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Technology #563
Why are x86 processors limited to only 2 threads per core, but shit like the sparc t4 has 8 threads per core?
How do I block uTorrenters from downloading my torrents?
Calculators are technology too
Is it too late to buy a Microsoft phone? Their market share has dwindled drastically, are they giving up?
Go to youtube to fix a problem
Intel and AMD gonna support W10 only (as MS OS)
/spg/ - Smartphone General
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
AMD Has Plans To Create The ‘Starship’ Processor With 48 Cores / 96 Threads On The 7nm
What's the best computer mouse?
Is apple pushing the industry forward?
TekSyndicate: Watching the World Burn
How excited are you, Sup Forums?
Which non reference rx480 is the best?
Does anybody else here just love the simplicity and overall "aesthetic" of Windows 95, and classic themes in general...
Guifetch thread
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Worker harder how to!
Let's sell 30 year old tech to hipsters as luxury goods and charge $75-$130 on average
Average iphone user interacts with digital camera
I'm new to MPV and want to get better
Open Sourced YouTube like site in the works
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Sup Forums, i'm down to make a site. Got my webserver running
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Things that make you rage
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Douglas Crockford removed as a keynote speaker at Nodevember due to making other speakers feel uncomfortable
Sup Forums
Why the fuck is Discord being used in the general threads now? There is no reason to use discord when IRC+Mumble exists
Samsung device batteries a fire hazard?
Dell xps 13
I dropped my CPU on the fucking floor three times. Also I bent the pins on the motherboard trying to install it
Can this become a Microsoft killer?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Kode with klossy
These fuckers are on sale again and they usually sellout fast
God damn i miss my razr
Why do normies want their phones to look like this?
Babby's first Linux Distro
Humor thread
Why won't this take off? JPEG and PNG are ancient shit
Is the hard drive industry dying? Will solid state take over soon?
BlackBerry Priv
GNU/Linux is bad for gaymen A free speech twitter alternative
Is it theoretically feasible to make a battery powered wifi repeater that lasts for a year buried in the ground??
If you block ads and also don't donate, you are the cancer killing the web
What exactly is wrong with duck typing?
Time for you Americans to stock up on good soap because the goverment is banning it all very soon
GNOME dev here...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Essential add-ons:
Is the wiki lying to me?
I want to code in my bed. What's the most comfiest way to write code?
There's a good amount of Sup Forumsentoomen in college right?
Worked at Apple from 2004 - 2013
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Is it just me, or is Google Maps' new 3D view goddamn amazing? Especially from inside a browser. Then again...
So some tech you tubers are talking about this new 'free-speech' social network called Gab. Look at the fucking logo
ITT Convoluted ways to write Hello World
Maki wrote fizzbuzz in bash on her linux computer! can you write fizzbuzz in your computer's shell using only builtin...
Why is pic related the best HDD?
Why tho
Thank you, American people, for electing me! Now, starting today...
What do you do with the extra CD drive bays in your case...
GitHub depression
Let's talk for real what's the best Linux plus GNU operating system without doing one word answers eg Gentoo
My friend just sent me this picture
Is watercooling a meme, Sup Forums?
Is Ubuntu just a fork of Debian?
Speccy General
If you use Google Chrome, you're a subhuman. Firefox is faster, safer, more customizeable...
Are single slot GPUs ever coming back?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/mpv/ - opt rework is in progress
Lol this is what you get for buying lagdroid
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Google Project Ara ded
Rate/Judge my purchase
Do it!
/SQT/ - Stupid Question Thread
FLOENS! When is your next clover release? Senpai please answer me
Post your virtual workstation
Position yourself on this graph in accordance with your programming skills
What is your preferred method of group communication? Discord, Skype, Slack, something else?
Fastest browser for Android? Opera mini is pretty fast, several times faster than Chrome...
SystemD General: For old time sake!
Election time
Who/what are you filtering, Sup Forums?
Are Kingston SSDs reliable?
How many workspaces do you normally use and how do you organize them, Sup Forums?
Where does Sup Forums come from?
Why does Sup Forums still use ReCaptcha when it's proven that it deanonymizes its users? Aren't there any alternatives?
What is the oldest sofware you still use every day
Can we just sit down and discuss the pros and cons of Windows vs Linux?
Is your computer a tool or a toy?
/guts/ thread, because without them, I have no purpose
How come a lot of routers still come with 100 mbit connections?
