Sup Forums humor

Sup Forums humor

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To be fair he wasnt the one to add tracking to everything.

And adobe developed flash into a virus deployment technology on their own.

does he been say botnet I thought that was us?

check out my oc meme

did he actually 'recompile his kernel on stage'?

ive seen the foot video before, but not that. i'm intrigued. good meme btw


Needs to be updated to have botnet in the left column and something appropriately not botnet in the right.

nah its just something I put in there




For God sake BSD, you light the cigar the wrong way again.



The Regents of the University of California take no responsibility for the use or merchantability of cigars smoked in comics featuring licenses written by the Regents of the University of California. The Regents of the University of California may not be used to promote the filter first smoking of cigars, nor may the Regents of the University of California be used to promote the same. CIGAR SMOKING METHODS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This paragraph and any associated paragraphs were not written by, endorsed by, promoted by or the product of effort related to the Regents of the University of California.

>asian woman as ceo = terrible drivers

fucking KEK


fucking lost

oh fug lol



>not posting the first one

how does someone get this pathetic



kek saved




>big box of weaboo shit

I wonder if the weeb fags who actually are like that see themselves in those pictures or are way too deep in their delusion to notice it?

>how does someone get this pathetic
Good question





enjoy your ban


not funny shitpost threads kill yourselves faggots

pure gold

Is this real?

Does anyone have more pics like these, where billboards or real life technology glitching out in public? I love these.



if I was a fedoralord id laugh at it. but I just felt bad for him


Post the original, newfags


youll never understand what its like to be happy, baka. you're just jealous of us

I saw one at Penn station but my phone was out of battery. Super fucking pissed. It was vista saying Omniviewer crashed
I am one of you desu


feels good t b h

cuck XD windows l0l jews
use mpv!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
your computer/browser/os/gpu/cpu/media player is bad!!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@##!#!#!#!!!!
x is a botnet chink jews microsoft american government NSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this is my impression of Sup Forums humour please rate out of 10 haha =)

Fuck off with your Sup Forums-tier shit




i bet his hands are sweaty right now.

low tier irony try harder d e s u

this desu that guy is practicing heresy.


cant tell if this is b8


Top kek


Top shelf autism, got to hand it to the guy.



I'll use the OP from last thread cause it was the funniest one

a network of private computers infected with malicious software and controlled as a group without the owners' knowledge, e.g., to send spam messages.

How excatly?

So, I really like the wtfpl license. Is it going to be a black mark against me in job interviews if I use it for my personal projects?

I just spent 15 minutes laughing at this.


>tfw haven't seen anyone use ISHYGDDT in over a year
It was one of those things you thought would stick around forever but one day it's just gone.

I just watched this shit. Fucking gross

It's just implying now when you say >2016 or >The current year.

I used to be an AMDfag because I was poot, it felt so great moving on and being able to afford a Intel+Nvidia dystem

lets update this to 2016
>Meanwhile, in Europe

You get thrown in prison for saying mean things about refugees on Twitter

It's b8. It's always b8.



Ok, I just ran cat678 throughout my home. I laughed.



I have intel and nvidia right now and I'm amdrone



i laffed

>botnet | Sup Forums

Now how in the world did that get up there?


It fell

replace that shit with GPU threads


>A socket change a year keeps the goyim in fear.

Legitimately lol.