Time for you Americans to stock up on good soap because the goverment is banning it all very soon

Time for you Americans to stock up on good soap because the goverment is banning it all very soon.


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All they do is increase the amount of resistant bacteria anyway.

And erectile dysfunction.

Triclocarban increases androgenic/testosterone activity.

I've been using triclocarban soap heavily for awhile now. I'll probably grow tits when I can't get it anymore.

Soap is definitively NOT technology. Besides, antibacterial products are a meme.

marketing != technology

That precludes like 85% of all threads on Sup Forums.

good thing based Cl- still kills MRSA

geriatrics on suicide watch

reddit threads are allowed but desktop ones aren't

How are they a meme? Look at the studies. Antibacterial soap and regular soap have the same efficacy in the short term.

However, antibacterial soap soaks into and forms a protective film on the skin and in cuts/scrapes. Regular soap doesn't. It's an open and shut case. The FDA is a organization full of retards.

There is no other board this is relevant on and I like Sup Forums so fuck it

Some bacteria is good for you.

>I'm incapable of reading English

Kill yourself, my man.

Not when you're cleaning out a 1/4th inch knife wound from chopping onions it ain't.

>antibacterial soap soaks into and forms a protective film on the skin and in cuts/scrapes.

I'd like to see a source on that.

while I appreciate the government's intent on slowing the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and not fucking with the ecosystem as much by washing all this shit down the drains, it won't matter in the long run thank to third world shitholes like India where antibiotic misuse is dramatically more rampant.

> tfw you will live to see the apocalypse

>linking to NBC
Please never do this. Screencap the article or link to archive.

I made it up, obviously. But it makes sense, and nobody ever looked into or studied these things. The ban is extremely premature. This is what happens when you think everything can be studied and assessed in an empirical setting with 100% accuracy.

Good its about time they banned it, soap should just be soap

horseshit, studies found it damages the skin causing even more bacteria to grow, as well as causing super strains

The real reason why its being banned is the global push towards UN Agenda 21. People will need to be conditioned to live in highly populated areas, and that means strengthening immune systems. They want you to be able to drink water out of the Ganges because they know the developed world is going to crumble, and governments won't be able to provide adequate sanitation.

Better turn those GPUs towards some useful protein folding and molecule finding before its too late.

Antibacterial isn't more useful than regular soap anyways.

This tbqh

I prefer not to create a supervirus, thank you

I call bullshit on your horseshit call. It depends on if it is used properly or not.
Turns out most people are dumb fucks.

Then you use a first aid kit and antiseptic cream

Soap is for dirt, not bacteria.

Then you don't use hand soap to clean the wound, you fucking idiot.

> antibacterial
> supervirus

> ...?

Most antiseptic cream does nothing to kill bacteria and actively promotes infection. Bacitracin shouldn't be used at all.
The single biggest use of antibacterial agents in the world isn't people washing their hands, its antibiotics given to livestock. Antibiotic resistant bacteria isn't showing up from people washing their hands, its from our mass farming practices. FDA isn't cracking down on antibiotic use in farming. Matter of factly they don't give a shit about the quality or safety of your food, which is why they're okay with having meat slaughtered in China shipped back to the US for sale here.

The government does not have your best interest in mind. You're nothing but a number in an equation where only the mean matters.

What happens is, the antibacterials kill off all the weaker, non-problematic, germs leaving only the stronger, more problematic ones.
Eventually the bad germs dominate because they no longer have to contend with the weaker, less troublesome germs.
That's how MRSA came about. That's why pennecillin is almost useless today. We've been eating it in our food for decades, our internal flora has changed to adapt.
Now we have peanut allergies our grandparents didn't.

>Soap is for dirt, not bacteria.
As far as soap is concerned bacteria look exactly like dirt; stuff on the skin. You don't need disinfectant soap. Just was your hands a lot.

>tfw Adam Carolla was right all along

I've been listening to Carolla's podcasts for years and he has always been against using shit like soap and shampoo as he comes from the commonsense viewpoint that it's natural. Now the science is here and proving to us how harmful it all is.

I feel good because I've been on his bandwagon with this shit for over a year now

The physical act of washing your hands removes bacteria from the surface of your skin. If you thoroughly wash theres is barely anything left at all. Antibacterial soap isn't selectively leaving anything at all behind that a natural soap product would remove.
Again, people washing their hands isn't creating or promoting the spread of antibiotic resistant strains.


>I made it up
Sup Forums

I have a confession, I rarely use soap.
I just rinse my skin with water and it's fine.