Why is Sup Forums giving samsung a free pass over this? Imagine if it was apple
Sticker thread
Razer blade
What's Sup Forumss opinion on Atom?
Not a browser war
All my dx9 games now run like shit
I'm in the market to build my own gaming computer...
/CCT/ Career and Cert Thread
How do I give myself the same social disorders that Elliot has in Mr. Robot? I want to be just like him
So how exactly does introducing a time sink like Facebook help a starving country which desperately needs a disciplined...
Wtf? Dell wins again?
When will python3 be abandoned?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Retro thread
This is something i've been working on during last two years, hope you like it Sup Forums fellas
Real life shit
What's a good, quick way to get airtight privacy and security on a Windows 10 computer?
Pick one and only one
Remember Yahoo, AltaVista, Lycos, Infoseek, WebCrawler, AskJeeves ... ?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Are Sony smartphones any good or bad?
If Chromium is open source, and Firefox is open source, why doesn't someone just take the source code from both...
Solve this, Sup Forums
Hey I have been using Linux Mint "Sarah" for a time now. Being a newbie I didn't bother looking into the system files
I need a Linux distro that is as stable as Debian, easy on battery life, takes up less than 700MB of ram...
Would you say you're smarter than the majority of Sup Forums?
/pcbg/- PC Building General
Firefox and mpc are bloatware. why are they popular?
What's your email setup Sup Forums?
User you're majoring in computer science?
YouTube helps its creators get political
OpenBSD 6.0
Recommended Video Player?
Pay $10 a month for unlimited music on spotify...
Try and beat me boys, been running without a fan for more than 8 months
How far behind x86 is ARM in terms of general performance?
Is there anything better than this?
Top lol
ITT: post some of your shittiest code
There are 1500 pictures and videos stored in my iPhone's iMessage app. How do I get them saved to my desktop...
Xiaomi note 3!
Random picture for the hell of it
Just spent 1.2k on a new gaymer computer
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Is caturday here, post cats and technology
I'm trying to install Linux Mint but I get this error
Which programming language should middle or high school girls learn?
Rest In Peace Nexus
Incomplete PC
In February 2014...
What is the programmer equivalent of "spitting in the customer's food"?
What kind of tech job should I aim for as a woman with an IQ of 78, ADHD, bipolar disease, nearsightedness, dyslexia...
Linux fags will choose from over functionality when they rice their desktop but bash apple when they do the same for...
Those with a CS degree: do you consider yourself a mathematician?
ITT we decide what I buy
/SQT/ - Stupid Question Thread
Does Sup Forums run a website? If so, then can you tell me the name of it?
Bottles are technology, right?
Are VPN's the only way to safely torrent?
Hacker War Help
There's a new camera app available on Nexus 5 and a few other phones. It uses burst mode to increase camera megapixel...
SuperSU acquired by CCMT
/bg/ - Browser General
Whats your os Sup Forums?
Why is this allowed?
Quick! Write a simple custom hashing function in php, or this girl is going to judge your programing ability!!
Are SSDs a meme? I'm considering converting all of my HDDs into SSDs, and only use HDDs as back-up drives...
Big question here for you Sup Forums
So i'm building my first pc but it says there are compatibility issues and i have no idea why
Why even run an older version of Windows on brand new hardware? It's a consumer level OS...
Windows 10 on new comp
/wt/ watch thread
How long until we start seeing zen APUs? This wait is killing me
[In an interview]
TrueOS has arrived!
Unlimited voice calls
What do the people here have against distros that just work out the box like Ubuntu...
Speccy thread
Xperia X Performance Calculator Bug
Thinking of switching to good Fi
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
First job interview
Tfw you will never find "the one" in real life
Tfw too intelligent for programming
You can no longer buy used HD7950s for 90 dollars
Hacker known as Guccifer sentenced to 52 months in prison
Alt-right and privacy
Get a free beer
/wdg/ - Web Development General
BSD And Other Things such as Macbooks
I'm visiting in South Korea and this message shows when I visit Sup Forums
IPhones are built upon planned obsolescence
Fuck you Wikipedia
Desktop Environments
Android was a mistake
This is what Nvidia GPUs are being used for right now
Virtual Desktops
Is there a text editor as good as sublime text but free as in freedom?
Sup Sup Forums what do you think of this $99 computer as a beater for shitposting?
Military grade encryption
/hpg/ - Headphone General
What triggers you Sup Forums ?
