I got a new iphone 5c, and t-mobile sent me a sim card, but idk how to get it into the phone. There's an outline on the card, so i figured you would push it out. I tried but it wouldnt budge. Can anyone help? Pic is the sim card.
Iphone sim card help
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Please be bait
Fuck off and help me cunt.
Fucking retard can't even into basic shit
Look up SIM, MICRO SIM , NANO SIM and how to convert to one another.
That one looks like a micro sim.
Fucking idiot
If you arent a tard then cut it, but i doubt that.
I'm the second guy but fuck you nigger
Learn basic shit before coming here
Found your problem.
You act like im supposed to be a fucking god with phones.
Cut it with scissors. Trust me, lol
Is anyone gonna actually tell me my problem? Is it the wrong type of SIM card?
No, we act like you're an iToddler who shouldn't be here.
Use scissors
I fucking came here for help you retard
Convert the sim by cutting it.
On Sup Forums you will get shit for starting a thread like this which basic googling can solve. You could have asked /sqt/.
Also we're not tech support.
Le 2008 meme XD
Good one, now go kill yourself.
you're on a tech board.
you are suppose to know the very basics of popular tech items.
or go to:
just fucking bent at the outline to 'pop' the shit out.
Sim cards these days come in all sizes, its up to you when you get it to 'pop' out the sim card to the right size.
This kills the SIM card.
cut urself
Give him a break, iPhones come from
Ok? How the fuck do i cut it?
fucking read
dont fucking cut you dumbass, chances are you will break the chip.
just fucking pop it out like a normal person.
Where do i cut?
Enjoy destroying your SIM card.
Please don't listen to them, ffs
No it doesn't
Sauce: I done it
You do have to be careful though; cut further away from the edge and pare the rest carefully with sandpaper. Or if you're patient, just use sandpaper.
Is this the new desktop thread?
Along the dotted line
Where do iToddlers get the false impression they or their fruity toddler toys are welcome on a technology board?
There is no dotted line. Just a thin outline.
this thread is so weak it wont even make it to reddit, OP is obvious troll with shit material.
Cut yourself iToddler.
All these people telling me to cut it nut wont yell me where
Not a thank you? Not even an "I'll take a look at it"?
get an android
That's what you get for being a spoonfeeding piece of shit. Fuck off moron.
>buy nexus 5x
>need nano only have micro
>to pajeet i go
>pajeet has a wierd thing
>pajeet cuts the sim card
>"here you go sir"
>put it in
>it actually works
>mfw poo in loo pajeet actually did it
>mfw he did it for free
>mfw no face
Go to any T-Mobile store, ask them for the right size sim for your phone. Usually they dont even charge you for it
Me on the bottom
any nonshit carrier will give you a nano sim for free
Then pop it harder
Source:I have done this.
i was too lazy user
me on the top