Desktop Environments

What is your favorite desktop environment?


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1/5 points
no explanation
see me after class with lube

KDE Plasma
File picker

Gnome 3, because it is the closest thing to elder god tier OSX

Just works.

I love how simplistic is LXDE, so I'll go for it.
Also XFCE is a good one but I prefer speed to advanced graphics such as Gnome3

kde, it just werks and I don't use any hardware that makes it chug

more intuitive than gnome coming from windows

Enjoy your desktop crashes

Gnome 3.
Clean, simple, win key application search and switching.


Because it strikes the perfect balance between being lightweight like i3 and usable like KDE for example. It was designed for productivity, and not ricing.

>>lightweight like i3


Ubuntu Gnome.

It just looks good.

This. I would use CDE if OpenCDE weren't so buggy on GNU/Linux, its not very resource intensive and looks nice af


boosts my productivity.

Linux Mint is a Debian based Linux Distro. You can put a wide variety desktop environments on it.

Which desktop environment do you prefer to use with Linux Mint?

I use Debian Stretch + KDE Plasma because it just werks and is comfy as fuck.

Dat P38, good choice man.

using mouse-based DEs on a laptop hurts like hell after a while.

It just werks and it's light.

Unity of course.

trips confirms.

that isn't Unity. Unity has a dock on the left side of the screen, not on the bottom.

>using chrome with linux

>What is your favorite desktop environment?
It's not bloatware trash like KDE or Gnome.

I have the default dock hidden and installed plank for main use.
I also replaced the usual unity search with a modified dmeny dealio, it looks and works much better.
I basically tried to work around the shit parts of the DE and keep the good bits.

REE I wish I didn't have to but I keep it solely for Netflix.

i prefer a window manager, i like openbox, simple and clean, handles window placement and framework nicely, and it has no toolbar, just a right-click menu to do it all, i dont need a fancy desktop environment to run a few apps in a GUI

>he can't afford a modern computer
>has to buy second hand computers and use "light" os because poor

Honestly, with the updates they made in 10.11 I really dig aqua. No top menu bar + no dock = really really good looking desktop.

I use geektool kinda like conky to show some info, usually just time and date though, laptop doesn't hiccup enough to warrant having to watch cpu/ram usage all the time.

I think it'd be MATE or LXDE, tough i prefer using only a WM tbqh fäm

>that isn't Unity. Unity has a dock on the left side of the screen, not on the bottom.
If only there were a kind of OS that gave users choice.

>I choose my OS by how I can rice it.
You made me miss being 13, user.

There is. With Linux, you can choose your desktop environment.

>that isn't Unity.

import XMonad
import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
import XMonad.Util.Run(spawnPipe)
import XMonad.Util.EZConfig(additionalKeys)
import System.IO
myManageHook = composeAll
[ title =? "File Operation Progress" --> doFloat
main = do
xmproc xmobarColor "#d64d4d" "" ("" ++ w ++ "")
, ppLayout = \x -> case x of
"Tall" -> "t"
"Mirror Tall" -> "m"
"Full" -> "f"
, modMask = mod4Mask
} `additionalKeys`
[ ((mod4Mask, xK_p), spawn "dmenu_run -fn -*-terminus-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*")
, ((shiftMask, xK_Print), spawn "sleep 0.2; scrot -u poop.png")
, ((0, xK_Print), spawn "scrot poop.png")
myNormalBorderColor = "#232323"
myFocusedBorderColor = "#666666"
myTerminal = "xfce4-terminal"
myWorkspaces = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "min"]


To follow up here's what i've done with dmenu

>replying to bait

literally no one cares

not doing a clean install of windows after every build update

Ouch, why are you so buttmad?
If no-one cares why do you care if I post it?

Why use a full DE when you can just use the parts you like?

I think he meant cinnamon

Because some of us don't have autism

I also don't have autism but just choosing a window manager then using programs you like seems way easier than navigating a full DE


On what grounds do you base this claim?

GTK Cinnamon

fag who said you have autism is mad cause he doesn't know how to do that since he has autism

>waaaaaa bloat too heavy waaaaa
Using on a fucking 7 year old PC with a shit processor and it runs perfectly. You kids with your $4000 megaultraPCs have no excuse. Oh wait, I forgot you all have 2001 256MB Dells your mommy gave you after she got her new PC.

>people should complain about boot onoy when its too obvious that it affects performance

That's not how it works.


I meant bloat and only

awesome wm so I can shitpost in desktop threads.

>people should complain about boot onoy
>boot onoy
It's like I've stumbled into a universe where people speak gibberish every few words.

Oh wait, that's this universe with the youngfuck Dumbest Generation. It's either them being dumb or some fucking shitphone malfunction (please, get a fucking real computer with a real keyboard).

