Apple ordered to repay record €13bn to cover unpaid EU tax
did microsoft ever pay theirs? i wonder if these corporations actually ever pay anything or just stay locked in court forever
wtf i love eurofats now!
13 billion is nothing to apple mate.
Wait for US to take similar action but with $60B+ unpaid taxes.
No this is pretty fucking serious m8. It's not the fine that will hurt them but the bad publicity. Apple has been a constant train wreck ever since blow jobs died. Fucks ups like this worry investors and it could set off a mass panic which could lead apple to actual bankruptcy.
>being fined all of their liquid cash is nothing
>all the rest of their cash is locked away in tax havens that they can never touch
>$100B in debt and will have to take on even more to pay this fine
Can't fucking wait for US to force Apple to pay their $80B in dodged taxes.
apple cuts from intelligence services to nsa. won't happen in us.
>200 """"""""cash"""""""""
>100 debt
>80 back taxes
>14 fine from EU
>tfw apple is literally worth nothing and a dead company walking
Apple has too much cash, I find it hard to believe this will be a problem for them.
>euro bucks
>not just monopoly money
Never because it's Apple. It's America's poster company.
Fining apple would be like suing your own children for unpaid rent.
It also has too much debt. ~$100 billion is a ton of fucking money to owe.
maybe if you're a poorfag
>America's poster company
>my children can do no wrong!
It's perfectly normal to jerk off to tranny porn once in a while.
some parents do though. America is the father that beats their kid then blames them for growing up as a pussy.
American companies are cancer
Apple did nothing wrong. They should pull out of Europe along with every other American company.
>lets alienate one of our largest markets because fuck the establishment amirite xDxD
Europe isn't Apple's largest market. Everything they did was legal and the EU is now upset because they need money.
>one of our largest markets
>one of
>eu goes after tax dodging
>us is against it
>us goes after tax dodging
>eu helps them
uhhh burgerstanis?
Pathetic socialist crybabies are the same all over the world. If what Ireland did was wrong, fix it.
It will change nothing.
Apple will sell their 2012 hardwarw Macs and shitphones to sheeps like nothing happened.
The people who buy their crap do it for fashion or some gay shit.
I hope USA will take its piece, too.
If anything Apple is a testament that in megacorps, capital knows no flag or nation only more and more cash.
If socialist had a different plan for financing welfare that didn't involve gouging successful corporations, they wouldn't need to go overseas. The EU is upset because Apple made them look foolish and now they have no money to pay all of those Syrians rape fees.
apple has over 100B in liquid cash m8.
not to mention they aren't gonna pay a penny of this after all the lawyers are done looking over it. Not even Ireland wants this.
I bet they even go for amd Hardware instead of superior Intel and nvidia Technology.
>having to pay any tax at all
isnt 13bn euros like 130 usd? lmao anyways