Wired endorses Hillary Rodham Clinton for president


>When Trump beats up on Clinton for her misuse of a private email server as secretary of state—an egregious mistake that the head of the FBI called “extremely careless”—we hear him. But when Trump goes on to ask Russian hackers to continue their apparent assaults on an American election by finding more of Clinton’s emails, even as a wan joke, he takes the side of the arsonists while attacking his opponent for a fire code violation.

Sup Forums BTFO

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>Shilling for Hillary

CTR pays me by the hour :^)

>0.02$ has been deposited into your account.
>Thank you for correcting the record!

Russian hackers just have to be asked, gaping security holes are perfectly fine as long as you dont ask

Hillary is going to lose :)

I'm pretty fucking stupid but even I can tell these are cherry picked to further your agenda.

No matter. Trump is going to win. Hillary is hated more than Trump, only the useful morons believe the bought-off media saying otherwise. No wonder Trump will put a stop to them when the time comes. :)

Yeah I hope he wins, I'm still kind of pissed off about Hillary's approach to security.

Where have we heard this before? Oh wait.

>look at our voter turnout!
>rigged polls!
>feel the Bern xDD

Honestly? I think Trump is the only saving grace for America. I'm not from the U.S. but from outside looking in, Trump has been demonized relentlessly by the rotten media while Hillary has got off with bloody murder. It staggers me anyone could support that woman.

>open borders
>anti police
>muh diversity
>muh gender equality

holy shit how can anyone for this hag. America is fucked


>thinking the two scenarios are equivalent



Trump is a demagogue.

If you think Trump is in anyway fit to hold the highest political Office in the country, you're a cunt.

Now, fuck off back to Sup Forums

better a demagogue that a criminal.

kill yourself, shill.

>Bill passed the telecommunications act of 1996
>we go from 50 companies running the media down to 6 conglomerates
>the week the Lewinsky scandal broke, he bombed an aspirin factory in Afghanistan to keep it out of the news

You have been brainwashed. There's no point trying to convince the useful idiots such as yourself.

Oh, and I am staying right here. :)

>it's different this time, I swear!

Who gives a fuck? Wired is total shit, and this article proves it. This is obviously just a shitty cry for attention amongst the river of shit that Wired spews out daily, from personal blog entries by the editor to clickbait nonsense like "You Won't Believe What Facebook Is Giving Away for Free Now."

>butthurt bernie bum-chum detected.

I am glad your savior through in the towel just in time to let Hillary win. He had another house to buy after all with his socialism!

They're both awful. The next four years will be a shitshow either way.

>Trump is a demagogue

Even if that were true, so fucking what? Speaking the truth is considered demagoguery now? Yup, must be when around politically correct white-guilt morons or people of crap-color.

>Bill passed the telecommunications act of 1996
And that's a bad thing, why?

Seriously, you DRUMPFAGS are a fucking cancer, just accept that Drumpf is never, ever going to win. He can't win, the POLLS say so!

You drumpfags are pathetic wastes of space. Hillary Clinton supports net neutrality, and she opposes the TPP. She's definately a better choice than fucking DRUMPF

Go shill your meme candidate on Sup Forums where you belong, this board belongs to people who know what makes a TRUE leader


Hillary has no criminal convictions.

>saying trump uses fear to influence
>proceeds to use fear to influence
Why are anti trump fags so stupid?

>pointing out that bernfags were bitching about rigged polls, biased media, and "le crowd turnout" meme as well
>somehow a bernfag

I like Trump's ideas, and I wish he could win, but his supporters are literally Bernie-tier cringeworthy. Case in point: you.

>hillary supporter

Hillary loves the TPP


Since when to Trump speak the "truth"?

He makes appeals to emotion, endlessly. It's the kind of persuasion that works on idiots.

You should be fucking ashamed of yourself.

>I like Trump's ideas, and I wish he could win

Fantastic! We'll are friends now.

Fuck you no she doesn't she said she opposed it

Nice try, DRUMPFAG


TTP is the last roll of the dice for the Neoliberals.

No personal convictions, either.