>americans put antibiotics in their soap

No wonder multi resistant bacteria has become a real problem

Oh hi smelly IT guy.

He didn't say the soap left the stronger bacterias on your skin, he said it would kill off the less resistant ones and the ones who resist wouldn't die. Where they go after that is a different topic.


Nice trips, but it's cute that you think I stink. I only stink once I sweat a bunch. Here's the correct way to take a shower:
a) step in shower
b) turn on hot and cold taps, adjust to find nice temperature
c) turn on shower head while stepping back to let the cold water run out first
d) get hair wet
e) shampoo hair (this is where most of your smell comes from)
f) rinse hair
g) if you got some actual dirt on you that doesn't come off if you rub it, you can apply some soap to the area.
h) otherwise just rub your hands over your body
i) turn off water
j) reach for towels that you put on the counter before step a)
k) dry head first, then rest of body
l) go lay back down in bed for ~20 minutes until you have to get dressed for work


Agreed. We shouldn't be taking vaccines either because they're unnatural. Let nature take its course :')

Most diseases declined in the developed world simply from improved hygiene and wound care, not from vaccines.
Polio is eradicated by the laughably simple method of ensuring your food and water is free from human shit. Tetanus infections barely ever set in if a wound is cleaned, we matter of factly know that the Tetanus toxoid vaccine has an efficacy rate absurdly low. It takes the body a few weeks to even start producing substantial antibodies to the serum, by that time a tetanus infection would have set in if it was present. Only the TiG works for combating tetanus.
TB is likewise dealt with entirely by ensuring sanitary conditions and isolating the infected so they don't wantonly spread it around.
Same with ebola, and hundreds of other diseases.

Its all really simple. If a communicable disease is cut off from its primary vector of transmission then transmission stops. An epidemic has never been ended with a vaccine. Numerous epidemics have been ended by enforcing quarantine and cleanliness.

I honestly avoid doctors as much as possible. Here's why:
>Doctor gets paid if you're sick
>Doctor's job is to make you not sick
>Doctors make a lot of damn money

So really either they're very good at making a lot of people not sick or secretly they're keeping the same people coming back over and over to treat new made up bullshit. I would only go to a doctor for something life-ending or life-altering. I laugh so hard at retards that go to the doctor every time they don't feel good. I never go and I take awful care of myself yet I never get sick.

>I made it up, obviously. But it makes sense,

antibacterial isn't as good as normal soap desu. but it wont be banned anyway

Amazingly there's actually an entire wikipedia article dedicated to bullshit like this post.


Amazingly you're too stupid to understand a single word of what was said. What I wrote has been covered by the CDC themselves. Infectious disease spreads when infected persons or their excretions come into contact with the uninfected. If you remove the ability for the infection to spread then it stops. An entire field of study exists to pattern this called epidemiology.
Vaccines are a last ditch effort to prevent yet unexposed population from contracting a disease. They exist to curb the rate of spread while medical professionals seek out and treat the infected. Vaccines do not end epidemics, medical care including quarantine is ultimately what ends an epidemic.

Your little list of Wiki anecdotes isn't even directly related to the point raised.

Anti vaxxers. Disregard posts.

>Vaccines are a last ditch effort to prevent yet unexposed population from contracting a disease.

Actually I'd say they're more like the first line of defense. They prevent the illness from spreading between people which contains the illness. They can also significantly lessen the symptoms and lead to much greater chances of survival for those who happen to contract the illness.

There's no valid argument against vaccines just a load of bullshit.

>shitposting this hard
I'm not even anti vaccination, you spastic. I simply raised the 100% factual point that most infectious diseases declined in the developed world from the increased standards of sanitation and hygiene.

Typhoid fever outbreaks didn't disappear because we created a vaccine with a 100% efficacy rate. We put the infected people into quarantine and isolated contaminated food. The case of Typhoid Mary stands out in medical history because she was a non symptomatic carrier of the disease who couldn't be cured. Because she posed a risk to the population as a whole she was court ordered to spend the rest of her life in medical quarantine.

Vaccines do not have an efficacy rate nearly as high as you think they do. Even big ones like measles, smallpox, influenza is the most commonly distributed vaccine in developed countries and it typically works in preventing infection in around 30% of cases. They are not interested in preventing infection outright because that goal is unrealistic. They want to inoculate enough people so that the spread slows to a point where it lacks critical mass to continue spreading.
Humans are the primary spread of disease. The study of how disease spread is every bit as much related to patterns of how people travel and interact as it is about the given bacteria or virus at hand.

