Worker harder how to!

how do u Sup Forumsuize stay focoused on a project?
classical music for babies?

share how long you can work on a single project and tips to up productivity

>make sure to sleep 7-8 hours a day
>don't consume caffeinated products all the time, maybe one or two times when you need a little extra energy each month but not every day
>drink water instead of soft drinks/juice
>Run every day until you can run a mile a day
>Yes, ~6-8 mph running speed not walking
>lose weight if you're fat, your BMI should be 25 MAX

chip-thrash espresso and sativa

learn english how to???

what does this have to do with sitting in front of a computer for mutltilpe hours?>>

its called a joke fag

It gives you energy to do shit. Isn't that something you want? Or do you enjoy feeling bloated, sick, and suicidal 24/7?

drink clean water constantly, and constantly eat mints, I eat 7 altoid boxes of mints worth a day, when I go home, I pass out and sleep for 12 hours, then go back to work, once you accept your life is work and you are a cog in the machine, you will always be at a content, monotone level, focusing on your work.

enjoy life.

oh gotcha, i mean i personally workout a few dayss a week but definitely drink like three coffees a day

Taking a 15 minute power nap. Works everytime.

what? does that cinnamon light your brain on fire?!


just follow your passion :v)

>but definitely drink like three coffees a day
Well don't fucking do that. Caffeine is good for you, it can provide you an artificial boost of energy when you feel overwhelmed but it's not fucking candy. Consuming it every 5 minutes makes you gain a tolerance to it and your body will start to think it needs it to function.

I'd recommend you slowly wean yourself off it to the point where you only use it when working overtime a few days in a month or some other emergency.

fake and gay

double dubs for truth

will do thanks user

mints will keep you in a sort of slightly buzzed state and will keep your sinuses clear, the best way to be energized, is control your breathing, I don't have time for that yoga bullshit, nor does the common man, so mints open the sinus and allow you to breathe easier, you need to get strong mints however, and not the sub-par chemically kind, or peppermints, it doesn't give you a crash, and it won't make you a twitchy fuck.

mostly by realizing that if i don't work on it i'll probably starve because im self employed

do what you love
follow your heart
b urself
fall in love
dream BIG
believe in urself

Anything is possible :/\)

fake and GAY

what the fuck is wrong with her eyes.

chronic lesbianism

>sleep 7-8 hours a day
I'm trying. I'm trying really hard. Always end up with 5-7 though.

My dude

not funny, thats how my wifes son died

Then something is wrong. Try eating smaller dinners before you go to bed and make sure you drink a glass of water an hour before you go to bed. If none of that works then see a doc. Sleep deprivation is one of the most damaging psychological things to humans. If left untreated it can cause depression and other mental illnesses.

Ugly blue contacts to hide her reptilian jew eyes and lies.




>>Run every day until you can run a mile a day

Does that mean I can quit running once I can run a mile in a day?

My nigga

No, keep running you fagit. The moment you stop running is the moment your cardio health goes to shit. This is why those fags that run a mile every morning in your neighborhood have so much fucking energy all day long.

I started biking to work everyday instead of sitting in traffic.
I lost a lot of weight and gained more energy throughout the day.
I became slim enough to fit into girls clothes and now I get off on hands free prostate orgasms without feeling exhausted in the thighs.

Basically, exercise more.
You will feel much better all around.

I work F/T in a totally unrelated labor job. I do this job because guaranteed for life pension that no tech company will ever offer me.

To motivate myself to stay focused on projects I email myself a schedule everynight for the next day and follow it to a T. I get up 5 hours before work and make sure I am working putting in effort on the project.

This is all detailed in the book 'Daily Rituals' by Mason Currey. Basically every single writer, scientist, artist ect throughout life has used a set schedule like Franz kafka who had a M-F regular office job at an insurance agency and needed to break up his sleep patterns in order to work. There was also a victorian aged postman who got up hours before work and made himself write 30 pages. Everyday. He ended up being the most prolific writer of the victorian age.

John Grisham, who has a shitty job at a lawfirm he hated also arrived before work to his personal office where he forced himself to write his novels before work.

tl;dr a Schedule works.

Well, I do small game dev stuff, so my perspective is a bit different.

I work on my content for like 5-6 hours every other day and stream said content creation for 2 hours of that time. The interaction with viewers keeps me interested, as I respond to their questions and give small how To's.

I smoke so much god damn weed so I don't fucking hurt someone at work.