>bought off media
Oh sort of like how someone bought off the media for Trump when sanders was still a thing

>Since when to Trump speak the "truth"?

All the time bro.

>He makes appeals to emotion, endlessly. It's the kind of persuasion that works on idiots.

And what of Hillary the criminal? All politicians do the same thing, it's called preaching to the lowest common denominator. Such as you.

>You should be fucking ashamed of yourself.

No you.

Trump is going to win and there is nothing you can do about it :)

>Trump is a demagogue.
Can you name a politician who isn't?

Bernie Sanders is clearly a demagogue.
Hillary Clinton is clearly a demagogue.

The only reason this word is in your vocabulary and you are applying it to Trump is because you've heard it from the media over and over.

>Oh sort of like how someone bought off the media for Trump when sanders was still a thing


Even if Trump won't get elected, he has already won - just look how candidate speeches changed. It's all direct now, no veiled empty bullshit like in the past. His win would just further prove meme magic.

>Trump is a demagogue.
You shouldn't use words when you don't know their meaning. You'll just make them worthless when everyone realizes you're a sensationalist fucking nigger.

I wish Trump was Hitler like you morons seem to think he is. Because then we could finally get someone to finish the job on all you sub-humans.

Leave 'it' be. There's no convincing the brainwashed peons.

Wow nice image. Really makes you look smart being able to categorize people in such a radically new level of meta snideness.

Except it was Hillary who did that too.

u mad?
u mad?

Hillary is a traitor and deserves to be deported to Gitmo.


Completely out to lunch


confirmed mad.

>Responding earnestly to an obvious false flag.
I swear, if everyone on Sup Forums would stop being such retards and ignore blatant shitposting the level of discourse would improve considerably (it'd still be shit, but whatever).

>Owned by Condé Nast [the owner of reddit]
Of course they endorse the political whore.

>level of discourse would improve considerably (it'd still be shit, but whatever)

You don't have to be here Cletus. Fuck off back to plebbit for your high-brow "discourse"

I'm pretty sure you need a multitude of people before you can begin pigeonholing. So that image doesn't make much sense.

>I'm pretty sure you need a multitude of people before you can begin pigeonholing.

Nah, you're wrong.

>So that image doesn't make much sense.

Nah, you're just dumb.

What the fuck are you talking about, it's obvious satire and i laughed at it. Is that so bad?

>wanting Sup Forums to be like every other "civil" shithole on the net
No, go fuck off if you don't like it here. I like that Sup Forums is mostly shitposting. Because that makes the good posts that happen here all the better, and the shitposting somewhat fun in retrospect. That's why this place is unique. Shitposting is in our blood. Kind of like Australians.


I can appreciate a shitpost as much as the next guy, but it gets tired and repetitive, especially when it's unoriginal. Besides, because of how easy it is and how many replies it garners shitposting tends to drown out all other forms of discussion. Not to mention you end up with retards thinking they're in good company slowly becoming the majority.


More meta humor.
Pretty blase if you ask me. The point of departure can be different from any particular viewer to the next.


Why arent you in control of your emotions?

I just realized that you've been trying to insult me this entire time

desu desu desu

>wired would rather a woman be president for their good boy points and Assange and Snowden dead or disappeared than have Trump fuck around for four years
lel muh Russian boogeymen are the only reason Snowden get's to breathe fresh air.

Go back to Sup Forums.

Fuck off back to Sup Forums, retard.

fuck off retards
>>Sup Forums

This is a politics thread.


Back to le reddit now?

I really hooe trump wins because then Chins will take usas role and the pol fags butthurt will be beautiful

>Rally turnout is the best predictor of electoral results
That's why Bernie Sanders is the democractic nominee and Ron Paul was the republican nominee in 2008 amirite?

Oh wait, rally turnout doesn't mean shit.

Nice circumstantial ad hominem.

Trump voters are incapable of logic, they can only think with their feelings.

>speaking the truth
>Popularized the irrelevant 'birther' movement, AFTER it was thoroughly debunked.

After that, how could you take anything he says seriously?

You only need to listen to a few hours of his speeches to know he's a complete idiot.

