Is there a way to browse this site without viewing the pictures? I am trying the no-fap thing and I get distracted whenever I go to Sup Forums
Removing pictures from Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes, there is.
When you see a naked lady on Sup Forums, instead of fapping, don't fap.
I just get distracted very easily and 1 minute later I find my hand rubbing my dick. There is no other option than blocking pictures
How can you not have any will power at all?
Links or lynx. Or telnet
because I am a 30 y/o kissless wizard that wants to put an end to this and turn his life around
Why would you stop fapping?
You want to actually feel better? hit the gym. Trust me.
Because Sup Forums is the place you should go when you try to turn your life around
You're pathetic my man. You should be fixing your masturbation addiction instead of trying to work around it. Hiding images won't fix that.
Solution: don't go to Sup Forums
Because I read this article and realised it's actually true and worth of trying
OP you need this, and an ounce of willpower, to ever turn your life around.
Avoiding the issues will lead to suicide
what about other boards? I just want a general blocker for images or a script
Go to sfw boards? Why are you making this such an ordeal?
This OP... not cumming won't change your life, improving yourself will
just install Sup Forums x OP, enable werk tyme
Add this to your ublock: ||*
but browsing an imageboard text-only is retarted
All those things you've read about fapping being wrong telling you that if you stop you'll gain superpowers are bullshit. There's nothing wrong with fapping, in fact, scientists have proven that it's actually beneficial to your health and not fapping for long amounts of time increases your chances of getting testicular cancer
Here, l uploaded this babe just for you, enjoy yourself ;)
>Le improve you'reself
>Le gym maymé
Kill yourself without delay. If OP is a 30yo khv then going to the gym isn't going to make him feel better. It won't make him turn his life around. It will do nothing but make him better at lifting heavy things which is likely useless.
Also it doesn't fix autism or ugly faces. It doesn't fix depression in all people, much like antidepressants aren't universally efficacious.
Back to /fit/, underage.
Start here
this, and also hit the gym
t. child who did 5 crunches and gave up when his abs didnt appear
Just because you don't have the discipline to go to the gym doesn't meant that OP can't improve himself.
Exactly, it doesn't just cure everybody, but he could give it a try and figure that out for himself. The gym has made my life better.
Not an argument. Didn't expect much from /fit/ transplants though.
Doing exercise objectively makes you feel better and improves your physical and mental health. It's not about lifting heavy things and putting them back down. Idiot.
>I have never ever lifted weights
Feels good man. As Arnold said "It feels like you are cumming everywhere in your body"
Having control and the ability to perform tasks like lossening bolts with ease, hold a box up with one arm instead of two, etc all feels good.
I have no stats and don't want to argue but you should try hitting the gym some time. It is a way for you to see tangible progress in shaping something about yourself and has certainly helped me be more confident and all around regular in my life.
Not an argument.
>Ad hominem
Not an argument.
I have been going to the gym 3 times a week for the last year and I feel just as awful as when I started. Your anecdote is wrong.
Looks like you have decided how you feel. Congrats on sticking with it, hope things get better for you
>blocking images on an image board
I bet youre the retard that orders burgers with no patty
I'm sorry you feel awful. On the other hand, I feel great during exercise and I'm pretty happy with myself. Sorry again, it must suck to be you.
>Le it's all in your mindset maymé
gymcels really are retarded.
You said objectively though, which is wrong, because of exercise is not universally efficacious at improving mood. Just like any other medication or treatment.
start by fapping 3 times a week, next month 2 a week, next 1 a week and then keek it like that, otherwise you're balls are going to explode lmao
This is true - some people really just choose to be miserable all the time
> turn his life around
>go to Sup Forums
Pick one.
gtfo you're not helping at all with that image
>Sup Forums
Sup Forums is long dead, my friend. It's literally nothing but porn now, so I have no idea why you'd be going there if you're trying NOT to fap.
I suggest you head on over to Funnyjunk.
>falling for the religious bullshit bait
Every person in history masturbated, user.
ALL of them. It's normal human behavior. Every shred of "evidence" was created by cherry-picking and twisting data to support foregone conclusions, by people who LITERALLY believe pic related
Drinking water, getting a healthy amount of sleep and exercising are literally the 3 easiest ways to become more fit, more awake, etc. within a matter of days
The first 2 are free (or negligible costs for water), exercise is not free in a gym but you can just start going for a jog or riding your bike, it's better than nothing
>being a weeb homo
>no images
>on an image board
go to leddit cuck
You sound like that dude from Sons of Anarchy
How about this one?
When you get a gf, you won't feel like masturbating anymore, or atleast you'll do it less
tifa thread?
do it op, it's a natural thing, it feels nice
t.lewd doctor maki-chan
women have a weird way of taking the fun out of sex
THere's nothing wrong with it. Do it.. Do it..
