Sup Forums please describe xorg in your own words
Sup Forums please describe xorg in your own words
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Outdated shit.
Fucking awful piece of shit trash
use Wayland
>please describe xorg in your own words
>your own words
a flustercuck
the fuck is even xorg
pronounced zorg? shorg? korg? "x"-org?
Last one?
I pronounced it "gzorg".
A reminder than NeWS lost to fucking X.
By itself it sucks.
Totally fucking useless.
Once you add kb, video, font untils, xterm and other shit it becomes a clusterfuck like systemd
I'm using Arch and I've never had any problems with xorg.
The reason why Linux has screen tearing in the year fucking 2016.
A place I dread to venture.
Obsolete technology with screen tearing issues
The Voynich manuscript of software.
but is there an alternative?
Imagine a giant penis flying towards your mouth, and there's nothing you can do about it. And you're like "Oh man, I'm gonna have to suck this thing", and you brace yourself to suck this giant penis. But then, at the last moment, it changes trajectory and hits you in the eye. You think to yourself "Well, at least I got that out of the way", but then the giant penis rears back and stabs your eye again, and again, and again. Eventually, this giant penis is penetrating your gray matter, and you begin to lose control of your motor skills. That's when the giant penis slaps you across the cheek, causing you to fall out of your chair. Unable to move and at your most vulnerable, the giant penis finally lodges itself in your anus, where it rests uncomfortably for 4, maybe 5 hours. That's what using a Xorg is like.
something I'm forced to use because I use redshift
you dirty slut
a mess! sad!
But MacOS doesn't have xorg.
>in your own words
Dubs man McCopyPasta fucked up