FLOENS! When is your next clover release? Senpai please answer me.
FLOENS! When is your next clover release? Senpai please answer me
Floens is dead
Clover is dead
Fork it or use dashchan
lads I'm forking it post requests here
How much Java do you know?
No, it's not dead. Stop shilling your shit app nobody uses
find whatever causes deep zoom failure and fix it
streamline the process of partially quoting a post or copying just a part of it without having to have the whole thing in the reply box and then select what you want and then delete the whole thing
streamline cross thread browsing. following a link to an old thread and dressing back returns you to the catalog, not the original thread. makes news section of generals a nightmare because there is also no preview
add a spoiler tags button on applicable boards
Doesn't clover also need code tag for Sup Forums and math tag for /sci/?
Anyone have an apk of the recent most commit?
Just use Mimi guys
It's great
It's on Fdroid
>not using chanu
very much so
just use overchan you mongoloids:
1. f-droid.org
2. github.com
3. play.google.com
objectively better than any other chan app.
i mean, it's capcha comptaible; can save threads as mhtml archives; works with all the other chans in addition to this one; has a built-in player for gifs and webms; support for filters; works over https and proxies if you so choose; and so much more. it's also FOSS and respects your privacy.
Same with floens too but not the mhtml achives
It's objectively better in every possible way, but for some reason i can't get catalog view to work.
Is it a bug or just me?
>pls rspond
enough, I've already contributed bugfixes to clover in the past
I already worked on the post selection thing but never made a PR. There's basically a select button now that makes text selectable. The rest sound like good ideas too
Clover already parses that (tested on Sup Forums)
Clover already parses code tags for Sup Forums. The /sci/ one is a good idea
Dashchan for yee
>Clover already parses that
I think they meant adding a button to insert the tags into your post so you don't have to type it out
>not compiling it yourself
It takes 10 minutes to set up
To recompile later again takes a minute
That's my only issue also. "Catalog" works but you can't get grid view.
> no grid view
support for other chans like 8, 16, end or lain would be nice.
i remember floens was working on that
Rip floens
oh, yeah, can do that