
Redpill me on flatpacks Sup Forums.

Is it the new era of bundled .exe* in linux? Will it kill the distro war once and for all?


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>talking about actual technology on Sup Forums
you retard m8

Do whatever you want, I'll still compile all my shit.

Yes. Just like snibeti snaps or docker.

into the trash it goes

>It means that apps no longer have to be updated to keep pace
yay no more updates!


I already came up with this idea ages ago when I implemented a loader for OSX-like app containers for linux.

There was Gobi Linux, which packaged every program like .app in OS X.


Please evolve oldfag!

>there are x competing standards
>why don't we create a universal one?
>there are now x+1 competing standarts

>calling everything app is evolution
kys macfag

The only way Linux can compete on the desktop at all is to admit that the Windows packaging way was right all this time.

Nigger if you want something to not need external libraries you can just compile it statically into a huge elf file

>Redpill me on flatpacks Sup Forums.
Okay. Linux will never have unified binaries. Happy?

I think the only way this would work is if you could add it along side standard compilers.

Example: I could roll my own compile of apache and then install a bunch of flatpacks for modules running on it (wordpress.flat, etc).

The problem here is that now I have to maintain libs for the compiler in their traditional locations AND I possibly have other libs that are boxed up with the .flat. IF I have a security issue with old libs (ie heartbleed), how do I make sure that I'm updating the libs in the flatpack without breaking it? I can do that easily using standard compiler or even apt.

Bring back a.out.

Well I guess they should just stop right now.

Snaps are the way to go.

>All this bs to bundle SHARED OBJECTS
>Not just using static compilation.

Static compilation has always been a thing and so has sandboxing software

Flatpacks are the ultimate way of distributing furniture. Made popular by IKEA in 50s.



No... GoboLinux was nothing like that.

Flatpack wants to bundle everything (application, libraries, kitchen sink) inside a sandboxed environment; GoboLinux reworked the directory hierarchy into something more flexible to allow people to install stuff where they want and keep more than one version of the same program.

All of this could end if we just used static linking, you know.

you can't use static linking with LGPL libraries, you know

So the GPL ruins things once more? Great!