Will Ubuntu work good on a 2003 128mb gpu, pentium 4 and 2Gib ram?
Will Ubuntu work good on a 2003 128mb gpu, pentium 4 and 2Gib ram?
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Not anymore
yes. dont expect to get much done though.
try to install a leaner distro, like Linux Mint or something less bloated.
install xubuntu
You should install windows xp, or at least Ubuntu mate.
>Linux mint
>less bloated
Don't worry, I'll google for you
>Windows XP
No. You shouldn't advocate the installation of a 16 year old operating system that's unsupported.
Install gentoo
Yes, the gpu will struggle tho
Still getting PoSready updates, or he could install an AV.
Try ubuntu mate version er lubuntu. Both will work
>PoSready updates
Why the fuck would he want to cling to such an old system anyway, if he could put a system that's actively developed, supported(widely, not with some obscure hack bullshit), and runs just as well? Plus he wanted a Linux distro anyway.
Install arch or gentoo. Seriously
Get a version from that time duh.
12.04.1 is the latest light version I recall using
Yes. It won't be any useful tho. 32-bit loonix software is pretty much abandonware at this point
Try anything with LXDE maybe or a Windows manager instead if a full DE
Maybe if you used a wm standalone or lxde.
Because he's using an old pc.
Old OS runs better on old hardware.
Just install Debian
Posting from a dual socket netburst workstation rn
Ubuntu Mate or Xubuntu. Xubuntu is my preference of the two.
Is that Ted Danson?
Use Lubuntu or Ubuntu mate
Is there a minimal/netinstall for ubuntu these days? If so, you could use that and then hand pick packages for a minimal desktop environment / window manager like xmonad or something.
How has nobody mentioned Puppy and Bunsenlabs? They're both literally made for exactly the kind of dinosaur that OP is describing. The only downside is you won't be able to use that sweet GPU to do any circa-2003 gaymen without spending a fuckload of time in driver hell and playing with WINE.
he should just grab the posready trial, good for 120 days
chrome doesnt work on xp anymore so he'd have to use firefox, just a note
Because you can get just about any distro running on any hardware. I have fedora 24 running on an Asus 1000HE netbook (1.66ghz atom, 1gb ram). I just use xmonad as my WM on that machine.
>chrome doesn't work on XP anymore
Sure it does, why would you need to update?
Just install debian with a lightweight window manager setup.
>on Sup Forums ubuntu MATE is lightweight
OP, if you want light use a window manager only, otherwise use LXDE.
Nah mate that's a bit small.
Xubuntu might work, but you might have to go down to crunchbang or something.
It's a bit wierd but tiny core run pretty good on a pentium m. Might work nice on a pentium 4 and you'd have the possibility of currenct browser. It runs in ram but it's almost impossible to change anything on it. There's multiple de's though that come with the full install. A couple of them were pretty useable as long as you install a window manager as well.
try xubuntu