/agt/ Audio General Thread
Why is everything made in China and how do we fix this?
Are 144hz monitors a meme?
/CCT/ Career and Cert Thread
ITT worst ISPs known to man
So google chrome 53 came out today. It came with material design for windows, new developer features...
He pays more money for a standardly overclocked video card instead of watching a guide and tinkering with the BIOS for...
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Why GPU manufacturers can't into box art?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Is it ok to leave your computer on for days at a time? Specifically 10 days in a row...
Are there any AMD CPUs that are better than their Intel counterparts? In any kind of way?
Daily BlackBerry 10 Thread
"Youtube's censoring it's users" discussion thread
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
I am new to this and my grandson said you can help me...
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Seed Ratio
What's the best mail app Sup Forums?
Living off your phone internet
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Computing usability thread. What makes your setup more usable or comfy than the average one?
Passports (and other secure travel documents) are technology
Poodcorp and hacking groups
So now that youtube to fucked with the new Terms of service what other alternatives to youtube should I start to look...
Thoughts? Is it believable for you guys?
Apple appreciation thread?
Google deliberately shrugs off serious vulnerability
Hey Sup Forums, just moved into a campus apartment for college...
Want to format USB drive
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Left or right?
ES File Explorer
Can someone redpill me on cleaning/optimization programs?
Phones used to actually look different
Acer (to catch a) Predator 21 X
When did people forget that they can actually host their own websites? I'm thinking late 2000s, but I'm not sure
/spg/ - Smartphone General - IFA 2016 Edition
Why the fuck is there ads on startpage? Ublock isn't even blocking this gay shit
I've been at it for an hour now, I think I'm going mad. What the fuck am I doing wrong here guys...
Tfw Linux on the desktop is dead
Should i buy it or is it a just a meme?
Found two of these in a drawer where I'm staying, how lucky am I ?
Encryption against law enforcement is a bad thing...
Free as in Freedom Browsers that are STABLE thread
Explosion at SpaceX Cape Canaveral Launch pad
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Why did white people ruin tech?
Best laptop for software engineers/programmers
Which distro had the best logo Sup Forums ?
Home server thread?
ITT: The best Linux distro
Now that Linux is mainstream, I figured I'd move on to BSD...
How good is a SSD compared to something like a WD Blue drive?
Gtx 1060 vs RX 480?
Which Apple products are you currently using and what do you think of them?
"we cant trust the nsa, they lie to us!"
Hello user. You wish for a piece of technology to disappear
I'm thinking of getting a 1440p monitor
What's good for?
Have you ever installed Linux for less tech literate people?
Sup Forums
Why is Linux support so bad for Intel atoms? Isn't Linux supposed to run better on weaker hardware...
Some sequences of 0 and 1 are illegals
How do you think Elon Musk's neural lace would work?
Best sliding dumb phone
Is it true that the police (or security agencies) can still get access to your internet browsing history when you use...
Last update: 14 November 2015
ITT:memes that should die
What's do you do with your old tech Sup Forumsentoomen?
Transmission torrent client infected by malware again. Stop using it!
I was thinking about building a pc for the first time but the graphic cards are so expensive
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Firefox 51 to Ship with Built-In Support for FLAC Audio Codec
Windows 8.1 is the best windows. windows 7 is overrated garbage
Netsec General thread
This abomination helped kill 3dfx
Can we all agreed that specifically as s connector, lighting>type C...
Is there anyway for me to get a computer tech job with only an A+ cert and no experience?
iPhones and iPads from 2012 are running the latest OS along with security fixes
He doesn't listen to music while programming to get in the zone
What's the best browser? v2.0
Why don't you shitpost in style?
Screenfetch Thread
Paying for Cable TV
Why do people want their record player to look like a toaster?
/guts/ -- dusty chinese shitbox edition
If you pay more than 500 dollars for a laptop, you are a fucking retard
So, what's Sup Forums's view on the PiTop?
Why don't you have one yet?
The REAAL Desktop ""thbread"
Sup Forums
In all seriousness, what do you use your pc for that an i3 6100/i5 2500 can't handle?
Save YouTube
Well, Sup Forums?
Wtf i love lenovo nao
What password manager does Sup Forums use?
Best music app?
70 years into the future...
What is your programming fuel Sup Forums?
Quick what's a good text editor for winblows
Well Sup Forums?
Today in Engineering Foundations...
