What's a good, quick way to get airtight privacy and security on a Windows 10 computer?

What's a good, quick way to get airtight privacy and security on a Windows 10 computer?

Can I just run TOR in a Linux sandbox?

I have a harmless prank in mind, but unfortunately it's the sort of harmless prank that would have a fair number of tech-savvy people wanting to sue me.

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Neat, hopefully I have a spare USB around somewhere.

You can run it on a virtual machine, but it's not as safe.
Most likely fine for a prank though.

Post more cute pictures like that and I might just tell you.

boot into a liveCD
don't try to use a virtual machine running on windows 10, it's not safe

What are you trying to do? I'm super curious now.

Make an extremely controversial crowdfund which I will never deliver on.

So, fraud?
I've been thinking about doing that on indiegogo or kickstarter, and I've figured out a way to do it without getting caught. I'm only missing an idea and sales pitch that'd make it succeed.

I can tell you in exchange for more cute pictures.

Yup, fraud.
Funny coincidence, because I have the perfect idea and sales pitch to make it succeed but I don't know how to avoid getting caught.

A totally unfilled niche in the internet is anything exclusive to women.
Real life is full of women-exclusive stuff, but there's no game that has a screening system to ensure players are women.
Promising that gives you not only massive appeal to the awful misandric demographic, but it also creates massive controversy which furthers advertising.
I can bundle even more controversy-generating features in it too, as milestones and reward tiers so it's not just brief burst of holy-fuck-what-is-this-girl-doing but new topics of hype and controversy occurring at regular intervals.
On top of that I have all the 3D art skills I need to make it look like it's going to be AAA quality and I'm an expert at writing technical stuff that sounds genius and holeproof even if it's not.

>how do I go swimming without getting wet?

then wrap yourself with plastic you stupid fucking faggot

I can work with that. I don't like big tatas, keep that in mind for my future payments.

What I have in mind can work even with your real identity on the line, but it's also possible to keep it out of it, but harder.

What is your risk/effort ratio?

Don't forget to include an image.

I'd rather keep my real identity off the line.
It's highly unpredictable how high the stakes of something like this would be, and you can have so much more fun if you're operating very secretly.
If one subtly sneaks off with an amount of money below 6 digits, that's not too bad.
But if one swaps out the trailer for "you fucking misandrists just got PRANKED " after collecting a few million dollars, then it's worth the effort to be a ghost.

>WIndows 10
Doesn't work like that, user...

Okay, this is what you do. First of all, you buy 2 flash drives, if you don't already have them (and you should have a few flash drives, else what are you doing here?)

You use windows to install tails on one of them, then you boot into that installation on the flashdrive, and install tails on the other one on tails. That second flash drive is your new best friend. Take it to a public place where you can use a computer anonymously. Use that computer to purchase a VPN service, obviously don't use your credit card to do so (Bitcoins, prepaid cards bought with cash, etc) and make sure that the VPN DOES NOT keeps logs.

now, now, are you in for the long con (better chances to keep you a ghost) or do you prefer a faster method?

I'm more curious about how the careful method works.
By the way, I heard that bitcoins were still traceable.

What happened to that image?

Right, I forgot!

Hey, I literally just saw your thread on Sup Forums
hope it works out desu

No forgetting. Forgetting gets you a few things, and none are good.
1) it gets you vulnerable
2) it gets you caught
3) it gets you no answer from me.

Bitcoins can be traced, but it's easier to make sure they can't be. If you buy bitcoins with your credit card and expect them to be anonymous you deserve to get caught. What you do is buy them for cash, exchange other things for them anonymously, exchange anonymous services over the internet for them, etc. Then you pass them through a tumbler. And you never handle them in an OS that can be linked to you, remember tails flash drive #2, your best friend? He can help you out. Of course, buying them these ways usually nets you less value than they're worth, but how much is your privacy worth?

Bitcoins used this way is safer than a prepaid card, even if paid with cash. With sufficient determination and resources they can still track you. They have the time when you bought the card, the register at which it was activated, and more importantly, security footage. Of course you can do things here like pay a homeless person to buy it for you, but at this point you're already paying more so why not go with bitcoins?

Now, let me elaborate on bitcoin tumblers. What they do is basically money laundering. You send them bitcoins, they send those bitcoins to many many addressed, and they repeat that until the paper trail is a huge mess, and then send you bitcoins back from many many sources. Talking about tumblrs, here's where the long con begins.

Don't forget your image.

Oh, I was already planning on getting a tumblr going prior to the Kickstarter.
Just getting the basics of the game planned out so I can start creating some content I can blog about.
Say, what would you suggest as an email host for all front-end accounts??
Technically just using Gmail would work, unless email privacy comes into play at any point.

Also, I've heard it disagreed that bitcoin tumblers do anything; hard to know who to believe, really.

holy shit what kind of person are you? you know about internet anonimity and shit but you can't find these type of images yourself?

>Can't find
Indulging another user while being fed art hardly means they can't find it on their own.


The second option doesn't even exist. Airpcap the computer.theb remove power. Then remove all its circuits, and place in a Faraday cage. Done. Airtight.

