Hi Sup Forums

Hi Sup Forums,

What are your thoughts on "plug and play" external hard drives. I always prefer to buy external drives with a power switch on it, so I can turn it off/on as I see fit - but they're getting harder to find.

I recently got one of these USB 3.0 Lacie rugged drives, and it's plugged in constantly. My question is, does leaving this drive plugged in 24/7 negatively affect my computer? I couldn't care less about the lifespan of the Lacie drive but I'm more concerned about the computer.


Other urls found in this thread:


Does having your SSD or your mouse plugged 24/7 affect negatively your computer?
They should add an idiocy captcha at the beggining of this board.

if he knew the answer, he wouldn't have asked
don't go full retard

>does leaving this drive plugged in 24/7 negatively affect my computer?
and use /sqt/ next time, this didn't need its own thread

You should be concerned about the hard disk. The HDD is dying since the day it was made

Obviously nothing harmful is happening to the computer, but startup times etc could be slower, because of the drive starting up. If this doesn't brother you or you can't even notice it, there should be no problem.

Makes it at least 30 nanocents per month more expensive to operate

>What are your thoughts on "plug and play" external hard drives. I always prefer to buy external drives with a power switch on it, so I can turn it off/on as I see fit - but they're getting harder to find.

Autism. I pull apart old laptops that I dig from the trash. Any HDD that's 60GiB or larger is saved and I use them for backups, torrenting, etc. SATA to USB A adapters are dirt cheap. I wrap the HDDs in duct tape and label them with colors and numbers. There's no need to buy expensive bullshit.

>I recently got one of these USB 3.0 Lacie rugged drives, and it's plugged in constantly. My question is, does leaving this drive plugged in 24/7 negatively affect my computer? I couldn't care less about the lifespan of the Lacie drive but I'm more concerned about the computer.

The answer is no. I keep most of my HDDs plugged in all day every day and a few are almost a decade old now. You shouldn't have any issues.

See and rethink your life. This site really does need a tard filter. Holy fuck.

>The HDD is dying since the day it was made
So what? Get a piece of shit SSD that suffers data rot after 6 months no power and lasts only a year or two with heavy use? Fuck you pajeet. Nobody cares that you shaved 4 seconds off your boot time.

My inability to read well gave me the best idea for a product from reading your comment.

A mouse that doubles as a external drive/card reader. It would free up your ports and give you storage always with you, combining two products into one without losing anything from either one.

You carry a mouse around with you?

I don't, but I'm guessing that enough people would.

>mouse that doubles as a external drive
A wireless mouse/external drive (or as I like to call it mouse + external drive) would be absolute shit and easily exploitable.

A wired version, though, would be decent if you like carrying a wired mouse around with you. (retractable wire would work, but wireless mouses > wired)

>does leaving this drive plugged in 24/7 negatively affect my computer?

No but do you know what does? Negatively charged electrons. They'll fuck up all your circuits and make them heat up and eventually fail one day. Keep that shit out of your computer mate. Every single computer which has came into contact with these negative charge electrons has inevitably failed in one way or another eventually.


If there was a wired mouse with a micro SD slot in it I would buy that.

This pajeet meme is retarded. You're the dumb fuck still using a HDD as your boot drive in 2016. You must be pajeet-tier poor.

>A wired version, though, would be decent
Yeah I didn't say wireless, I guess with that you could build the storage into the USB plug that you need for the mouse anyway, it would still be doable but its just a normal flash drive.

I am actually looking it up now, I think it may actually exist.

Found one from Microsoft where the transceiver has a 1gb drive in it... I'm going to keep looking.

Any proof that SSDs die faster than HDDs?

My SSD runs now for 3 years and everything is ok. And btw you don't only feel the speed when booting, you feel the speed at EVERYTHING

>This pajeet meme is retarded.
Says the Pajeet.
>You must be pajeet-tier poor.
Actually, I have money because I don't waste it on stupid shit like SSDs.

>I think it may actually exist.
I hope it does. It would be super useful.

>Any proof that SSDs die faster than HDDs?
Do I look like a search bar, asshole?

>build the storage into the USB plug
No. MicroSD in the mouse itself would be much better, in my opinion.

I don't know for sure the factual accuracy of this, but I think SSDs were known to fail when they first started making an appearance however many years ago, but the ones that you buy now die just as slowly as a USB drive.

I have an SSD and I haven't really had any problems with it. It's gotten a good bit slower for me, but that's because I got mine (I think) three years ago and has almost no storage. I use my computer pretty much daily, and I haven't had much data rot.

Of course, my experience isn't the same as everyone else's experience. For all I know, I'm the outlier.

Your fact seems to come out of your asshole throuh.

not exactly sophisticated but hey, it exists

>i have money, that's why i nigger rig HDDs to cheap aliexpress USB to SATA adapters

no proof, okay. beside HDDs can fail way faster because shocks

get a switch and fix the cable yourself faggot.

hdd with a power switch on it?

In my experience all 2.5" portable hdd are plug and play, power over usb
all 3.5" "external" hdd require a power supply other than usb, and often have a power switch.

I was implying that you should Google it. Try it out.

Excuse me fuckface, I use Amazon like a human being.

found this one

I don't think that disk is gonna fit inside the slot.

>t-too big!

No proof found that SSDs die after one year. Seriously you should stop seeing that autistic. Using a SSD makes using a PC much better.


>Seriously you should stop seeing that autistic
Who are you to call me autistic when you're so buttblasted you can't Google something.

>I pull apart old laptops that I dig from the trash.

Dumpster diver?

Not him but aren't you? I have found many computers and monitors that way that were still in pretty good shape and usable, and sometimes loaded with person info.

>I have money because I don't waste it on stupid shit like SSDs.
>the future storage medium
>"stupid shit"

You fucking mongoloid shit eater, what are you even doing here? This is a tech board. Go back to 9fag. Also no, you don't have money, having a spare £80 for a 250GB SSD boot drive isn't having money, you're in actual poverty or a teenager.

That's sugoi NSA-senpai