I am huge on follow-through. I swear to god every fucking time a volcano erupts from something that was barely a small trash can fire could be solved by being patient with the customer and wait until they're 1000% sure they are satisfied.

it's fucking IT 101 and my 40 year old coworkers are showing their age by being extremely lazy.

You only need 6 hours.

Schwarzenegger is famous for going around telling everybody his schedule when he was lifting hard as Mr. Olympia. "I had a F/T job, I worked out 3 hours a day, and I went to acting classes at night until midnight."

"I slept from 1am until 7am, you only need 6hrs so hurry it up if you sleep more".

It actually varies. The most important part about sleep is the REM phase. If you don't get enough of it your body will make you tired during the day and over time aggressively try to put you in REM sleep. Just sleep whatever your body requires. That 1 or 2 hours you shave off your sleep time may be cutting off REM sleep.

REM sleep is so important it will literally kill you if you don't get enough of it.

you're not a smurf. stop adding "meme" to everything like a fucking retard.

if you studied 5 people you'd get 5 different figures. the best way to find out for yourself is to try and wipe out your sleep debt and then go to sleep a few nights without an alarm. see how long before you wake up on your own.

citing one of the world's most successful bodybuilders as a representative data point is incredibly dumb. don't act like an idiot or you'll get mistaken for one.

when I get unfocused I go bust a nut and come back determined.

L-Theanine + Coffee


Yeah because being a fat slob who does AMP and rarely gets sleep is a much better choice.

what on earth is AMP?

sleep is a cornerstone for any kind of efficient lifting

remember to masturbate when you are tired. when you are working hard and feel like you cant go on anymore, don't just sit there. go to the bathroom and take a wank. i own a company and i am stressed at work all the time but i remember to take short brakes when i need them, and i remember to take a wank and or fuck my wife if possible. i masturbate 5-7 times a day. my poor dick is red at the evening because of it, but it works

i agree with him, but the false dichotomy you've made up is retarded. topics belong on different boards. if you're interested in health and fitness, you should hit up /fit/. if you're interested in television, you should hit up Sup Forums. you might make it better. we all might.

Sup Forums isn't a phpbb forum for catch-all conversation topics that nerds happen to think up. if you have an interest in other stuff than technology, great - but take it to another board than Sup Forums.

i honestly can't understand the motivation to stay insulated in Sup Forums; are you afraid of rejection? are you too lazy to click on another board link or change the url? are you unaware that there are other boards on Sup Forums? what's going on? why the hyper-defensive pushback when off topic threads get pointed off to another board?

Drink coffee every morning, 0.5L no less. But if the cup isn't empty 7 hours before your programmed sleep, don't finish it. The rule is not using the caffeine to stay awake but to be awake. When you're tired just shill and sleep.
Be fit, do some sport every day. (don't run though, that shit can be very bad for you). Push ups, squat, etc. Easy stuff but for at least 30min (and extend to 45 when you're feeling it, it's the perfect time btw). You won't lose weight or gain too much muscle passed a certain point, but you'll release enough for your brain to feel good. That's what matters.
Fap a lot when you're stressed.
Don't drink anything else but pure water, and in quantity.

>how do u Sup Forumsuize stay focoused on a project?

Simplicity. Throw out shit you don't need.

I don't mean >muh minimalism meme where you end up with a macbook, a chair and a flower pot.

But genuienly throwing out or selling shit you will never need. Both digital and physical. And in your mind. Cut out the bullshit!

It has helped me a lot focus on what's important.

And it might sound easier than it is, simplicity is not always ... well ... simple.

this works only for the non-creative type of people. If you're very creative, having a lot of stuff everywhere will actually help your workflow and having an empty clean room will depress you.

>all these rules about caffeine

>go to /fit/
>'hey guys how do you coders stay focused?'
>no replies because all the coders are on Sup Forums

So you're the autistic barkeeper who throws out people at a sports bars because they talk about work or girls after the game is finished?

Dude, for programmer I drink RedBull and smell very cocaine. You will programmer set in light velocity !

It's if you're feeling tired day after day. You can do whatever you want, but if caffeine is consumed too late in the day it'll deny you a good sleep.

you seem to think of Sup Forums like it's your local bar. it's not. if this was a community that gave a shit about you, you'd have an avatar and a username and a post signature like a faggot. if that's what you want, go to one of those forums.

you could ask this question in a way that's vaguely generalizable. you don't have to go to /ck/ and ask what coders eat, or go to /n/ and ask what bike coders ride.

just ask /fit/ what foods & drinks - if any - are especially effective at helping you stay focused.

i shouldn't need to coach you on posting on other boards.