What is a good article from the Sup Forums-ish perspective on why TPP is bad? I'm looking for a decent, comprehensive article to send a friend of mine.
What is a good article from the Sup Forums-ish perspective on why TPP is bad? I'm looking for a decent...
Other urls found in this thread:
On mobile, look for an article that talks about increased corporatism
This place is filled with stupid alt-right Sup Forums fuckheads who think TPP is a good thing.
I identify pretty strongly with the alt-right and I don't support TPP at all. Also, opposition to TPP is one of Donald Trump's major positions. I think you've got your terms mixed up.
that image is some quality rage
>why TPP is bad
Billions of Pajeets.
>I identify pretty strongly with the alt-right
I don't know much about the alt right but TPP strikes me as a more traditional-conservative thing. (Thus Hillary's prior support of it)
So Luis ate 5/6 of Marty's pizza and Marty only ate 4/6 of it.
Luis ate more. What's the problem?
the fedora meme is our meme my dudebro
this would be like some fat cat lady calling me an SJW or something, it just doesn't work lmao
aint no1cur
If my kid brought that test result home, I'd go and yell at the teacher who marked it that way.
just another reason to sarcastically say "murica fuck yeah"
>I identify pretty strongly with the alt-right
This is definitely one of those things you're gonna look back on when you're older and be in disbelief at how you could have been so fucking dumb.
it says in the question that marty had more pizza
the only way for marty to have had more pizza while having a smaller portion of a pizza, is for his pizza to have been bigger to begin with
Luis ordered a small pizza and Marty ordered a family sized one all to himself the fat fuck
This fucking teacher
Look up why American IP law is shit, and realize that the TPP will permanently lock both the US and every other country into it
Nah, I look back on my days when I supported the feminazi's and the gaystopo with disdain though.
You know if you have that level of stupidity in your history you have to evaluate if you're not being stupid now, too.
Infact, since back then you were unable to tell how dumb you were, it stands to reason that you currently are unable to tell how dumb you are.
don't vote.
What the fuck is up with that test question? This must be some crude trolling.
>trying to make fun of some guy for saying he's "alt right"
>post a meme of a liberal
At least you tried
Marty ate more pizza than Luis, Its a fact.
They each have their own pizza.
>doesn't know MRA/MGTOW is alt right
Having your head stuck so far up your own white ass you can't see daylight is alt right.
>Traditional Conservative
I don't think you know what that means.
Who said anything about that? The picture in question was a fedora atheist meme, try to keep up
>You were on one side when you were young and stupid and you were wrong and now that you have critically examined your beliefs and are an adult you are on the other side and you are still wrong.
Let me guess, "both sides are just as bad"?
>everything I don't like is alt-right
>it's a Sup Forums shitposts a thread to oblivion while OP regrets his decisions episode
Cuck beta Nu male Feminized SJW
Threads like these are hilarious when you have no political affiliations.
Keep it up, lads.
>Alt right Sup Forums fuckheads
From what I remember Sup Forums is anti tpp
And guess who's MRA/MGTOW?
>fedora meme
>intellectually superior
nobody cares about your misunderstanding of reality you dumb shitskin
Reddit users? I don't remember anyone on Sup Forums calling themselves one
>I get high on my own farts and self-righteousness
Thst is NOT possible because 5/6 is greater than 4/6 so Luis ate more.
Let's be fair now.
There's a good number of Sup Forumsfags that manifest themselves on other boards that think big companies can do no wrong.
They're the same fags who shitpost about piracy being the big bad.
How can you have such a misunderstanding of the kind of people who visit Sup Forums? Are you 12 years old? tfw I've been here since 2006 or around then and all I can do is stand by and watch while you insufferable retards grow in numbers and edge out the rest of us
Who said anything about that? The picture in question was a fedora atheist meme, try to keep up
TPP and TIPP are great. They will make chink shit great again.
Which is MRA/MGTOW. You'd know that if you weren't an idiot. But you are, since you're alt right.
>guy uses term
>sperglord just takes shotgun blast approach and posts random unrelated memes
>people laugh at him
>thread devolves into petty random shitposting and greentext
guess that's the strat to use when you have no valid rebuttals huh
>laughing at people makes you self-righteous and shit
the laughs keep coming!
this thread. pure gold.
American schooling is a disgrace.
Our youth is FUCKED
you felt the need to post your safe, middleground position and openly talk about how you feel superior to others
you are a living stereotype. Your entire mindset is literally summarized in a fucking xkcd comic
you are a pathetic retard
oldfag here since Sup Forums existed, the origin of these boards is Sup Forums and Sup Forums, everything is random so you can't except any reasonable discourse or result, just accept these boards as they are, nothing is comparable and that's what makes these boards unique.
So just to be clear, your argument is that MRA/MGTOW is a right-wing Atheist movement?
Do you currently take any kind of prescription medication?