The _______ is the thinkpad of _______
BSD And Other Things
Screenfetch Thread
Why is regex so dumb, gay, and bad?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread:
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
So i'm dumb and got some malware and shit on my pc, i ran everything and restarted over and over, seems fine now...
Ok Sup Forums You're given a $7,500 budget to setup an office of 10 people. What tech do you buy? (Networking, Phones...
What will you do when Sup Forums is no longer financially viable and simply disappears?
Is it worth buying a GTX 1070 to upgrade from an r9 380? My current card is failing and I'm considering future-proofing
How do you pronounce "char"?
Steve Jobs stepped down as CEO of Apple five years ago, but he didn’t plan on leaving the company
You have 10 seconds to name ONE linux distro that:
Doing research with a professor
Windows 10 anniversary update takes away the option to schedule my updates and replaces it with "active hours" and...
/spg/ - Smartphone General - IFA 2016 Edition
Linuxs biggest enemy is not windows or macos, but its userbase
Can someone please tell me where the fuck my Android 7.0 update is?
Teksyndicate - status report
Screenfetch thread
Literally got fully hacked
/ctg/ Contactless General
Is the Moto Z Play Unlocked the perfect phone for Sup Forums?
What went wrong?
The latest windows 10 update, which as an aside took longer than the entire windows 10 installation process...
What's the best "desktop" distro and why is it solus?
46% of Incoming Computer Science Majors in UIUC's College of Engineering Are Women
If they can make laptops with the gtx 1060,70, and 80, why don't they also make laptops with the rx 460, 70, and 80?
Why aren't you using a Windows Phone, Sup Forums?
Do they make bay trail or cherry trail atx or itx boards?
LastPass or KeepPass?
ITT: Post your last git commit message
Samsung Delays Note 7 Shipments After Explosion Reports
Does aMD have anything as good as shadowplay yet?
What graphics card is the best value for the average joe gamer?
What's the best inexpensive security webcam solution...
Anime is for fat autistic niggers. Anime isn't technology
Xubuntu, Linux mint with xfce, or Debian with xfce?
ITT: Audiophile cringe
ARM Microprocessor IDEs?
Let's post our browsers
What does Sup Forums think of TypeScript?
What's the most beautiful os
Lenovo Yoga 2016
How to make soundblaster SB0100 work on linux mint?
Tell me what is wrong with Manjaro. Planning on using it as my daily OS
Wait a sec
Comfy Programming
Post your font rendering. Mactype master race reporting in
Time again for the open sores failure Transmission to make the news by once again distributing malware with their...
What went wrong?
What's wrong with it?
Hi Sup Forums
What did you name your WiFi?
Writing implements
Just got a new PC
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Since the dust has already settled, which one should i get?
Quads names my new pc
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/csg/ Chink Shit General
WTF is going on with youtube
What the fuck? Why isn't this just "Show Cortana button"?
Case Threda?
What is the most pointless distro that still manages to have a userbase?
He has an AMD GPU
Do you treat your phone with care?
Acer Predator Laptop
How do you feel about people who oppose self driving cars simply because they enjoy driving?
Should I upgrade from this to a RX 480?
What's the best browser?
Mac OS X's underneath code and algorithms are much better and more polished than in any other operating system...
Email Server
Terry A. Davis livestream last night
/guts/ purple fan edition
He fell for the "Stay on Windows 7" meme
Need computer help!
What is ONE book Sup Forums recommends to read?
Why is he so incompetent?
If you use NodeJS for anything other than web back end you should end your life right now
Acer: Whatchu want?
Is there a way i can make my tv change its resolution so that the whole images shows in the working part of the tv...
IPhone 7 Plus packaging - Lightning EarPods and Lightning 3.5mm headphone jack adaptor bundled
What's Sup Forums's opinion on Visual Studio?
Server Thread
What is the point of this bullshit? When will I ever use this in real life as a software engineer...
What is a good article from the Sup Forums-ish perspective on why TPP is bad? I'm looking for a decent...
Enthoo Pro M Acrylic
Firefox 51: FLAC Audio Codec Support
Fuck whoever told me Deluge is a good torrent client
13 or 15 inches?
How long until we get long range wireless charging?
What went wrong?
BSD And Other Things
Smaller than the Macbook. Double the ports
Apple remove CPU to make thinner when?
I'm thinking about switching to Windows 10 for muh gayman...
Best programmers of all time
Software Leaks
Recommended Websites
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Firefox pushing social agenda and spending 99% of the budget on memes and graphics
Best java IDE for linux? Eclipse sucks
What's wrong with this pc? Somebody asked me to repair it...