Wired is based in San Fransico.

Obama completely humiliated him with regards to whole birther thing too.


I bet that's what made him decide to run for president; look at how butthurt he looks.

Wired stopped being good years ago so who cares what the have to say, also anyone who understands anything about global politics thinks both candidates are an utter joke. Seriously how did you guys get two god awful candidates?

It really doesn't matter if what he says is true or not, he's just dog-whistling for the crowd.

Sup Forums schadenfreude when Hillary wins will be the highlight of my year.


Same here, and I've had a pretty good year.

The shitposting and butthurt on Sup Forums will be greater than Sup Forums harbor.

I'm not looking forward to it. They'll post more shit here in their hissy fit.

page 10 save rave

Can we put this uncivil conversation on hold until November?

but Sup Forums is always right, user. even when wrong .

>ask Russian hackers to continue their apparent assaults on an American election by finding more of Clinton’s emails

Hillary Clinton deleted evidence of emails that were stored vulnerably, and during the FBI investigation, Russian hackers release emails that are key evidence to what she had erased and tried to hide.

What's wrong with Russians releasing what is essentially evidence of a crime to stop a career criminal?

If encouraging these hackers to delve further and release these private emails hosted non-securely in a bathroom is a threat to national security, what exact emails did she have available to the world, and doesn't that make her guilty of mishandling classified information?

>Trump is a demagogue
>Killary using dunecoons and beaners at her own rally to attack Trump is not

nigga he was encouraging Russian state actors to interfere with the democratic process of America by committing cyber-attacks

That's fucking treasonous and indefensible and you know it.

Also he was encouraging the hack of the DNC, not Hillary's personal secretary of state email server. Get your facts straight before you shill for Trump, please.

>interfere with the democratic process of America by committing cyber-attacks

Deleting emails after she was found to be hosting classified emails in a bathroom isn't interfering with the legal process of America?

The entire point of these laws is so that classified American secrets don't fall into the hands of foreign agents.

These emails have already fallen into the hands of these "Russian hackers" because she illegally and recklessly hosted classified information without the security required to keep them safe from these cyber attacks.

If the emails Trump has called upon the Russians to release are classified and put the USA in danger, then Hillary Clinton should be charged with a crime right now.


Not according to the NYTimes. The "30,000 emails" directly means the ones missing off of Hillary's email server.

Sorry, but you didn't Correct The Record™ this time.

Lying fucking shill.

No, endorsing torture of innocents is treasonable and indefensible.
Encouraging vigilantes to reveal the illegal wrongdoings of your rival politicians is not.

Why do you dumb fucks think Trump is any better than Hillary when it comes to tech? Both of them want to backdoor ALL encryption and Trump specifically thinks the entire internet belongs to America and can be shut down at will for "terrorism."

I don't care or know about their other policies, but surely they are shit if they both want to backdoor encryption or turn this country into the UK or Germany and institute mandatory encryption key handover laws.

>Puts square peg in square hole. Checkmate Trump.

How does it feel to finally use that humanities 101 course material?

>Why do you dumb fucks think Trump is any better than Hillary when it comes to tech?

At least the FBI won't bend over backwards NOT to prosecute Trump whenever he blatantly flaunts the law and puts classified American documents up for grabs on an unsecured email server.

I don't like either of their policies. I especially hate the one who blatantly breaks a law that puts national security at risks and the FBI refuses to proceed legally.

Hillary has been proven to get away with breaking the law.

I'm not defending Trump, I'm bashing Hillary.


If a huge corporation endorses Hillary, you know that Trump is the right guy.

It's really disgusting how the media is trying to manipulate Hillary into winning.

I will vote for Trump on that fact alone.

there are some losers who think of a board as their "home board" or something, like a really toxic version of a local bar. these people need to have all their political, culinary, entertainment, etc... conversations all on this "home" board because they're too autistic to venture out.

this is one instantiation of that. they'll insist that it's relevant because it's about tech policies or because it was posted on wired.com or because we're talking about it on the internet or some absolutely retarded excuse, but this is what happens with antisocial losers.