>the only person vaguely on topic is a fucking mobile poster
*expect, I only get this kind of dyslexia on this board go figure it's good for health or the general current of hivemind psyche
>nerdy white teens and young adults are clever and can imply things without greentexting or just outright facerolling the keyboard and others can actually infer their meaning and continue the conversation in a coherent fashion despite the anarchy of the boards
>12-year-olds and minorities posting from cell phones post nigger memes and literally random nonsense on par with katie "holds up spork"
HURR I know nothing!! Sup Forums buzzword!!!
>safe middleground position
>literally summarized
naw dog, I literally summarized my position by saying that I don't have a position.
As in, I don't give a fuck. But I'll take the laughs
you have no chill, bro
ayyyyy dat sum lit af shit senpai
these things are equivalent
safe middleground == tactical nihilism
you're a fucking retard
Next time use a search engine to do your own research or post in the stupid questions thread. A thread died for this.
Folks who were genetic dead ends anyway.
spot the chin
Lurk more, kid.
as long as you feel that you've won the internet via shit talking in a Sup Forums thread, I'm happy for you.
Meanwhile, I'll refer back to wherein an user asks, "do you currently take any kind of prescription medication?"
>get called out
>resort to childish nonsense
you are actually mentally-deficient
not memeing or winning the internet or whatever other nonsense you try to deflect with
I really think you have diminished mental capacity
Alt-right is a chistian movement, I don't see why you call him a marxist cuck.
>12-year-olds and minorities posting from cell phones post nigger memes and literally random nonsense on par with katie "holds up spork"
And you respond in a super butthurt manner every single time further rewarding their behavior and encouraging more of it. If I had a nickel for every time someone passive-aggressly responds "(You)" to someone shitposting...
>being upset
>call other guy "butthurt"
kek just go back2reddit already
Thank you for the image, user.
You've made my day a good one. :^)
>Alt-right is a chistian movement,
No it isn't. The alt right is made up of right-leaning atheists and people who give a nod to the religious since they have similar values about most things.
Kill yourself, retard.
That's all I wanted, thanks
Stupid questions thread would have been useless for this. I don't care about the shitters ITT.
Yeah I dont understand how we have this disconnect but we definitely need to do something about China like trump wants to
>I really think you have diminished mental capacity
You don't have enough information to make an assessment like that, so who's really mentally deficient, here?
I mean, it could still be me, but it makes you think, doesn't it?
>right-leaning atheists
They're not atheists if they're "right leaning".
>They're not atheists if they're "right leaning".
The reasoning of a person with an IQ of 98, everyone.
Gotta eat big to get bit CMOOON
At least I'm no communist.
This makes my brain hurt. If lenin or marx said that bananas were the food of the proletariat, would it make you a commie for eating one? It's fucking terrible logic.
Oops, I forgot my pic.
trips decides. fuckem both
Techdirt has also been covering it.
>hurr durr what is class struggle
I may be 98 IQ, but I read Das Kapital. If you did, you'd know religion is a form of class struggle/oppression of a class on another. But hey, better inform yourself on these nice youtube video, right?
That doesn't have anything to do with anything other than history. People can be atheist and also free market. There's nothing inherently contradictory about those two ideologies.
So? Doesn't mean atheism automatically leads to communism.
So you are quoting the guy, who killed 10 millions of his innocent people?
>We already have a problem with outsourcing killing jobs
>Politicians want to have a trade deal that encourages every company to outsource to Vietnam
Probably one of those idiots who don't care enough about politics to actually look into things but see how media portrays Trump as a racist or whatever and then sees a few headlines about Hillary's scandals.
Also, alt right is a stupid made up term. Stop using it.
Not the same guy you were responding to, but why 98? How did you arrive at that number, and how much thought did you put into it? The reason I ask is because it seems like that number was very carefully and meticulously selected. Could it be because it's somewhere around the "average" intelligence? Could it have been a strategic move to convey that you're DEFINITELY a very enlightened and sharp guy, and that you consider an average number like that to be low, in order to convince everyone that you're very, very smart? You know, in a thread full of people accusing each other of tipping fedoras, just by making that careful, methodical calculation to arrive at that number, you just unknowingly and unintentionally outdid everyone here.
you're taking this out of context and giving the opposite meaning
"Religion is the opium of the people." means:
Man makes religion, religion does not make man.
Sup Forums
>People can be atheist and also believe in the invisible hand of the free market
Are you sure?
Marty got first dibs on the pizza and ate 4/6 of it, while Luis ate 5/6 of the sloppy seconds.
Jesus fuck, this scummish shit is polluting everywhere. Go fuck yourselves, all of you.
Marty has genetic-based eating dysmorphia you sexist fucking pig
TPP promotes trade which is good for our economy. Not sure what the issue is.
>I identify pretty strongly with the alt-right
Thank you for Correcting the Record! A deposit of $0.12 has been made to your checking account.
>I identify pretty strongly with the alt-right
"Good for the economy" means good for the economy. It does NOT mean good for the people, or for the nation.