>can't make an argument
>better complain about typos!

It's like I'm in 2005

You should try learning German, if your triggered by a mere single character mistype.

Hi, you may have confused, reddit is the other way.

Mate, you seen to be missing some capitalizations and punctuation.

I don't complain about typos. I complain about gibberish I could not possibly reply to intelligently because I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT THEY ARE TRYING TO SAY.

Idiot children.

m8 u s33m t0 h4v3 c0nfus3d yr "m" with n "n".

Can't beat the HUD and god tier font rendering.


Because Comfy as fuck, just works, responsive, XDG compliant, gtk2 is faster than Qt5 or Gtk3 can zoom into desktop (alt + mousewheel), modularity friendly (you can literally just run xfdesktop &
xfwm4 &
thunar --daemon &
# your friendly polkit daemon
nm-applet &
# your friendly dockbar/panel program
# your friendly ALSA or PulseAudio frontend
and have complete functionality of what you'd expect in a DE and just work your way up)
Core runs with about 90 MB (xfce4-session with xfdesktop + xfwm4 + thunar --daemon). XFWM can emulate tiling by windowsnapping (fixed grid of 2x2 or 1x2 or 2x1). I use SkippyXD with #! hotcorners and Synapse, and this is comfy and sweet as fuck.

>"bad" but really don't care
Screen tearing happens, say about 1 or 3 times a week, but you can just fix it by moving around your window. You can also use whatever wm you want like Compiz or i3. Gtk2 will be deprecated soon, but xfce4 devs have started porting to gtk3 so I guess it doesn't matter that much to me.

Nah, you're complaining about typos, either that or you have a very shitty way to express yourself.


You probably haven't tried infinality, still Ubuntu is good enough if you don't really care that much.


Because emacs all the things

I sure hope you aren't trying to pass that blurry garbage off as good

Looks like blurry garbage.

I take it back its way worse than just being blurry, your monospace font is completely and utterly FUCKED and unreadable.

Got me playing with Geektool again...this is the output of the status things I have. They're in different groups so I can turn them on/off at will because the status ones suck battery for some reason.

>"people should complain about boot only"
>in response to a post about plasma being heavy
Sigh. You know, it's time all of you kids just told your mommies that you're visiting an evil website that needs to be blocked, let her block Sup Forums, and let you fucking grow up before you get back on. You're obviously too young and stupid to be here.

Clean your screen, you fucking weeb.

>macfags in charge of conky
>macfags in charge of dark theme
oh my god, this is why desktop threads need to come back so travesties like this can be expunged before they reach critical mass

non-retard here, I was able to figure out what boot onoy meant after 1 or 2 re-reads, but my confidence level that I was correct was admittedly not 100%.

In the future, boot onoy posters should be more careful when typing up their posts.

>needing 2 re-reads to figure out that shit
>non retard

XFCE with Compiz Reloaded.

I could smear bacon grease on my screen and still be able to read my fonts more easily than yours.


Is that possible using only dmenurc, or did you actually forked dmenu?

what the fuck is up with your fonts

Hi. I'm new to Linux. I'm using Linux Mint, but I want to try something else.

What distro does Plasma come with natively?

What desktop is that?

macOS 10.11

You should try to be more constructive. I care about your opinion, but if you think that because you've been a tripfag for years you can be entitled you with knowledge or understanding you're just deceiving yourself. While being a tripfag I bet is a symbol for your need to be (unnecessary) highlighted in an anonymous board, by your arrogance and condescence you exhibit low emotional intelligence and acting wrong to your objectives, thus in the best case you probably don't get that much appreciation from other people and even worst you're plainly rejected.

Probably fucked up compression/quality parameters in scrot.

your fonts + rendering are garbo
start over again
your desktop sucks too

this and this

Linux mint

h h-hello i use openbox wm this is my desktop

It's forked, a friend of mine has been working on it.
You can do essentially exactly the same thing with Rofi and Compton though.

Sure thing my weeb friend, sure thing.


It's sad that you don't like it, but I guess that's why I'm not a designer. I just need something functional to work and I find plain i3 works for me. I guess I'll try to improve; my main concern is not to impress anybody with my desktop, but with what work I can get done on/with it.

With all due respect to this community, you're the cancer that is paradoxically frustrating the consumer market making Linux an outcast OS.

post feet in stockings

>With all due respect to this community, you're the cancer that is paradoxically frustrating the consumer market making Linux an outcast OS.

lol fuck off moron

What is the difference between a Linux distribution and a Desktop Environment?

How can a new Linux user distinguish a difference between the different distributions if they all come with different Desktops?

Pretty sure the exact reason normies don't use linux is because they think it looks like ass.

puta :)

staticly compiled
simple keyboard bindings