ITT we pretend to be Android users

ITT we pretend to be Android users

Just got my new expensive flagship Android phone

Downloading a new:
Settings app
Email app
Notes app
Calendar app
Photo app
Camera app
Phone app
Music app
Weather app
Clock app
Video app
Remiinder app
News app

Then I should be ready to go

Anything else I'm missing?

If you buy an expensive flagship for using it with this apps only, you are a fucking dumbass.

Any smartphone above 150€ can do this exactly like a flahship

>Settings app

Are you retarded or something ?

Don't you forget about cleaner app

Is this a bad thing?
Is freedom bad?

Shit. Almost forgot about this one.

How am I supposed to remember to run it every 10 minutes? I don't want my $800 device to be slow every time I use it.

Yes t. Op, Apple

It's a bad thing that all of the default apps on your very expensive device are all shit.

Why did you buy your phone with the idea on your head that you hated all the bundled software? What sort of idiot does this? If you don't like the software, just buy something else.

SMS app like textra is good too OP.

I can't believe Apple fags buying less gigakeks for thrice the price. Totally stole the market with my Asian 300 bucks device, just gotta keep disposing them every 10 months while playing tamagotchi by repeated courses of cleaning(/feeding) multiple times a day in order to keep it alive. But hey, I'm expecting this latest one to serve me for 3-4 years at least. No
way I'm gonna let myself get tricked.

>He fell for the "specs are everything" meme

>buy iphone
>download dildo

> Buy dildo
> Open box to find brand new iPad

Install a debloated ROM.

>Just void your warranty bro

I'd be surprised if those are shit since there's only little difference between any of their alternatives, other than interface.

Because customisation and choice of providers is bad?

Because choosing your source of information is bad?

I really doubt iPhone users use every single app they get on the phone and don't download a single additional app or replace them. If they do they're special kind of stupid.

>not owning a phone that respects your freedoms as to what software you're using
haha pleb

a couple things:
- you don't actually need to update most of those things, the only things i've actually upgraded are my browser, music app, weather app, and launcher. this is a combined

Which one is that?

Buy iPhone:
Put most of the stock apps into a folder called "Other". It will forever look at me and mock me.
Download different mail app, browser, social media apps, a few games maybe. YouTube, spotify, Snapchat, telegram, that kind of thing. No clover so gotta deal with Sup Forums mobile site which is less intuitive than the app.

Buy S7e:
Clear off all the home screens so there's only one, i don't like having multiple, feels too cluttered.
Gmail and Chrome are already here, download social media apps except Facebook and YouTube, which are already on the phone.
Download Google launcher, i like the layout and icons.
Change theme to dark theme through the theme store, looks real good now.
Glorious Google keyboard.

So what's the difference, really?
Why is the iPhone somehow preferred when both setup and customization processes are about the same length?

OPO and Nexus devices don't void warranty when rooting/using a custom ROM.

>being this mad that Android gets a host of great options for apps so that we can customize a phone for our unique daily needs.

>Download different mail app, browser


> glorious google keyboard.

What's a good launcher?


>Email app
>Notes app
>Photo app
>Camera app
>Music app
>Video app

>download social media apps

Wait, what? Is this true? Clover can't be used on an iPhone?

I like the Iphone 6 because it has rounded edges and just the right amount of vibration to stimulate my prostate. Androidfags BTFO



Sup Forums apps aren't allowed on the App Store. You need to jailbreak and there's a really good Sup Forums app called Fortune.

Yeah because the crapple supplied one's blow.

I won't receive important security updates and new feature updates until years after.

Why pretend? I use Android because it's the superior mobile OS. It's superior because I can customize it to work my way instead of working around someone else's retarded restrictions.
>be me
>use Nexus
>take 15 minutes on a saturday
>download cyanogenmod zip
>use gui tool for wangblows to unlock bootloader and flash twrp
>flash cm zip
>only need first 2 things on your list
>import nova backup
>everything is exactly how I want it
>get ota updates for 5 years
Feels good man.

Keyboard app....

>Settings app
>Email app
>Notes app
>Calendar app
>Photo app
>Camera app
>Phone app
>Music app
>Weather app
>Clock app
>Video app
>Remiinder app
>News app
Things you cant replace even if you wanted too: the Apple story.

You Don't. Unlike apple your phone won't get throttled and force you to buy a new phone. Run it once a week dumbass

>be me
>use nexus 7
>install cyanogen mod
>takes 10 minutes to stop lagging after boot
>install custom them and launchers
>lags even more
>stop giving a fuck about updates which make it slower
>go back to using a 4S with less lag
no fucks given

Buy a Nexus, comes with no bloat. Port the ROM from my Nexus to samshit phones. Sell it to samshit users that are suck 3 OS versions behind me.

>We pretend to be shitphone users
>just paid a fuckton of money for a cheap little pile of shit that probably cost $15 to make
>and i have to keep paying insane amounts of money for unreliable shitty limited internet
>and my touchscreen sucks
>and my browser sucks
>and all my apps suck
>and my os suck
>oh and the government tracks me everywhere i go
Dumbfucks. Every single fucking person that owns one of these pieces of goddamn shit. Dumbfucks.

>"textra team"

>Plugged it into PC
>It doesnt automatically backing up
>Rooted phone
>Bought Titanium Backup
>It still not automagically backing up when plugged into computer

>theme store
>using preinstalled bloatware

haiku of the day

>can't count syllables
>god you must be really dumb
>here's your fucking (you)