Tumblers should do nothing if you purchased and used the bitcoins correctly, as they should already be untraceable by themselves. They're just there in case you miss something small to give added protection. You're right, tumblers don't eliminate evidence, but they obfuscate it, and do it well. So unless some really big players (NSA, CIA, etc) get really interested in your stunt, it should insulate you well enough from small mistakes. With no mistakes no tumblers are needed, but still a good precaution to take.

I see you caught on on the tumblr front. However, you're thinking too small. You don't just create a tumblr to post things about your project, no my friend, you're a tumblr SJW now. You're going on deep cover Micheal, but remember to not lose your way, since you don't have a hot irish girlfriend to bring you back.
What you do is become a Tumblr. An active tumblr, current on SJW issues and events, you pose as a non-straight female, alternative pronouns are optional, but you MUST explicitly say your pronouns, even if they're just she/her. You are now mentally unhealthy, and there's nothing wrong with that. Post about those issues, post about understanding of mental illnesses, talk about how they're serious. You MUST stay current and well researched about other SJW `quirks` (race issues, gender fluidity, social class issues, autism, ableism, whatever their flavor of crazy of the month is, etc.), although having them is optional, acknowledging them and supporting them is mandatory. Don't go crazy though, too many quirks at once and you risk suspicion. You don't have to make it big on the community, but if you do that's bonus points.
IMPORTANT: Don't forget that this identity is between your best friend tails #2 and the world

I'm a strange kind of person alright. I won't do work for free. I'm able to find these images just fine on my own, but the fact that this user is doing it for me has value on its own, and for me, now, that's enough.

The issue with bitcoins though wouldn't be how does one spend them; it would be how one turns the crowdfunded money into bitcoins.

So how does one become a tumblr feminist anyway?
Just reblog stuff, giving sassy comments?
Nick stuff from other sites too maybe?

Again if things go well, at the end of the campaign you should have money that's only traceable to a tumblr feminist that just happens to not exist. You could play it harder and make sure the person exists, but is just oblivious to it, but that could land this on the radar of big players, and unless you've done everything perfectly, that's not desirable. From there turning anonymous virtual currency into bitcoins is rather trivial. Although moving larger quantities might be tricky in the normal playing field, thus you will have to visit the onion field. Remember that you won't be visiting the onion fields, your best friend tails #2 will.

As for your deep cover, first you must research. You must read as many tumblrs as you can, take notes, read the articles and points they make, research them further, understand what makes them tick, and you yourself must tick to their rhythm. Then you can successfully infiltrate them, and gain their trust. You don't have to be very visible at first, since you're doing that to give credibility to your crowdfunding campaign.

As for starting the campaign, of course everything will be linked to the ghost persona, and you should focus on the feminist point of it. Don't mention your mental illness, but make sure that it's easily found if they dig into your tumblr.

After that is where the fun begins.

That seems like the most crucial step though, and won't they need to like, pay the money to a bank or something?

I don't really like that level of furry, cat ears and tails are good though.

Some websites might only pay directly to a bank account, but others will allow you to get a check instead, which you can turn into bitcoins (at a fee of course) through the onion fields. Some even let you withdrawal the money through paypal. The easiest way would be to weigh in the benefit of using a more popular platform versus using a more privacy (easier to cash out) friendly platform. If you're going to use the check method, I'd suggest you score a service on the onion fields beforehand. Before even creating the fake persona even.

Hmm, so the trickiest thing still isn't solved; how to cash out.
Since of course it's meant to be tricky because of people like us.

So, what do you mean with that last couple of sentences exactly?
What's scoring a service and why must it come before the persona?

A partner in crime. If you decide that you're not going to go for a paypal cashout, and instead for a harder payout such as check or even bank account, you're going to need to do some very advanced things. (stolen bank accounts, forged documents, etc.) If you don't want to deal with that (and you don't want to, as at your level you're very likely to fail catastrophically) you will need to find someone on the onion fields that will (at a fee of course.) If you secure such service before creating the persona it serves 2 purposes.
1) you give the other person time to setup their side of the job.
2) that allows you to tailor the persona to their request for better chance of a perfect execution.

The problem is though, how can one be sure that someone on the onion fields won't just disappear with all the money if it's a lot?

At least it covers bank accounts though.

Depending on the route you take you can use different devices to make sure that doesn't happen (or if it does happen minimize the loss/risk)

For bank accounts you can buy a stolen bank account beforehand, and send from there small amounts at a time, until transaction is complete. For check you can use an escrow service. You can ask for insurance, and the way that works is on per person basis.

As you can probably tell this is a huge game of balance between many variables with distinct pros and cons.


I'm now totally confused!
If I can buy a stolen bank account and send the money there small amounts at a time, what's the middleman for? Or the small packets for that matter?

By the way, since this thread will archive before I wake up, you can catch my attention at 4+4ch.net /col/res/158.html if you want to send a message and also get a reply back.

Gotta sleep now btw

The middleman at that point if you chose to use that method is not required, but preferred. Once the money lands on the bank account it's a race against time until the owner finds out and does something about it. It's about how fast you can offload the money into a safe medium (bitcoins) before that happens. If you're certain you can do that fast enough to net you more money than a pro would minus his cut, then go for it.

I will see you where the clovers are doubled.
Great ending image.
I will too succumb to slumber, now.

neopren suit


See you in jail faggot

t. Tyrone