Just finish installing gentoo

>just finish installing gentoo
>it starts to decompile itself

>update portage
>it replaces itself with aptitude

>grep -R *
>it queries the entire internet

>buy a 1 TB hard drive
>it turns out to be 20 zetabytes

>finish installing Windows 7 for the desktop
>it was Arch Linux this whole time

>get a GTX 1080
>it has linux preinstalled

>kick up the 4d3d3d3
>sequence is oyster

>yum install gentoo
>it installs n00buntu

>Posts 128 upward pointing triangles is shape of a pyramid.
>Calls it a triforce.
>Does a 360. Walks away

>start installing nVidia proprietary drivers
>everybody walks the dinosaur

>cpu is at 87°C
>dragon dildos

>iqdb for /s/furshit
>find cp instead
my lucky day

>plug in usb stick
>suddently the usb port yells "YES" through the beeper

>install OpenBSD
>post to wizardchan

>it's green

>i'm on linux

>apply thermal paste
>dust, crumbs and hair mixes into it

>install gentoo
>kernel panic on boot

>run apt-get -Syu
>computer reboots into Windows 10

>download chrome
>this wesite does not support IE6

>install gentoo
>gentoo installs

>set up VPN
>SWAT knocks my door

>attempt to destroy HDD via magnet
>my pc freezes

>insert rocket drive
>asks if I want to install ask toolbar
>click no
>it starts downloading 300 gb and automatically uploads it to my facebook

>click clickbait
>article tells exactly what's asked in the headline

>send nudes over icq
>friend tells me he's not online

>update Windows 10
>it now boots into Minecraft and everything is coded into redstone logic

>format my disk as zfs
>it resilvers itself into btrfs

>create new empty document

>try going to Pizzahut
>bought the pizza with nonfree javascript

>change video resolution
>sound turns into 5.1

>30 replies
>12 posters
You're not funny.

>kernel panic

>shill on Sup Forums
>still no kekkels

>posts in fun thread
>does not post funny joke

>write rm -rf / into a sticky note
>disk gets wiped

>ping www.nsa.gov
>10 agents swat my home within 30 minutes

>click the post button
>snarky comment appears

>order mac
>get AIDS

>lift thinkpad lid
>get teleported into 1970s

>assemble pc
>bumblebee forms out of it

>overclock cpu
>it becomes sentient

>send forkbomb to neighbor as prank
>am forced to have my fingers chopped off on a cinderblock at the center of the village because I live in a geopolitically and culturally backwards area

>get new keyboard
>it starts typing out my suicide note

>samefag my own thread
>i'm a complete retard

>Have YouTube channel
>Ruin YouTube channel

>order 4gb card
>it's actually 3.5


>run startx
>windows 95 boots up

>runs tmux
>4 new monitors appear on my desktop


>open ie on windows xp
>end up with the flu

>concatenate resume.txt to /dev/null
>get fired

>order 4GB card
>it's actually 8GB

>compile Android
>she's my sexdoll now

>install latest Windows
>Get ads in my start menu

>format usb stick with fat32
>dimension of usb stick doubles in size

oy vey

>buy 64 bit processor
>comes in 64 pieces

>strip a binary file
>serve jail sentence for rape

Oh shit.

>install gnu/linux
>the nsa interjects at my door that night


>buy gas
>receive global warming


>open a Sup Forums thread
>it's actually just reddit

>order overclocker's dream card
>it doesn't overclock