old thread: What are you working on, Sup Forums?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
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haskell is bad and you should FEEL bad!
Too early.
Delete this thread and kill yourself.
Absolute newfaggot to programming here.
What's a fun first project for Python? I need something that can make me involved in learning the language. Reading manuals can be boring without doing something fun with the language every now and then.
A TODO list that is persistent (saves the data in a .txt file).
i just ignore him, i've told him to kill himself so many times, i think not acknowledging his existence is better
>What are you working on, Sup Forums?
I wish I was working on something. There are just too many """fun""" distractions.
I added username and tripcode support to my messageboard written completely in C!
Unnecessary, but congratulations on getting it working.
I can understand this sentiment, sadly.
And yet you still post in his thread.
The worse part is that this diversion is going to require me to upgrade, because the game isn't running fast enough for my liking. I'm avoiding doing work, and it's ALSO going to cost me money.
Trpfagging should be a crime.
A little webcrawler project, anything involiving the internet or files is usually pretty entertaining.
here is a program I made showcasing some fun things python can do, maybe it will inspire you
>babby can't into functional programming
why are there anime girls in the OP for these threads, i'm not complaining i just don't get it.
forgot the link like a fag
Also before I forget. Do not use python for anything big like a game. Python is a great language for the internet and file handling but it is really slow when it comes to any actual computing. Move to C after python because it can do alot and teach you more about programming then python can
So in one of my IS classes, the only 350 class is taught my some old ass dude that obviously needs to be replaced because it's apparent that he's slowly losing his mind.
Anyways, we have to learn Visual Basic. How fucked am I? I mean I have a pretty good fucking feeling I'll never use VB again and we'd be better off learning C#, Python, or Ruby.
Now, I guess I'll fuck off and go do my homework using this shit.
posts resend when i reload.
LOL. Why the fuck are they making you learn VB? I mean it's not completely useless since you can right scripts on any windows machine without downloading anything but damn. If you plan to get a job after school you better learn another language on your own, because if you apply to a job and the only language you know is VB then have fun
Fortunately, my diversion is Minecraft.
Unfortunately, my diversion is Minecraft.
VB isn't a difficult language to learn, and if it's VB.NET, you might just learn a bit about the .NET runtime, so it won't be a complete waste of your time. Also, there are still a couple of companies out there hiring for it.
That said, it's just a terrible language in comparison to C#.
>Fortunately, my diversion is Minecraft.
>Unfortunately, my diversion is Minecraft.
That can be costly, too, if you want to use all those fancy shaders, hi-res texture packs, and various other mods.
>That said, it's a terrible language in comparison to C#.
It isn't a language compared to C#. It's like comparing bash to C++
company I interned at used VB, everyone there hated it, kek
good luck boyo
Like I said, the only dude that teaches that is some senile old guy who speaks super slowly. I mean, in another class we learn Java and C# but that's an elective class, this is a required class. I'm not sure why they don't hire someone that knows what the fuck they're doing and has us learn C# or Python.
Yeah I know it's not difficult, plus I already know some Python, JavaScript, and Ruby so it shouldn't be too hard to pick up on it too.
Started writing a nanopass backend for my compiler. I have a shit ton of work ahead of me though, didn't realize how much work it would be to handle patterns in let bindings.
>smug idiot thinks he's special for using a hipster language/paradigm
Are you reloading as soon as it says "Post submitted!"?
Because I have a cooldown that should prevent that, it's 30 seconds.
this particular """""""""girl"""""""" is a shitty forced meme
>admitting can't program
I'm working on artificial intelligence to determine whether a picture is anime and change it to something else
Fuck weeaboos. They're fucking degenerates
When I reload the page it asks me to resend data to the page.
Make a program that takes .dat files as a list of data points and plot them.
After you're done sent the program to me.
Are you on firefox?
There's a guy in the last thread who claims to have a degree and yet he's unable to do simple input validation.
How do I convert an ASCII number back into a char that I can use to add onto another int?
It's in C btw
stay delusional
An ascii number IS a char.
how about no
Ok, I have a user input a number and I read this number using getchar();, I am given 49, I want the number this ASCII code represents. Which is '1', and I want to add it to an Integer.
Tell me user, what's the ASCII value of "0"?
And what do you get when you subtract 48 from 49?
You've gone above and beyond. Thanks!
Wait you sumbitch I just read that code. Add a fuck you to that thank you but thanks for the laugh.
Come back next week when you have trouble adding numbers with more than 1 digit.
for c++, why is it that I get duplicated output when I declare strings outside of nested for loops that prints characters at specific parts of the array?
