Linuxs biggest enemy is not windows or macos, but its userbase

linuxs biggest enemy is not windows or macos, but its userbase

your non stop autistic faggotry made me hate linux alltogether and now i know why linux have a reputation that only neckbeard autistic fags use it, because its 99% true

or you could just like. use the OS and not worry about it

Nobody cares about how much you hate it or what you think it's reputation is. Nobody's goal is to get you to use Linux, and we are not losing out on anything when you decide not to.

I would use it if i wouldnt associate ut with autism thus making me stay away from it

Also the constant arguing in linux threads where everyone says that every distro is shit doesnt make it any easier or appealling


Except marketshare which is already pretty pretty low for lincuck

>I am too stupid for Linux therefore it's bad

Great name calling dude, you surely have a great convincing power.

Thats the lincuck use faggotry im talking about

Lincuck is not a special haxor os, anyone could use it but people dont because there is no reason to change to it from the 2 other superior os

>my autism is so bad I refuse to use an operating system because of its autistic user base

America's biggest enemy is not Russia nor Europe, but it's own citizens.

Your non-stop idiocy made me hate America altogether and now I know why Americans have a reputation that they're fat idiots.

(wait for it)

Because it's 99% true.

Honestly most of the user oriented distros are pretty easy to use and a lot less problematic than windows at least. Don't feed that guy.

Much more than you autismos tries to get people switch to lincuck desu

No i refuse to use it because Win 10 is superior and much much more usable

I don't even know what software you like but just by your own words i can tell you have a huge self induced insecurity complex.

How is ubuntu less problematic than win 10

>brb changing my os because an insecure faggot on an anonymous image board called me names.
yeah, no.

Ohhh you're a Pajeet. I understand now.


How is ubuntu more problematic than win 10?

this desu senpai


u are just proving my point gypsy memeaster

Im(((jewish))) not indian sry

What is this image originally from? I've tried reverse image searching it on a few occasions but have never found an answer.