sticker thread
Sticker thread
lain one is cute
>Oh's that weird loser again
>Doesn't he realise how creepy and off-putting that stuff is? Is he a pedophile or something?
Rate my MacBook, Sup Forums.
You people don't actually go out in public with these things, right?
Of course I do, that's the whole reason I've got a netbook
close, but no cigar
i might be autistic but i'm not THAT autistic
actually disgusting
>Free Broteam
that sticker says otaku trashcan but ok
uhm, r-rate ...
i like gorillaz so 11/10
So I can just take your computer, then?
The fuck are you on about?
I like the brote and monokuma stickers there
at least get rid of the bubbles you autistic slob
Sup niggers
Not technology related
no bully
I had just put them on when I took that pic, they're gone now
Only patrician here
OMG you browse le reddit /r/anime too? xDDD
>implying I go outside
>absolutely nothing anime related about my post
>get made fun of because anime
how is that implied?
Some time ago i saw a shop with nice, shiny carrot face stickers, afaik it was maintained by someone from Sup Forums, i can't find it now - does anyone know?
w2c dabbing Squidward sticker
I went evafag for mine, but all these Lain stickers are making me a little envious in retrospect. I'm a one sticker kinda guy though and I really like how mine turned out.
Literally best girls.
The steelseries and the colored shit on kb is there only because the surface is shiny as fuck and not grippy enough for me.
The lid is clean for now though I'm waiting for some aesthetic stickers from redbubble that will probs go there.
pls no bully
>both kirino and kuroneko best girls
this man gets it
Where does one grt these stickers made?
redbubble or something
What? I browse /r/Sup Forums. I just recently got over my fear of Sup Forums and started coming here.
Good waifus, great taste have a Yin friend.
red bubble fucking sucks with the white borders everywhere
sauce on sticker, user?
ITT: 9 year old girls who still put fucking stickers on their possessions.
I bet half you retards have smarmy bumper stickers on your car too.
>he'd rather advertise for his laptop manufacturer than tastefully cover the logo with a sticker
> he feels the need to express how much he loves pedophile anime or advertise some other brand on his laptop.
>implying I have anime on my laptop
>implying it's a bad thing to let people know SDF is a thing
>uses OS X.... on a thinkpad
>install Gentoo
Serious question: why do you post the same shitty joke in every sticker thread? If you have full-blown assburgers just let me know.
5/5 for Gorillaz (and Lain). I really like Gorillaz and I have all their records (except singles).
As a matter of fact most weebs are confirmed pedophiles
Only acceptable one in this thread