Just bought an iPhone 6
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Do any of you have this speaker? If so, is it good?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Completed cs degree
ITT we pretend to be Android users
Hello Sup Forums
>Linux sucks for gaming
The prices in eastern europe are just great
Have you been pwned Sup Forums?
Offical KEK Syndicate: Pistol Is A Man Edition
Hackintosh build/discussion
Why is the clock on the gtx 10xx series so fucking unstable? even when watercooled
Apple has more or less made it so that there is no reason to steal iPhone anymore...
Open Headphones
>Comey: FBI Wants 'Adult Conversation' on Device Encryption
Samshills will defend this
He wasted his life caring about autistic shit like what operating system he uses instead of getting laid and having a...
Hey, Sup Forums, I don't really post here much but I'm having a really bad latency problem...
/hpg/ - headphone general
How many Titan X's are in your box?
Wifi siphon project
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
At this point in Moore's law how long till we see the first terahertz cpu's?
Is there really any point to this distro when you can use a minimal debian or fedora iso to avoid bloat?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
I don't know where the Stupid Questions thread has gone, but boy do I need it
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Cs classes
What the fuck is happening here
What's the most cyberpunk city right now?
What if windows was a girl?
What do you think hes doing for them and how much do you think hes getting paid
Have to convert every video I download
So who is still on xp? I just installed xp on my d630
Tfw no gf
ITT: Operating Systems on the Political Compass
I'm returning to college, and I am looking for a netbook that has:
What will happen if I plug this into a computer?
How does Sup Forums feel about static webms?
Macfags WILL defend this
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Do anyone have a link to the Windows 7 ISOs website?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Does someone know how to completely factory reset an Iphone and bypass the first user who put in an apple ID or some...
We all agree that this is the GOAT phone, right?
What's a good way to get into Linux?
This is the place where I say words. For I am the maker of the thread, and no one can stop me...
I bought a EVGA GTX 1070 SC. How bad did I fuck up?
Is it bad i still have a 750?
>BST - HermemeMillerEdition<
Z8300 consumes 2w of power
/pcbg/- PC Building General
Why are American technology companies taking political stances? What do they gain from it?
Infuriating things normies say/do
Speccy thread
4 years of experience with server 2016 required
Android 7.0
Why don't movies/albums come on SD cards?
KDE plasma 5 has been a bug ridden piece of shit
Is it worth the subscription fee?
Someone find out who this motherfucker is
Never go full botnet
Windows mobile
What does Sup Forums do with their old phone.Part 2
Sup Forumsentlemen with gtx 1070s, do you have Micron vram in your card?
Backlight bleed?
Bought a pair of 6970s when they were new because of fermi housefires, but now I wish I'd gone with nvidia instead
/csg/ Chink Shit General
RDP General
#CS is for women
He's still using Windows 7
/wt/ watch thread
It's 2026! Let's greentext the future tech!
10.000 line limit
Is America behind the times?
/stick/ Stickers and Customization General
Linus "Tech" Tips
Hey Sup Forums...
Having monitor issues:
Should we have more women in Comp Sci, Sup Forums?
Im looking for a Netbook or a small Laptop. Its going to be carried in a shoulder bag so its got to be light...
Dream Phone
Megastream #1
Can something ever replace JavaScript?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Removing pictures from Sup Forums
ITT: Features that would make the perfect laptop
Good meme domain name
OSX/Keydnap spreads via signed Transmission application
Cyberspace vs. cyberspace
Best Linux Distro?
This "new" phone randomly doesn't register my finger. Is it fucked? I've tried calibrating it and a factory restore...
Screenfetch thread
Based Corbyn Calls for Mandatory Libre Software
Why can't solar panels work at night?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Redpill me on ultra-wide monitors
Tech illiterate people stories thread
Firefox confirmed for FLAC
Tfw an air gapped windows 10 machine is safer than a loonix machine on the internet
All this shilling about Tek Syndicate and LTT
External GPU
ESXi for dualbooting W10 and Arch
First day of CS class
15 hours in
Pointer shadow
C-can you be a good programmer as an INFJ?
Can we settle this once for all, Sup Forumsandoos?
Guess what just came in Sup Forums
ITT: Rage
Video games are more important than freedom
I should use a better one tho
Best Windows version
/homescreen/ thread
Screenfetch Thread
ITT: Underrated Distros
Is this Intel propietary spyware for windows?