But then, I don't get duplicated output when I remove the declaration before the loop to later declare them within the first loop? What the fuck am I missing like a dumbass here?
example of what I mean, with the commented section being the portion that produces duplicated outputs if I initialize them there and not in the loop. No, I don't declare or initialize them twice and this is the case with or without proper type initialization, ie string s="";.
int count;
//string input;
//string even,odd;
cin >> count;
for (int k = 0; k < count; ++k)
string input="";
string even, odd="";
cin >> input;
for (size_t i = 0; i
Post more yuru yuris
Get a better browser.
>he fell for the sjw meme
There is no such thing.
>#Deletes all files
>#Downloads random pics, puts ten randomly on desktop
>#moves the mose and holds it down
golang is comfy as fuck.
All my error reports are coming from mozilla firefox users.
It's clear that firefox is shit.
To the user telling me that all I had to do was to have the event listener subscribe to the event, bypassing the need for an instance/reference of the class that fires the event itself:
I got back home and attempted what you said, and it seems like I'm regrettably correct. As far as I can tell, there is no way in C# to have something listen for global events. It just isn't possible. So what am I looking for, then?
Eh, my computer handles fine with a hi-res texture pack and no graphics card. The main thing that kills me is server lag.
VB.NET and C# are both compiled languages that target .NET CIL. They can be compared.
What language are you compiling for?
Sounds more like a shit site design.
I literally cannot get my browser to resend the same post twice because the cooldown stops you.
I can't recreate your bug.
What are you doing?
Decent advice. Civ4 used python a lot and when heavily modded it takes ages to load - not to mention the time it takes to end turns mid-to-late game.
if you don't know what this does without looking it up you need more practice learning regex
^\t{0,9}[0-9A-Za-z]{1,9}[\.)][ ]
>i.e "please explain this regex for me"
I'm not the guy who initially reported the bug, but I do see the same behavior.
1. send post
2. wait 30 seconds
3. press F5
4. resend exact post
Make pong, and if you want to hard core try making space invaders. It's not hard once you understand pixels and lists.
I recommend using processing library from the processing website. Also use their IDE. It's free and cool.
Learn what scope is.
And the fact is that you aren't clearing the string variables after the input.length() for loop.
I hope some of you are skilled in C. May need some help this term.
Sure. How much are you paying us?
Honestly focus on the class. But look into Python in your free time. I have experience with it, and can say it's pretty easy to pick up and has a lot of potential.
if it's too hard for you I can write an easier one
yep, so is R and Java
I would maybe start with python though it's probably the easiest language to pick up
Nothing. Some of you guys do this as a hobby, right? I'm sure they are simple exercises. I'm just retarded.
Yeah dud internet strangers are going to do grunt work for you with no compensation. Real logical lmao
>if it's too hard for you I can write an easier one
I know what is is. It's actually poorly written.
It seems like that you want someone to tell you what it's doing, and are just posing it as a question to try and save face.
my own :3
Where is this from?
Try it now.
I always forgot the real uses for events since I rarely implement them, I think of events just as "collections of function pointers": But WPF uses a concept called "routed events", which are events being propagated in a tree of classes. Don't know if that may help you or if you can use them in plain C#.
I'm not doing shit without compensation.
You'd be paying us a proper programmer's hourly rate.
how would you improve it then?
It's for numbered and lettered lists obviously
> I'm sure they are simple exercises
Then do them yourself or learn how to
What's the point in taking a class if you aren't going to learn
To some of you, it's not even work, right? The exercises will be coming from that C Primer book you guys mock.
I'm incapable of learning. I'm just trying to ride this life out.
>it's not even work, right?
What makes you think we want to do homework-tier shit?
I bet it's CRUD homework too.
You're typing (something you learned) into a computer (something you learned) in english (something you learned). More specifically, the written form of english (something you learned). Additionally, you're reading (something you learned) and you apparently somehow made it to college which would require you learning lots of other things, and then getting high grades
Doesn't look like anything has changed.
Thanks for your helpful answer and for not being harsh.
Replied to the wrong post before.
Using a character class of some sort would be better.
I don't know exactly which kind of regex you're using is, but it'll be something like \w or [:alnum:].
dots do not need to be escaped here.
>[ ]
Just have a space.
Ok, try it again.
does anyone have c primer plus in pdf?
>can't into google
Never gonna make it brah
I always come here first
gotta learn your google-fu, user.
I bought it because I'm sure it will be essential to my class and maybe future. Thing is twice as thick as bibles.