Why aren't you using a Windows Phone, Sup Forums?

Why aren't you using a Windows Phone, Sup Forums?

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>botnet 2.0

I used one for 5 years and with MS basically taking almost two years off from releasing a flagship and saying that the last year they'll have no major focus on the platform - coupled with all kinds of security and messaging apps that weren't available on WP or had even been removed after once being available I finally gave up and switched.

Not saying that WP is bad by itself but MS already has a monopoly on the desktop side using pretty bad business practices, if they get a significant amount of marketshare on the mobile side we can say goodbye to any kind of future choice. I would rather prefer for another competitor to success like ubuntu phone, tize or sailfish.

not having apps all my friends have and not having access to other apps when i might need them is really depressing

but i do


No applications. Also the bootloader is locked down (and also now compromised)

I am.


>restricting OS

I have a Windows Phone, but I'm considering switching.
The one I have now is a 5" screen and it's too big to comfortably use with one hand; Microsoft no long sells any 4" Windows Phones.

Thinking about an iPhone SE, but $400 for a phone is a tad much.

Because I have a better phone with a better OS

>better dead OS

>using an OS backdoored by the Indians

>BlackBerry COO Marty Beard told Bloomberg that "The company’s never said that we would not build another BB10 device."

>implying I could give less of a shit
I've got a burner for anything I'm worried about anyone seeing.

Lumia 640 is on sale for $20 at Target, no contract phone.

Seems good, but I already have a laptop.

i'm not lonely enough to be gay


I tried it
it was terrible

>Why aren't you using a Windows Phone, Sup Forums?

Because it was and still is and will forevermore be dead on arrival.

>not building your own botnet free phone

It's like you want stallman to have your nudes!

cant play pokemon go on it

Fuck off
I purchased a 30$ Lumia 640 because shills convinced me to and it's beyond shit. Worst 30 $ I've ever spent. The OS is shit, the badly written apps sometimes don't work at all even after reinstalling them, updates are delayed. Thankfully the charging port stopped working so I just bought the Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 for 180 $ after they started selling it in my country.
>650 processor
>7-8 hours screen on time even on 3G
>AOSP ROM support
>constant updates
>3 GB RAM, 32 GB storage
>5.5" 1080p display
>fingerprint, IR blaster
Best thing I've ever bought in some time

No apps, but it's an okay phone with Windows so botnet also.

I use a Lumia 640 since last year.
Feels good for the price.


No apps.

I would if they could convince me that they weren't deprecating the platform. It's a damn shame, because winphones had the BEST UI out of all the smartphones out there. Apple never pushed past buttons-and-badges, which is easy to learn but gives you zero information, because they don't want to scare their users by changing literally anything dramatically. Android just copied Apple's UI. Live tiles + full-screen usage was/is the obvious best way forward from that.

That, and Windows was the first to realize that multi-platform integration by default was a killer feature, not just a way to get people to buy overpriced laptops. Apple started to catch on, but they're just copying Microsoft by pushing Siri into MacOS. MS had a real advantage, but it feels like they blew it. I wouldn't even mind having less apps, since 90% of the appstore is garbage freemium games. On top of that, you could make apps using a "Real", professionally used IDE that had mountains of hours put into it, with "real" languages to program in. If you want to develop for iOS, you're stuck with Obj-C which wasn't being advanced for a long time and is slowly being deprecated for Swift with XCode, and if you want to develop for Android you're stuck with their NOT-JAVA(tm) Java virtual machine with its own NOT-JAVA(tm) quirks and whatever Java-based bloated IDE you could get your hands on.

Oh well.

Lumia 950 over here. Feels nice, replaced the backcover with a wooden one, tho. I even use continuum from time to time, Its mighty nice if I just need office or a browser. As a Smartphone it feels much faster than my previous android phones (m7 and note 3 both with cm), I don't miss any apps and like the overall ux better.

Look at that thing it looks like a billboard advertisement


ty for the bump