Don't sperg out on an antivaccer rant because you're too fucking dumb to understand whats being discussed.

But vaccines also cause autism, it was proven many times so far.

Go away.

is this fucking reddit? Go censor links elsewhere facist.

>this whole thread

Yes, good hygiene is effective in reducing infections, see recent Ebola outbreak. Niggers who know nothing about fundamental human hygiene had an infection rate of 90% while whites who got it only had 20% or something.

Vaccines work too you fucking sperglord, otherwise herd immunity wouldn't be a thing. Typhoid fever is a shitty example because it's caused by BACTERIA and not VIRUS, and vaccines against bacteria-related illnesses always have a lower effectiveness due to how quick bacteria can evolve due to latent genese they can reactivate and deactivate.

As for influenza, every fucking influenza season is a new fucking strain of the virus, which also makes it hard to make a vaccine for.

Rule of thumb: The more infectious a virus is, the higher the chance of mutation.

>implying the UN is even remotely capable of intelligent thought

>Vaccines do not have an efficacy rate nearly as high as you think they do.
I don't think they have a high rate of effectiveness don't make assumptions. I'm saying there's no legitimate reason to refuse them because saving 30% is better than saving 0%

You're definitely anti vaccination.

>I made it up

It being difficult to develop a vaccine for the constantly mutating influenza strains isn't an issue, that 30% is all thats required for the intended effect. Anything higher than that would be gravy, but not at all required as far as they're concerned.
Even marginally limiting the spread of an infection reduces its impact, and statistically that means less at risk persons die from it. Whether they have immunity, or they simply never got exposed to it. They flat out are not interested in trying to make everyone 100% immune to everything.

And I agree with that completely. I never argued against them
I made one point in response to some random joke post.

I've never missed any critical vaccination. Shitposter.

I don't believe in forced vaccinations but they're only really effective if everyone has them. Yet there's a seemingly growing faction of anti-intellectuals that are making them less effective and putting other people in harms way for no reason.

>only really effective if everyone has them

thats a lie


Enjoy your staph infection.


it seems like such a bullshit thing, since the stabilizing agents for multi-dose vaccines are the supposed concern.

just spend the extra $0.05 on individual vials and call it a fucking day.

Unvaccinated people create a very hospitable environment for any microbe to live in and the longer they have to live in the individual the longer they have to mutate and develop resistances or new methods of being transmitted.

>he thinks anything in the medical industry costs $0.05

>Typhoid Mary
You just ruined my day, congratulations.
That's impressive considering it's 2 in the morning.

did you even read the article? the whole point of herd immunity is that you don't need EVERYBODY to be vaccinated as if you immunise the majority then there's minimal to zero possibility of transmittable diseases actually transmitting

that's why people who can't or don't receive vaccinations for whatever reason (allergic to preservatives is a big one) can go about their lives and not contract shit like polio

of course it doesn't work when fucktards in america have an anti-vaccination craze and a decent percentage of a generation doesn't get vaccinated allowing the transmittable disease to survive and grow for a generation

1 mL sealed glass vials wouldn't cost the manufacturers almost anything, maybe just the end consumers who are getting jewed as always.

The point is that whoever makes the vaccines could trivially make the bulk of these complaints go away easily.

do a kickstarter you could probably make this happen and make a nice profit in the process

kek, I'm pretty sure making vaccines is beyond the scope of a garage project, thanks.

> and pretending the incumbents don't abuse every ounce of power they can grab through lobbyists to squash competition, legally mandate purchase of their products, then gain immunity from monopoly punishments.

kickstarter projects can be multi million dollar projects and you can disclose the risks and the expected waiting time etc just saying but yeah it'd be a ton of work

I'm going to acquire the most germs.

Gotta catch em all?

please, you vastly overestimate the effort required to stop competition, they'd just take a loss of a few cents out of net profit on every vial at time of manufacturing and they'll have effectively undercut you or any other competition out of the market for however long they want to keep it up

companies try to sell shit at huge losses all the time to gain footholds in markets but once they're there it's a matter of less than a percent difference in profits to squash competition

None of these are arguments, there's no reason to give pageviews and ad revenue to a gargantuan corporation like NBC/Comcast.
explain your memes before you click Post.



>step in shower
>then adjust water temperature
Champ you fucked up from the start.

Have you never taken a biology class?


>not giving a site pageviews is censorship

i think his point was
