What is the comfiest programming language?
Comfy Programming
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BTW I've never seen a Rubyist looking down on Perl.
java coders consider themselves better than everyone else, though
Or maybe Golang.
Ruby is more comfy in terms of "do what you want", Golang is more comfy in terms of "easy to pick up".
asm for me.
... Doesn't mean I can do anything fucking useful in it though.
Ladder Logic.
But HTML *is* a programming language.
C# has so much syntactic sugar, I love it. But I can't say if it's the comfiest.
This is fucking stupid. Right tool for the right job. If you only consider yourself s programmer, you've already lost.
C# is ultra-comfy
Perl is less comfy but still really nice
>ruby looking down
top kek
shill in full effect
LD for PLC
I'm basically on Python only, I'd absolutely hate it if I had to go back to IDL or NCL. Python's just neater and Numpy makes array operations fast, h5py makes HDFs no hassle at all.
Most undergrads on Sup Forums are not aware of HTML's Turing completeness.
I like using C, I can make anything in C, I can control the world with C
don't worry C++ aint got shit on me since im behind 7 proxies!
Few people choose Java because it's the best tool for the job.
They choose it because that's the only language they already know.
C# 3.5+ is fucking sweet. 2.0 was just a shitty Java though.
Turing completeness is not a requirement for a programming language. Take Coq for example.
I'm a C and Haskell programmer who also calls HTML a programming language
Where do I fit in this list?
Originally I was doing OOP PHP which I am fine with, now I am working in BCPL.
You don't fit in anywhere
Is this due to the fact that I am superior, yet don't consider myself to be?
C++14 and Common Lisp are by far the comfiest programming languages
Anyone who says otherwise is a cuck and a garbage programmer
>lisp above ruby
They're basically the same language except one has shit syntax while the other one is the Apple of programming languages.
Have any of you worked with python and know what you would consider it's strong or weak points?
Someone has never used Macros.
C++ and CL share the zeitgeist of the 80's. It's possible to write garbage code in either language, even easy. But you can also write things in C++ and CL that are completely unrivaled in terms of their simplicity and beauty. It just requires being judicious and knowing what to leave out.
thats what makes it so comfy
Strong points:
- extremly fast
- get both simple and complex tasks done quick
- easy to work with in general
Weak points:
- indentation instead of brackets forces consistency but whitespace as a structural element is weird
- no switch case
- they way it does iteration might be powerful in theory but can be cumbersome
Thanks for the heads up. do you have a language you think is better to start with
>extremly fast
Python is one of the slowest languages in common usage.
>get both simple and complex tasks done quick
>import solution
>Python is one of the slowest languages in common usage.
Citation needed: onlyjob.blogspot.de
I'm not sure if Python would be the best thing to start with, it's certainly not the worst. Console ouputs get old very quick though when you're new to programming, thus I'd recommend C# because it lets you work with GUIs really easily.
lua feels comfy for scripting
It's interpretive, so in nature it's gonna be "slower" than a compiled language.
If you were gonna run a compiled version of python, it'd go speedyquick in comparison to the interpretive python.
No thanks. I'm not gay.
When will this meme end
It's vague, meaningless, and utterly subjective
Need a challenging language that makes you think (pure fun)? Scheme.
Need a quick n' dirty script? Python.
Need professional things done? C or similar.
Need some web shit done? JS.
Need to poo in a loo? Java.
No its cos you're autistic and find it hard to make friends
>ajax programmers
Almost works as an "are better than" graph too
I like C since I like Unix. Unix is comfy.
>challenging language that makes you think
What is challenging about scheme? It's one of the simplest and easiest to learn languages I can think of
>extremely fast
in terms of learning it, yes, but python3 is actually one of the slowest languages, see: notehub.org
* easy to pick up and learn
* can be performant if you use itertools, numpy, etc
* extremely expressive, allows you to write compact code
* comprehensive built-in libraries
* good multi-paradigm support
* good reflection capability
* global interpreter lock (this is by far the biggest problem)
* too many built-in types (using a Lua-style table for everything would be better)
* Python 3 removed useful stuff
* difficult to deploy Python programs on Windows
* no full inline anonymous functions (lambdas are a poor substitute)
>no haskell