Is caturday here, post cats and technology

is caturday here, post cats and technology


where the hell do you live?

it's 11:30pm Thursday night here in the cst.

Back in my day, it was on a Saturday.

Every day is caturday newfag.


just post cats and technology

can you please fuck off our board, go back to Sup Forums or whatever dirty hole you came from

Clothes hangers are technology

I don't have a cat.

>tfw no cat




>tfw no cat to brushy brushy


I shouldn't post this.

>kanji file name

How is this possibel? Are moonrunes prohibited in Window's shitty filesystem?

Windows supported moonrunes back in the 90's on 3.11 while other OSs were still struggling to boot desu senpai.


>No cat

Windows has had excellent moonrune support for years. How is this news to you?

Just like my Suiseiseki!


thats a very pretty cat user
I wish I could have one


>When autism

bumping for pussy


>not gayming with your cat




no tech but have a cat
also pillows are kinda tech

real cute kot user

You may not have a cat but you clearly are a pussy.

top fucking kek

I have this thing.

cats are gay

Finally kot thread is back on caturday.

Trying too hard bro

>Sup Forumsay
>on Sup Forums

you are gay

aw shit

wtf is wrong with that guy?

Why the fuck did they blur out the CATS eyes?

So you can't identify it, dumbass. Jesus Christ, fucking summerfag


Cats a shit. Everyone knows guinea pigs are best pets.

They're great if you like being bored to death.

Buttmad AMDpajeets detected

>being an Nvidiot



Man, I love it that the SGI Trinitrons are like $20 while people pay over $500 for a Sony one.

how the fuck is that cat so big

what gaym is that?



Don't be, they actually don't cost shit if you bother looking

Shipping cost is my main problem. I can't find any locally.

>paying the asus tax

my mom has like 15 cats but i won't bother mate.


Has your cat got different coloured eyes? That's dope.

playing shitty tf2

>tfw my cat's probably gonna be dead by the time I return home

Where the fuck are you then?

ahahah the cat eyes made me laugh so hard

your masturbating here arent you

yep, one blue, the other green


Are you fucking retarded? If it's not EVGA it belongs in the trash.

his name is Rubick, like the cube.

The same, but different.

she didn't like sitting still

yup, 1070 adds a blue eye to your cat while the 1080 goes full arian with both eyes blue.

maybe it's just the world that is small.