Yeah I vape, don't freak out about it bro

>Yeah I vape, don't freak out about it bro
>Dude chill! It's not a cig, this is way healthier
>mind if I vape brah?
>alright guys, settle down. I vape, now let's just move on.
>there's no secondhand smoke, it's totally safe bruh
>"oosen up, man. It's just a vape pen. Don't call the cops or sumthin'
>hey guy, you got a light? Naaaaaah, I'm just playing. I vape, if you didn't know
>how many ohms you got bro
>what juice strength you runnin?
>what coil you running brah??
>woooah sick clouds lmao
>bro it's just water vapor stop getting mad
>i get my juice sourced from aborigines in the alpines
>it's not addictive, i only go through two bottles of juice a day

Other urls found in this thread:

I vape OP. Got some new juice in mail today. I don't walk around with a giant box and blow hella lit clouds though

>autism: the post

>the current year
>Sucking on metal dicks

>any year
>being such a gay manchild you think of robot dicks when you see people using vaporizers

Another degenerate. Put him out of his misery on the spot.

>big vapes are cooler
>the bigger the vape, the cooler the dude is
>walk in vaping cinnamon spearmint juice on pic related
>get laughed away

I don't get vaping.

Nah there's no evidence that copper nanoparticles from the coil hurt your lungs, I've been vaping for the past 6 months trust me.
Lol, sugar from the juice causing pulmonary hypertension? Don't make me laugh bro you're not a doctor lmao.
It doesn't stink, it smells like fermented strawberries.

>*inhales fedora*

to be fair, it does smell good.

Next time post a picture of a fog machine, since that is actually functionally similar to a e-cig.

What's the difference?

Why does Sup Forums hate vaping so much?

>Not harmful to your health
>Cheaper than cigarettes in the long run
>Can smoke weed with it
>Literally 0 times in my life I've met an annoying vaper

>Literally 0 times in my life I've met an annoying vaper
No one finds their ilk to be annoying.

Depends what kind of juice they're using and the context. The last thing I want to smell when drinking a beer in a comfy bar is vapor that smells like what you'd spray in the restroom after taking a shit.

i dont get the vape hate. you get your nicotine without tar and you can do it indoors

I don't vape, I smoke weed or hash mixed with industrial cigarettes removing the filter so I get ultra high.

I'd love to get a vaporizer to not die but they're kinda expensive.

>they're expensive
What? How much do they cost where you are?

More than 100€

>I still live with my dad

Anyone here takes Kratom?? I just bought 25 grams, what should I expect??


>Smoke for 4 years
>Grandma has a double mastectomy due to breast cancer
>Scares me enough to give up smoking but I like nicotine too much
>Switch to vaping
>Never do it inside, never bring it up and rarely get asked about it
>Everyone keeps banging on about mouth fedora shit and I don't understand why

Do people like this really exist or is this all one big tobacco lobby endorsed meme?

Paid tobacco shills

The fedora exists, but I wouldn't be surprised if the nicotine peddlers are pushing the meme.

>More than 100€
Go to fasttech, get iJust S and a bunch of coil heads
The liquids vary in prices from zero to infinity but the shrewd guys reverse engineer recipies, post them online and brew their own.

You can get a decent mod, tank, supplies and some liquid for way below 100% and vape all you want.
But the liquid will become a constant money-sucker.

I just want it to smoke weed or hash, fuck those fedora liquids

I'll take that over a smoker erry day desu senpai

Just buy something like an itaste mvp (cost me $30 online) and a $15 tank for vaping weed

But water vapor is bad for you. And those around you. Sure, it's not as bad as a cig, but that's like saying a liver disease is okay because it's not as bad as cancer

There is absolutely no way you're older than 12, let alone old enough to be posting on this website.

Can you vape with weed or do you have to buy some special weed oil or some shit?

You can mix hash oil with vape juice or get special tanks for vaping bud or wax

I't doesn't look cool, and its users tend to fall into the autism spectrum, this is why it never got really popular with normalfags.

Or just don't be a pussy and avoid smoking completely

nice try pajeet

This. That's the point of vaping. Not every vaper is an autistic vape naeshe idiot. For most it's just a tasty way to stay off of cigarettes. Sure, stopping smoking cold turkey would be better, but vaping isn't nearly as bad as cigs so its a good compromise between health and still getting your nicotine.

I enjoy chiefing though, the whole reason I started smoking cigarettes was so I could do it in places I couldn't smoke weed.

>tfw vaping is basically illegal in Norway

I'm yet to meet a single vaper.

Full of them in EU tho. Thank god.


Literally all you need for 77$
And this is the best shit there is on market.
You can get something for 40
iJust should be like 20$

Knock yourselves out.

>Not harmful to your health

Are you confused? Actual vapes use nicotine liquid.

It's like claiming that alcohol isnt that bad while drinking 0% beer, you stupid fuck.

Studies have shown that nicotine itself is healthy, it's the method of delivery normally used (smoking) that's harmful.

99% of vapers are nu males or niggers
1% are using it to quit smoking

>why the hate
No one vapes to vape, they vape so they can tell everyone they vape and try to be edgy at the same time

i have no idea what you're saying. it sounds like jigabo jive talk

Can you cite your sources?

Otherwise fuck off. Nicotine is an addictive drug which carries a heavy withdrawal.

what if I told you I vape in my home only user

Nicotine is just a big brother to caffeine, same effects but metabolizes faster and more actively.

All negative effects of smoking is because of tar and combustion products.

Man you're retarded.
chiefing = smoking
weed = cannabis
The article has sources.

Also take a note in performance part,

Saved!! Webpage? And can I vape weed and hash with that??

Why smoke anything at all? To get regular breaks at work and gather outside with all the smokers?

Because I enjoy it.

Nice shitposting without sources. I can also claim that all nicotine users are rapists, but that doesn't make it true.

Until you post any actual evidence, you can fuck right off, nicotine shill.

Either way, I'm reinstalling this OS so you won't be getting any more replies.

>bix nood
i speak english motherfucker, not nigger

Post your setups

As do I. Even if you didn't know the words you should've easily been able to figure them out using context clues. Like I said, you're retarded.

I've met 10 times as many people who drone on about how lame vaping is than I have people who want to tell me all about their juice. The haters are more annoying.

That said, I used a vape to quit smoking. I've been smoke and vapor free for six months now, no cravings; a vape was a great tool to quit. I think the people bashing on vaping are stigmatizing the single best tool for people who want to quit smoking. I think many people think that they're better than someone who smokes because they don't have any "real" addictions, and they get upset that people can continue to use nicotine while incurring health concerns on the level of coffee consumption.

I vaped inside. I vaped at work. I was trying to improve my health and fuck you for putting your ego in front of that, and the health of others.

No, that's vaping nicotine(or maybe you have 420 liquids). You can tinker with it and make a halfass "stove" for hash and meth though but i don't recommend.

For weed you should check "VAPORIZERS" on Aliexpress.
That stuff is different and more expensive.

How do you prep your hash oil for mixing with your juice?

Its the same with anything really, see smokers, manlets, fat people, etc.

i heard that theres a vape flavor called peanut butter jesus

It's good

I thought those were just a block of dry ice in a bucket of water.

All i need.

what's it like?
is lit like peanut butter but with some communal wafers mixed in? or is it just peanut butter with weed or somthing

>that i don't know what the fuck weed is
>hurr durr muh pothead victim complex
you made me laugh good, kind sir

My shitphone rotated the pic, I'm too lazy to reorient it.