, being an adult is faggotry

>Ship USPS First Class package to yourself for $2.45.
>Set up video camera.
>Record faggot stealing your package.
>Call USPIS, report mail theft.
>Laugh as feds catch fag red handed, and he goes to prison for felony mail theft.

What is a porch

a song


>burning your own apartment complex down
>baiting the guy with trackable device and getting him arrested

and consider that someone other than him is going to take the phone and give it to a lost & found or something. doesn't solve the problem.

lots of eurocucks in this thread.

I live in Burgerland fag

>wow so morally superior
you seem better suited on the nu-male fest that is Tumblr.

the only expensive problem with OPs plan is he would burn a perfectly good phone. OP should just shoot him.

OP why not hire some pajeet and let him use your porch for a day or two then that thief will never dare come back.

Although you may have to spend little money on the clean up later.

Someone's been playing a little too much Watch_dogs

As soon as he approaches show up from nowhere and cum on him until he runs away


I'd rather be called cuck by an aggressive dumbass than be an aggressive dumbass

100% dont call police. Spycam.

Turn it into an IP camera, record video 24/7, when he steals it, you'll know.
Also, tracking software.
Stop being a faggot, OP.

Track the phone to where he lives.
Break into the house and steal everything.
Worst case if everything is already sold, just smash the place up.