Installed Manjaro for the first time

>whoo let's update quick
>an entire hour had passed and it's still updating
>screen turns off and can't return to my work - something about a broken session
>fuck this shit
>install Linux Mint

And this is the last time I've tried an Arch based distro. Also i'm really salty because Manjaro looked extremely comfy.

Other urls found in this thread:

I used arch until two days ago when I fucked up my system
Didn't want to reinstall and waste time so I just got fedora again and it's great

What are you talking about?
Manjaro is one of my favorite distro by far

You give up too easily mate, switch to wincuck

>Arch based distro

There's your problem. They are made by retards for retards.

No they actually have good points such as pacman that is in most ways way more efficient than dnf or apt-get

Installed majaro i3 yesterday. Comfy as fuck.

Don't get me wrong. I like Arch but not the distros based on Arch. Why would anyone care about bleeding edge packages and what package manager they use if they need Mint or Ubuntu tier handholding?

I agree, I have been using Antergos for some months and i love pacman and yaourt.
The AUR is really comfy, and everything is well documented.

It's the only distro that would boot on my Skylake system. Not Mint, not Ubuntu either. There were many bugs in Linux with Skylake, including the no signal if you are using HDMI, and now a "case open" bug that won't boot the system. None of these distros worked except for Manjaro. I have tried them all, and none was so easy as MJ. Bonus: it installs the proprietary vidya drivers automatically during install. It's the easiest thing going.

Op, you must be a retard or live in India, with a horrible network if you have trouble with Manjaro.

My internet is over 12MB

Manjaro is retard Arch. It has very similar hand-holding shit as Mint/'buntu.

try the US repos then

Installing Gentoo in a VM. I tried to install Chromium and it's just been spewing "y" for the past 30 minutes into my terminal, not sure what to do at this point, my CPU fan is going full blast

Use Manjaro cup of Linux edition

>tfw antergos with kde

way more comfy and stable than kde on any ubuntu derivative, also fuck ppas

Updating is slow because you are using a slow mirror

do this
sudo pacman-mirrors -g

sudo pacman-mirrors -g

You're welcome, retard.

Switch to TTY2 and use htop or something to see what its doing.

Also you should install google-chrome, chromium is the development version and it takes hoouuurs to install.

Do it from the CLI instead of whatever the gui software updater is.

But google-chrome isn't free software is it?

>no binaries on this system yet

Welcome to Gentoo, where it takes hours of your finite life away to compile a web browser. Enjoy your stay.

>installs Manjaro
>doesn't work

Well, I'm glad you're now happy with your new Debian system.


But you save 0.04 seconds every time you start it afterwards....maybe.

>muh performance
>muh march=native

wait 6 months for major update and watch fedora going down in flames
as is tradition

Useless for a typical desktop user. On a high-performance enterprise system, a 3% optimization would make some project managers cream their panties.

That's what you get for not using Arch itself or Funtoo, faggot.

Yeah I tried Fedora. It worked, and was ok, but too many smaller bugs with muh drivers and more headache with the repos and fonts and such. Manjaro was even easier than Fedora.

Arch keeps retards like you out who can't figure out how to use linux properly. Go back to windows pleb.

If you want to download and compile a few GB of source code just to use a crippled free version of chrome go for it. I would suggest just using google-chrome for now and compiling chromium later while you are sleeping or some shit.

Manjaro IS extremely comfy.

The "yes" command probably got ran, press ctrl + c and see if that will cancel it :)

It just werks for me. You were probably using a slow ass mirror. The default settings should set you up for pinging mirrors and selecting the fastest available. Therefore, PEBCAK.

sudo emerge -av chromium-bin

google-chrome makes me install gconf, which is fucking gay so no thank you. I'll stick to chromium.

No, it's not and chromium is not a "crippled chrome". You can install widevine and get netflix if you want on it.

He probably is happy, considering arch is a worse debian testing minimal install.

