Sup Forums Banner Contest

You have a banner contest, Sup Forums.
Let's get some submissions going. And by that I mean break out all of your memes, and submit the shitiest one.

>Must be inspired by and related to the board that we're accepting submissions for that week.
>Must contain the full board name (e.g., Sup Forums - Anime & Manga).
>Note that these banners will be in a global rotation, so banners should be suitable for the entire site, and worksafe.
>Image dimensions must be exactly 468x60. JPG, PNG, and GIF accepted. Animated GIFs are allowed. Filesize should be less than 150KB.
>Only high quality submissions please. No scribbles or other junk!

- "If I may interject for a moment" linux copypasta
- Windows 10 is bad
- Chrome is botnet
- install gentoo (xd)
- "rate my build"
- "is x worth it"
- "is x a meme"
- tech gore
- Spongebob "We have the technology."
- " a shit"

Other urls found in this thread:


Can we get a pajeet related banner?

>x is dead and bankrupt
>x on suicide watch
>fell for the x meme


thanks for reminding me to filter you



Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

Should be the banner text tbqh

Here's the full version.

Here's the shitty gif version cause I'm retarded.


Just made this. Does it need the Sup Forums logo or Sup Forums?

Maybe crop some part of this


need one of these

best i could do with shitty's resize is also really shitty so i purposely left it at 50% larger

also needs "Sup Forums - Technology" or the Sup Forums logo

every other board besides Sup Forums is working on their banners, step up your game faggots

I'll make one after I get home.


they are CUTE

why aren't GNU/Linux and *BSD mascots that cute?

Yeah, needs a Sup Forums. Or Sup Forums - Technology.

>Sup Forums logo
No it doesn't... Read the rules, it says exactly what you need to do.

>No banner has met any of the requirements

I can't believe the technology board is THIS retarded.





No one will realize that they are mascots.




We need the Install Gentoo gif cropped to banner



These are good (last one needs Sup Forums - Technlogy though).

Good premise, but needs work.



Add this to my list of good ones.

I blame linus.

this but the one with bars instead of text.

I'll do it an animated gif tho, with all the cancer

>unrelated pic


I like dis

someone should make one of those bitmaps that can decode into something

Some banners on other boards don't have the proper text, but then again the imagery was totally obvious

I'd just like to interject for a moment because this banner already exists.

We're making board ads not banners.

Well it's kinda redundant

Anyone want some weeb banners made? I've got some time to kill

I guess a free pizza banner might be something. Maybe some guro reference?


The "Must contain the full board name" rule is a lie, check other board submissions they were allowed.

Thanks my dude, I, and I assume others, appreciate that tip. Keep up the good work.

Ok, made a whole bunch of them, will probably made a whole lot more since the submission is nearly a week. Just trying out new stuff, don't care much about the contest, but I'd appreciate any feedbacks.

This one's from that time when some chinks forgot their discount settings and Sup Forums wiped them clean

The whole botnet thing won't be forgotten soon.

Probably the one that I'd like to be the banner most. Sup Forums can be useful if you're not a retard.

Because Microsoft is the only good anime company.

Meme of the decade.

Lol these are great.

That should sum up all the cancer and AIDS.

These are great too lol.

i like these.
made a couple myself;

maybe one with the anti-iphone shill that posts that picture every single time someone mentions apple products in a thread?


and the last one.

Lmao these are great too.

Got an idea. have to learn after effects first

So, is it one banner per person? Or could I just spam the form with all the banners I've made?

You can spam as much as you like, user.

I hope it's the latter because I am now interested in what you have.

Nah, what I meant is whether I can submit just one banner or not to the official submission page, because it looks like they're only taking one at a time.

I mean, how do they even decide what to put into the voting page if someone just dumps like 10 in the page? Or do they just really display everything?

There really is no limit. Just as long as it isn't, as they say, "random scribbles and junk", it's okay.

What if it's several variations on one banner

I think they display everything.

Sure, just check out Sup
I wouldn't recommend it if you want to win, though. Chances are the votes would be spread out.



Rate this meme guys

i need some help. i have an .mp4 open in AE and i want the change the size of a couple of frames half way in. how would i do that?

also, does Sup Forums - Technology have to be present in all frames?


Saved, thank you for this user



Keyframe the scale, or duplicate the layer and scale that.

As for the second question, no. I've seen banners that only had their board name for the last frame.

Thanks user. It's working perfectly

Obviously our banner should be about best and cutest girl, our official mascot MAKI!!

I don't know the Photoshop or gimp but here's a picture that sums up Sup Forums I've saved.

Obviously you belong on Sup Forums

These are top kek

Maki is Sup Forums, and Sup Forums is Maki. She deserves to be on our banner!



This one gets my vote.


did i do it right?

i vote for this one

Can't vote unless you have a Sup Forums pass, goyim

can someone shrink this image

Just passing through, but someone should use this image to make one

I. Im at a loss of vocabulary to define my feels about this.

That something so awful works on windows (for extra oddity) is beyond me.

I dont know what to do.
to laugh? to cry? to kneel?
all of above?