I'm visiting in South Korea and this message shows when I visit Sup Forums
I'm visiting in South Korea and this message shows when I visit Sup Forums
translate it weeb
cyber police are sending a digital paddy wagon to come get you
Illegal drug sales shit what board is that on sounds way better than this one
I don't speak korean
Free porn is illegal in South Korea.
Go download a vpn and you'll be able to browse.
Fake and gay. There are people from South Korea posting on Sup Forums and Sup Forums
kek op just made this thread from south korea...
>Free porn is illegal in South Korea.
For what purpose?
oh shit. consequences!
I'm Korean and warning.go.kr does not show when I visit Sup Forums.
>Cyber Police
I'm calling this bullshit!
try using google dns/opendns.
that's how i visit 4chins in turkey.
I'm Korean, It says:
"Traitor! Your undemocratic access to a 'Chinese Basket Weaving Repair Site' has violated our terms of use. A people's liberation unit has been dispatched to your IP, a representative will evaluate the severity of your crime, then shift you into re-education or labour thought reform accordingly."
Can confirm, I'm also a cunt eyes
It's not up to Party's high moral standarts.
This wouldn't happen in best Korea.
Try going to North Korea and visit Sup Forums.
Is the joke that NK has no internet?
As far as I know, visitors have access to the internet while everyone else, save for the elites, only have their intranet.
Are you sure you're in the right Korea?