Linux uptime thread

Uptime thread. How long have you been up Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

> uptime
14:26 up 3:05, 2 users, load averages: 1,32 1,46 1,48


Uh. Here.

>n-no bully

13:28:23 up 4:09, 1 user, load average: 1.10, 1.00, 0.76

uptime > a.txt
cat a.txt


haha your fucked

Is there an easier way to do this?

>nano a.txt

11:30:06 up 192 days, 10:19, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05

~$ uptime

p-please no all my life's savings are on that server

That would not produce the result I am expecting.

Yeah, wait 4 years

Enjoy your vulnerable kernels

uptime | cat, if you like cats

Works for me.

am I the only one that has his servers rebooting weekly?

Ok. But I don't have linux.

I guess this will need more work.

All right, got it to work!

Why do this? By all means I'd reboot whenever the kernel gets a security patch, but I don't see much point doing it more often than that.

cum on m8 notice it already

keep it gonig and post updates pls

fuk lincux btw

that load tho. what are you doing, watching flash videos?

Photoshop and Final cut pro are pretty taxing. I have PS open pretty much always and today i used FCPX too.


Kek, nice one

one of our servers at work

This is a laptop put on top of a PC with a router to bridge 2 wireless networks. If interest I'll snap a pic of it. Lol.

Why are you still trying? It's an internal IP address.

Awwww, now you stopped answering pings but are still leaking enough to tell you are up

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in OPSEC seconds
Raw packets sent: OPSEC (OPSEC) | Rcvd: 5 (280B)

what are you doing user
it's an internal IP address
you're accessing another machine

You're an idiot :)

Almost 1 day, locked up during vidya yesterday and couldn't recover her.

Second rig a little over a day - reason: power outage and no UPS

Personal record: 2 years but it was on a vps


It must hurt to be this stupid

1 day

there was a kernel update so i had to reboot


why will you ever need to reboot or shutdown anyway ?

>2 users

% uptime
17:27:41 up 31 days, 20:25, 1 user, load average: 0.33, 0.09, 0.07

Had to reboot my raspberry pi a few weeks ago. Had almost a year worth of uptime.