Your body will cum if you don't, senpai. Just do it.
Not an argument kiddo. Release of endorphins isn't going to fix a newly hatted wizard who lacks the willpower to even stop himself from fapping.
I think setting your adblocker or hosts file or whatever to block anything from Sup Forums's cdn should work.
Why the hell do you still go to Sup Forums? It's so fucking boring, are you literally 13 , OP?
You need something which has support for cookies and he'll need a Sup Forums pass to get around google captcha.
What do you even mean? There are no sources that will answer such a vague problem which contains so many variables so let me pose a hypothetical:
>be a wizard
>start to go to gym because at least it is something
>gain confidence and other mental benefits along with the physical changes
>women more attracted and maybe don't cringe when they walk by
>with new confidence start to find like minded people (tons of different social forms of exercise) and join a group
The wizard has gone from playing WoW 24/7 to only playing MOST of the time and has found a place in a group. He has the possibility of dating and finding new friends and exploring new things.
Not that you will entertain this idea for a second - but that is fine. It happened for me so I know it is possible
Put this in your custom css
.fileThumb {
Put this in your catalog css
.thread img {
You think that is the only side of the argument?
If you can't NOT fap then you have no self control. You could probably jack off ten times a day and be perfectly healthy but it certainly isn't normal by modern standards
>10 times a day isn't normal
l have a gf and l still fap almost everyday. lf you think that if you stop fapping you will get you an instant cute gf you're wrong.
Don't fool yourself, go out and meet new people, if you can't even do that, then use a dating website. You have plenty of options. Statistically there's a girl for every man so don't lose hope, unless you don't look up for one at all you'll get your cute gf soon enough. Be careful not to run into a gold digger bitch though
>what is bias
If I were a human I would want to find evidence that this thing I could not stop myself from doing was a good thing.
I recently gave up on nofap, and I still think you still have shit reasoning
>implying OP's mental health will improve from endorphin release alone
>implying 9/10ths of attraction isn't in facial features
>implying OP doesn't have an ugly face or acne or some other ailment that (wrongly) repulses women
>implying OP doesn't have autism
>implying confidence in yourself and muscles fix autism
>implying OP has the willpower to go to a gym for more than 1 day
That being said, if you had a Chad face and the only thing that was wrong with you was being fat, then by all means you should be going to the gym. It would be wasteful not to.
You can start by not browsing Sup Forumsazinga at all.
Good on you for attempting to better yourself. I failed last night but I started again today.
>lf l were human
What are you then? fucking lmao
l think it's more that you're trying to find excuses for your behaviour and come up with that ridiculous nofap thing
Wow, user you really care about people not doing this thing that you do
Think maybe you should pay more attention while in class?
>haha come on dude just indulge in your self destructive behavior trust (((me)))
that is not healthy son
you need to release your little niggas once in a while
just don't overdo it
I dont habeeb you.
>l have no arguments left so l'll just straight comment on him
>implying you haven't been doing that this whole time
nice b8 tho
My first comment was not refering to you in particular but to all the people that follow that bullshit philosophy
l fucking hate english. Why it doesn't have a plural form for 'you'? lt's ridiculous
>plural form for "you"
You all
Vosotros kek
I don't even have the willpower to finish Homestuck let alone stop fapping.
you lot
Stop going to Sup Forums
the ending is shit
That particular image is from a parody of Homestuck called 'cool and new webcomic' found here
Wrong. Exercise improves mental health. If he is 30 yr wizard, i doubt he is in the best shape and getting in shape will help him even if it won't solve all his problems.
OP, you haven't said much about yourself so i'll just give some general advice that might be of help: If you don't have a job get one. Try to make small-talk with people that you normally wouldn't. You don't have to become friends with them but it will improve your social skills. Try to become aware of autistic things you do in conversation and make an effort to avoid it, see every conversation as an attempt to improve this aspect of yourself (but be careful not to get into a "Jesus, i'm so autistic, they think i'm so weird. I suck' mentality). Develop some normie interests, join some clubs, meet people. Do not make getting a gf or having sex a prioity; develop irl friendships with both men and women. Romance and sex take second place to that as no girl will fuck someone with no friends.
>Exercise improves mental health.
Not always true, /fit/cuck.
>Try to make small-talk with people that you normally wouldn't
>Try to become aware of autistic things you do in conversation and make an effort to avoid it
>see every conversation as an attempt to improve this aspect of yourself
>Develop some normie interests, join some clubs, meet people
You are fucking terrible at giving advice to autistic/socially inept people.
> Not always true, /fit/cuck.
How would you know, landwhale?
>How would you know, landwhale?
Because endorphins do not have a perfect positive correlation with mood.
Just like any treatment for mental health.