What laptop should i buy Sup Forums

I need a new laptop. I want a thinkpad but i have no idea what to buy. Money isnt a problem.

I'm interested in a new laptop too. I need something capable of audio production and running samplers which are RAM hoggers. Something with a decent processor as my DAWs of choice will happily fuck with lots of threads

Same here. Need something that can run FL Studio and Sony Vegas

yea me too
i aslo need laptop

If you want a thinkpad, start with a T420. I use it for FL Studio and Photoshop on the go, as well as an alternative Linux machine. Only complaint I have is the battery level being inaccurate at times; but that may just be a problem with my own.

Get a razer stealth.

Does it have enough gpu power for some games. Csgo, chivalry, etc

Whats the razer core do?

I tried CSGO a while ago; it worked pretty good without AA. 40~50 FPS. Chivalry, probably not. The only games I really play on it anyway are Gungeon and Isaac.

what are the specs of your thinkpad? can you open large projects and play them well? I'm talking 30+ channels in the mixer

Vaio Z Flip

Core i5 vPro, Intel dedicated; 16 GB ram. I haven't had a project go as high as 30 channels in the mixer; I usually only tend to go as high as 10-15. but with my projects, everything works fine - just be sure to use the Asio driver rather than your standard realtek driver.

Get a T460 if money is no problem

i play ffxiv on low and it runs smooth as hell

Here's my T420, by the way. On campus ATM.

Do you use the pointer stick at all?

From time to time, yeah. To be honest; I enjoy the pointer a lot more than the synaptics touchpad, but the two-finger scroll kind of wins it over for me.

Its monday my dudes

Look at the Panasonic Let's Note series (you can buy them on Rakuten Global).

Wtf is that

I can't find them, I just keep getting a bunch of irrelevant Panasonic products

A netbook

Same here

Can we get a link?

Nevermind, didn't see that there was a laptop section. Anywhere I can find a CF-RZ4? I'm only seeing RZ-5 models and don't want to shell out $4k for a netbook

If you want a more futureproof option without spending something like 1500-2000 bucks (which is actually the case with new 1060 and higher tier gpus equipped laptops) I'd wait for laptop with medium range (1050) pascal gpus. That's what I'm waiting for to substitute my 5 year old laptop (which btw still serves md astoundingly well with an i5 480, as a dedicated DAW with Reaper). Problem is, I don't know when these new medium range cards will come out (I'm guessing nov/dec so they can still sell 1060/1070/1080 in the meantime). I would love to have some official source on the matter if anyone has one.

If you can't wait and you want a good cpu, do not get low powered ones. Your best bet atm is a i7 6700hq price/performance wise. Dunno where you are, but here you can get an asus kv550vx (i7 6700hq +gtx 950m) for 600 europoorbucks (+something for an additional bank of 8gb ram)

I just want something with a 960m or a 980m. 1070+ is overkill for any laptop. Laptops arent supposed to be gaming machines.

Sexy as f

Get a 1060 then, the jump from maxwell is big, but its lower TDP makes it a better option on a laptop than 1070-1080 imo (I too think that a these two on a laptop are retarded and ypu're basically asking for throttling, a giant psu and a burning house)

You'll probably have problems finding 960m or 980 at good prices because there aren't many pieces anymore (at least that's what's happening in my country)

I hope the 1050 on laptops turns out good. I'm a student and I can't justify spending more than 700 euros on a notebook. I don't have the urge to play AAA shit with enb and 64x AA

Red Hat sticker but still running Windows? Why?

>11.6 "
>i3u or i5u

Something like this exists or are we condemned to atoms and core Ms for years to come?

Why would you want anything more than an Atom?

.6 "
>>i3u or i5u
Install Windows on a MacBook Air.

If money isn't an issue you could look into getting a Thinkpad P50/P70

Thats true I guess. I just hate when these cards make laptops for "Gamers"

XPS 15 of cource

So tempted right now

Portable: X220
Touchscreen: X220 Tablet
Low-cost but good specs: x201 (Again, tablet version if you need touchscreen)
Otherwise: T420

If you want something newer, the x230/t430 are great but don't have pic related GOAT keyboard.