Hey Sup Forums...

Hey Sup Forums, you guys think having OS flags like the country flags of Sup Forums and Sup Forums is a good idea for Sup Forums? Answer honestly.

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Bump because its good idea

How would it work? Would you set the flag yourself or would it rely on the user agent (which people on here would just spoof anyway)? Anyway I think it's a bad idea because it serves no real purpose and, while seemingly impossible, might result in more shitposting.

Yes, at least it would add a new dimension of shitposting to this rather bland board filled with consumerism.

However it's really easy to forge an http header so it's kinda pointless as well

I remain undecided at this moment in time

The country flags on Sup Forums and Sup Forums are based on your country, so the OS flags would be based on user agent. It would at the very least clear out shills and Sup Forums kiddies who don't know how to change their windows user agent because lets face it, everyone will filter windows flags.

It's not like people don't already use proxies to shitpost from other countries on Sup Forums.

What are you afraid of, Winblows fag?

Wouldn't really work for many people.
As an example, I have Windows 10, windows 7, Lubuntu, and arch all installed on different computers in my house.
Ideally I would have the arch flag, but if I'm using the windows 10 of it would immediately ruin my reputation.

Then just change your user agent to linux. Even if everyone changed their flag to linux, they would have to seriously limit on non linux related topics like windows or it would expose them.

>winblows fag
Maybe OS flags would be a good idea after all. :^)

Kinda cool, but it would just make a lot more adhoc fallacy arguments in every thread that much more substantial.

remember, this isn't an OS shitposting board.

I was gonna vote, but
fuck off with your botnet. There is no need for the CAPTCHA option, you can make the vote restricted to 1 per IP.

Here's a superior poll: strawpoll.me/11119402

Flags don't curb shitposting. If anything they encourage it.
On the other hand it would make it extremely easy to ignore nearly all posts from mobile users.
I'm conflicted.

I say stopping mobilefags is enough reason to do this.

>it would immediately ruin my reputation.
Good then that you are anonymous and none of your posts can be linked to you (by other Sup Forums users). If you're posting from Windows, either change your UA or deal with being identified as Windows user.
>B-but I also use Arch!
Not right now, so fuck off.

Sounds like a problem on your end, friendo.

Sorry about the captcha, I won't use it next straw poll.

>implying over 3% of Sup Forums traffic is not just mobile users bored at work

Most mobilefags are massive shitposters and underage b&.

This and Sup Forums was/is the default board on Clover.

This isn't such a problem now that clover is not on the play store.
The only people that get it are people who already browse Sup Forums, or people from f-droid which should be fine.

useless flair and easy to spoof the useragent
I'm on windows but I'm making sites think I'm on a mac
so if I visit shitty site I get .dmg files as malware offerings

There are a dozen Sup Forums apps on the playstore to replace clover and if there isn't an app the mobilefag likes, they'll just use their web app like chrome or safari.

At the very least it will curb windows discussion, because the user with the linux flair asking questions or talking about windows totally isn't a windows user with a spoofed flag. Also, you severely underestimate how tech illiterate people can be, most of the cancer we have to worry about won't even know what a user agent is.

>you severely underestimate how tech illiterate people can be
You have a point there. Just looking through the stupid questions thread is enough to convince me that a lot of general knowledge has been lost.

Terrible idea. People will just shitpost more often by pretending to be someone else.

I'm pretty sure Sup Forums blocks all proxies and Tor nodes so they can reasonably enforce the flags.

8ch did this on /tech/ and it just made people shitpost more

You say that like its a bad thing.

Last time I checked it was optional on /tech/ and almost nobody used it. This is something that will be mandatory. Besides, almost all the shitposting was towards windows users who weren't tolerated there to begin with. The rest of the shitposting was GPL and stallman related drama or programming language wars.

>Sup Forums

pick one

>my reputation
I pity your life if you unironically value your online reputation on a macedonian basket weaving forum

Some anons are just that vain. It just proves that anyone who is against this is a mobile or windows faggot who doesn't want them to be called out on it.

>BSD not even on the map

We should limit it somewhat though, like all distros fall under Linux flag, all androids fall under android flag, all windows fall under windows flag, etc.

Then maybe later on it could be expanded?

You can change user-agents, so it would be pointless. God, this board is becoming Reddit.

Wow you're so clever and intelligent. Nobody besides you even thought about the option of user agent spoofing. What YouTube tutorials did you watch to learn all this? Please teach us.


>normalfag spongebob meme
What a surprise, you're a mobilefag. Flags would make filtering the tech illiterates extremely easy and the rest that are smart enough to change user agent, they'll be forced to talk about the OS they changed their OS to. They won't be able to use linux flag to talk about windows 10 or ask about their latest consumer GPU with their linux flag. It's like with how you can use a proxy to get a different flag on Sup Forums and Sup Forums, that doesn't mean country flags are a bad idea.

Flags are fucking cancer you god damn idiot

So far, overwhelmingly majority are in favor of the flags.

What? I'm on Windows 10.

even worse

That still is proving my theory that only winkids and mobilefags would be against OS flags.


>hurr it would be cool if 90% of posts were "FUCK WINDOWSFAGS XDDDDD"

um why should i care
Sup Forums and Sup Forums are boring.

i will wear my os x flag with pride

plus we can already make an blink/gecko extension for this -- like flag extender for pol

BSD is an extremely small minority of Sup Forums, he probably forgot some anons use it. But they'll still make a BSD like FreeBSD and OpenBSD and a TempleOS one.

we used to be able to do this by putting our distro in the email field, and appchanx would put the distro's logo next to your name.



>enable desktop mode
>user agent stops reporting that I use iOS and now says I'm using OS X
Wow, that was hard.

you can totally feel the new janitors got elected and they want to be the change they want to see in the world, Mahtma Gandhi style.

>bland board filled with consumerism

Sup Forums flags have the purpose of perspective, origin plays a role within the context of the board.

OS flags simply enhance consumer partisanship and doesn't contribute to the relatively broad area of tech. The subject in itself isn't clearly defined in terms of content so any newcomer, seeing OS flags would balk at a board which cares on what system he's running and would imply how he's perceived and what he should be concerned about. It isn't really relevant

Sup Forumsents not staying user is ludicrous.

This would be good fun because the poors would be replying to every post I make once they see I'm running iOS or OS X.

But no, let's not.

am i the only on here who loves shitposting?

let's be honest, there is really nothing of value on this site, except for maybe the stupid questions thread since those tend to be helpful.
anything you want to learn would be best taught elsewhere, which leaves everything else just a sort of social media/interaction threads (read: arguments). everything can just burn.

>that one user who got 4 boards running on his IBM terminal will have a DOS flag

you're absolutely right, we should have an icon for our graphics card.