Why is font rendering on Windows so fucking god-awful? Seriously...
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Are there any decent bluetooth earbud headphones for running?
What does Sup Forums think of AMD Zen...
Write a big chunk of code
Is there any reason NOT to buy this?
Sup Forums humor
Video surveillance general
Screenfetch thread
/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread
/csg/ Chink Shit General
High pitched noise
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What steps does Sup Forums take to harden and protect their linux systems?
Clover build 2016-08-30
What does Sup Forums do with their old phones?
There is literally nothing wrong with systemd
We pretend that it is 2003
Who /trackball/ here? Pic related is what I have
IPhone - Adblocker
A 1 line c program takes 88k on windows
FM Radio
Macbook Error
What's the best file manager with network share support for Android...
Tek Syndicate
Being an audiophile is not a bad thing
So i am a person who never really pirated a lot, even when i was young, because i love collecting
Falling for the SSD meme
Apple ordered to repay record €13bn to cover unpaid EU tax
What was the best operating system and why is it Windows 2000?
Apple should repay Ireland €13bn, European Commission rules
This is your last chance to ever use a computer
/wdg/ - Web Development General
What happened?
/agt/ Audio General Thread
What does Sup Forums use to watch movies and TV shows? Do you stream? Torrent? Kodi?
There's absolutely no doubt that this is the best ultraportable right now, right?
Screenfetch thread
Stranger looks over at your device
Have a buddy willing to sell me his used 4770 non-k for $200...
Who here watches this show?
Installer has chiptune music
Is this a good buy? about to pull the trigger. is the color difference between TN and IPS really that big...
Is open source communism?
/hpg/ - HeadPhone General
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Sup Forums humor thread?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Who /TerminalForEverything/ here?
Rate my clock Sup Forums
Screenfetch Thread
IT Drug Testing
Trying to use wget to download Sup Forums threads and convert the links so that I can view threads offline
How can I learn to make cool images and edit pictures with gimp?
What site does Sup Forums use to upload pictures on?
What's your typing speed bros?
Kek Syndicate - /Burning Fields Of Fur/
Windows hate thread
You know which thread it is, the one that needs no introduction
How the fuck can I make Firefox lighter?
Xiaomi memebook
On a Nexus 5X, do I wait? Also Nougat thread
When was the last time you actually "surfed" the internet?
For me, it's the double quarter pounder with cheese
What's the coolest code you've seen?
C Programming Language Hits a 15-Year Low On The TIOBE Index
U.S. giving the internet to the U.N
When will titty technology stop being so bad?
Windows 10 update completly killed my system
Do we have any new information?
Fuck smartphones
Homescreen thread please
/sqt/ Stupid Question Thread
Sup Forums I'm close to falling for the Noctua meme...
1st AMD Zen/AM4 Motherboards Coming In October?
So I just cracked the screen on my Iphone 4s. What new phone should I buy?
Just got an android. Best apps to utilize?
Iphone sim card help
So I found this iPhone 6s recently and I'm trying to find the rightful owner because I'm a good boy
What is Sup Forums's favorite desktop environment?
Is HDR a meme?
Which DE is best DE?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Literally nothing wrong it it.jpg
Tips on speeding up firefox
Will Ubuntu work good on a 2003 128mb gpu, pentium 4 and 2Gib ram?
If Chrome is so bad then why does he use it?
Download a FOSS program
Appefags will defend this
What are these white speakers i see pretty much everywhere?
Newfags report
Give me names of laptops that can last 8 hours streaming, without a charge(No macs of any kind are allowed)
What have you done today? I started learning some c++. It's pretty fun
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
Anyone else here rocking a generic power supply? Branded ones are a joke, way overpriced for what you get
Just finish installing gentoo
Help me!!!!
Let's wait until someone besides a silicon valley startup or mozilla take it seriously
/dsct/ - Daily Systemd Circlejerk Thread
/fgt/ - Friendly GNU Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Sup Forums RSS-Feeds
Why can't Linux devs actually design anything user friendly?
What version of Directx I need to install on Windows 10?
Apple Special Event - September 7th, 2016
Is vlc the best media player
Best gaming PCs?
Gaming Desktop
What's Sup Forums fav android email client
/pcbg/- PC Building General
Poor performance
Want to make my own NAS, I'm thinking
Barcode Scanning
Anyone use NFC cards here?
