Python Comments Suck

I really want to like Python, in fact, I like most of it, functionally. However there is one major drawback that causes persistent irritation for me.

There is no official multi line comment support, and using ''' ''' is just complete garbage. Furthermore, I really dislike using the octothorpe, #, as a comment. It's extremely disappointing in comparison to other alternatives, such as a basic /* Comment, can be multi line too */ or --[[ Wow look, they made a modification to the single line comment to make it multi line, and -- already looks so much better than #, --]]

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>There is no official multi line comment support
yes there is. it's documented here:
>using ''' ''' is just complete garbage
that's the official multiline comment support. i don't know how to help you with stuff that triggers you except to tell you to go see a therapist or something.

>furthermore, I really dislike using the octothorpe... it's extremely disappointing
it's an octothorpe. i don't think i've ever been more certain that you need therapy. it's an almost purely cosmetic choice.

if you wanted to bitch about binding time or typing or something about the design of the language itself, this would be an interesting conversation. but it sounds like you just don't like the look of some syntactic choices.

That's correct. I think it looks like shit. And you're wrong, that isn't multi line comment, it's a docstring. You discredited yourself, anyway.

That makes two problems. A hideous comment mechanism, and a lack of proper/ official multi line support.

Nobody, not even you read your shitty comments on your fizzbuzz implementation

I use single line comments on huge comment blocks JUST because of faggots like you

Samefag detected
Butthurt levels detected

Tomato, tomayto, it's fucking multi-line comments you fucking autist

>crying about unimportant shit
looks like you're the one who sucks

I don't think you understand. A tomato and an onion are not the same thing. Both are foods. Both can be used in cooking. Both can be consumed. Both are not tomatoes. Both are not onions.

Docstring implementations are not full fledged multi line comments. Only a literal moron would think so.

>pic related

want to try again?

the docstring is supposed to be made with multi line comments, made with the use of three quotation marks.

like i said, your bitching is very clearly superficial. if you had any opinion about the underlying design decisions of the language - something even marginally more substantive than which tokens are used for comments - then maybe this would be an interesting discussion. i've TA'd classes with first year undergrads who have had more insightful questions and critiques than this.

>writing comments
Shit coder detected.