Actually no, the blink engine will also be faster,

Yeah, it takes hours to install because the chromium source code is 500MB, but it's worth it (if you care about speed). If you're gonna use binaries go back to shitty arch you faggot.

Why do you lie people on internet?

Fuck, I meant chromium *compressed* source code.

sudo: command not found

>install manjaro
>install updates
>"could not satisfy dependencies:
>[insert mate package]: requires mate-desktop"
>try to install mate-desktop "already installed"
10/10, would use again.

just remember - what doesn't kill you makes you stronger

>no non-free repos
>rpmfusion is shit
go debian testing/sid mate


any distro that comes with a DE by default is garbage tier you know

>every non-meme distro is garbage-tier

Ok kid hope you enjoy your mom's basement

>He probably is happy, considering arch is a worse debian testing minimal install.
You have no clue what you are talking about, which is pretty much expected of average debian user on Sup Forums
Debian and fedora are literally newfriend magnets here.


mah nigs

I like Antergos + xfce.

What people really want is a distro where their desktop environment gets updates fast and nothing breaks. That's what KDE Neon does. It's like having a PPA that is not an unmaintained pile of shit updated with only build bots. It just werks.

What people want is also a massive collection of readily-available packages, and only arch-based distros deliver.


Manjaro is pretty comfy. The KDE theme is god-tier. I really don't understand all the hate it gets.

> he prefers gtkancer


What? Debian based distros have more packages.

My sides!

Can someone explain how you faggots manage to break your systems so easily? I've been using Arch for 3 years now, I run pacman -Syu 3-5 times a day, and I have never had any problems.

>compiling chromium in a VM
Nice bait

Emerge -av sudo chromium-bin

0/10 try harder.

Can you share wallpaper user?

It says that on Arch's wiki retard

Lol'd massively!

As today, I am identified as an Archer.

The maymays are false, it is actually a stable distro. It works like a charm.

Also stop believing what the autists say here, use a damn GUI installer like Architect.

Plus you won't learn anything by following the Beginner's guide. It is a meme.

Any distro based on another "parent" distro had usually been buggy and broken, in my experience. That's especially true for Antergos and Manjaro. You would have been better off just sucking it up and following the wiki to install Arch yourself. Really only takes like 15-30 minutes.

Enjoy your broken X, archtard. Manjaro does not have that problem.

If I can set up X on Gentoo, I'm sure even a total retard can set it up on Arch.

>moooom, cancel my appointments! I have to fix X again!

X has literally never broken after I've set it up. Circular dependency hell is a different story.

It's OK timmy, I'm sure you figure out how to unbreak X sometimes this year. Viva Arch!

Update: It's been 4 more hours and it's still just spamming "y" over and over again. I assumed it was just taking a long time to compile but I think maybe it shit the bed. I only have 4GB of RAM on this VM.

And that's why you use the unstable repos, which aren't altered by Manjaro devs in any way

Can vouch. Neon has so far been the best experience I've had with any distro.

As much as I love Manjaro, its fucking retarded that its built-in package downloader can't even auto pick the best mirror.

>Installed Manjaro

Manjaro is not Arch and you are retarded. Not sure why you even bothered with Mint. Go back to Windows. You belong there.

Simple reverse image search user.

>That's what you get for not using Arch itself or Funtoo, faggot.
Fuck off, you autistic Funtoo dev. Your stupid distro is awful and so is actual Arch. Nerdcred whores pls go.

OpenSUSE master race.

That's literally what it does by default though.

I've tried KDE Neon last time I reinstalled linux and I just couldn't make it work.
It kept freezing completely every few minutes forcing me to restart my computer.
Kubuntu had the same problem.
So I ended up just installing vanilla Ubuntu.

If thats the case its literally never worked for me in the 5+ times I've tried the distro. Always had to set it manually first or I get download speeds of 5kb/s instead of 10mb/s

Yea I had to manually select mine too. Love Manjaro tho, best balance between bleeding-edge and stability. Even got the 4.7 kernel working with an easy-switch LTS fallback.