Thinking about getting into making/editing videos, what software does Sup Forums use?
/mpv/ - to conquer the world of shitty media players
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Hit pacman -Syu
I'm stuck with this and i don't want to return my new phone. All i could find in google does not work...
What does Sup Forums look like?
Sup Forums I'm being a faggot
Tfw no mexican dollar store macbook
Post uptimes, PC only edition, no servers allowed
Speeeeeeeeeeed :^)
Screenfetch thread
What's the probability of me killing myself if I try to replace my power supply's fan?
From a technological standpoint, was Lain right?
Laptop with 37 GB space, 11.2 GB free
Rate my PC Sup Forums
Why do people prefer Ubuntu over Win10?
Certain combinations of 1s and 0s are illegal
Why the hate on Indian devs?
Want to watch Chinktoons on my comfy monitor
Is it worth it to learn C++
Just got pic related
KEK Syndicate:No Survivors Edition
Touch disease
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Budget netbook
/spg/ - Smartphone General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Smart TVs
/ubuntu/ - linux for human beings
Use clover on 5.0.1
Where is my iPhone 7 event announcement? is Apple scared of headphone removal backlash?
Will this shitty online marketplace ever be replaced?
Do you enjoy the warmth of a sheet of paper right after it is printed...
What laptop should i buy Sup Forums
Hi, Sup Forums. My boyfriend is getting me a computer with Linux on it. I don't know if I'll like it...
What mathematics do I need to know before starting computer science?
Is there an ergonomic mouse tier list?
Unbeatable Encryption
Poorfag challenge
I'm installing Ubuntu GNOME as we speak
Android N
All things /Crypto/ Thread
4.6" FHD
Who wants to play a game?
What went wrong?
Anniversary Update
Why windows 10 is better than 7 ?
Would you do h̶i̶m̶ her?
Why do you hate it, Sup Forums?
/sqt/ stupid questions thread
T-Mobile ONE
I got a spare $1500, need good gaming laptop. Suggestions?
Sup Forums Banner Contest
Would you rather buy a fat ass "gaymur" laptop with dedicated GPU inside or a sleek thinkpad X1 and hook up an external...
I was thinking about replacing my phone + tablet for a phablet. Is a 5...
Linux uptime thread
No time for love
Do you use voice commands, Sup Forums?
Ok so I've tried Ubuntu, decided to switch to arch, got tired of configuring stuff but like the idea of rolling release...
CS Books from /sci/ wikia
Best video player for Windows?
What is the most lightweight linux distro out there?
So what HDD brands does Sup Forums usually stick to?
Post your phone pics
Jesus christ how do any of you fucks live with linux
How can freecucks even compete?
Smoking is technology
Other than autism, is there a good reason to use a distro other than Ubuntu?
Are more expensive NAS memes? Is there much difference between high end and cheap options other than potential capacity?
It's illegal to discriminate against minorities so why doesn't the law apply for users of GNU/Linux...
Tek Syndicate Drama - Inside Job Edition
Ask a Microsoft SDE anything
There are literally zero reasons why someone should prefer manjaro over antegros
Buying my First VCR
I just got myself a girlfriend, Sup Forums! What graphics card should I buy to celebrate?
Is the XPS a meme laptop or is it worth getting?
I spilt a beer on my Lenovo T410. It-s been drying out for 10 hours for now. When the spill happened...
Your sister calls you into the shower
Prove ur not a new fag Sup Forums
Post tech-illerate stories Sup Forums
Bash Blob
Hey Sup Forums dubs decides what I type into my shell and run
What does Sup Forums do for a living?
Buy intel
Why does Sup Forums hate BSD?
Have my first tech interview with Google coming up. I'm just a lowly web dev who programs in C++ for hobby stuff...
/wt/ watch thread
Speccy thread?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Opera got a free vpn bundled with its browser (Currently the developer version...
Left ibm
Tek Syndicate is burning down
Post your hacker stories, Sup Forums
Tek Syndicate Burning
New sticker thread
Your LAST tech purchase and your NEXT tech purchase
What's the best way to transfer large files without a direct connection or flash drive?
IT is for people too dumb to code
Hmm, what do we have here?
Sup Forums please describe xorg in your own words
Can you see a difference in rendering in these two pictures?
Touch disease
Dead IT Fields
Is VR ever going to actually take off soon? I want to explore new worlds and planets with friends
Who /comfy/ in unconventional ways?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...