What's your typing speed bros?
What's your typing speed bros?
200 wpm
Legitimately participate or get the fuck out of my thread
Cool, smell you later slowlord.
Yeah, I know that I'm not the best typinggod in the world...
i dont look at the keyboard (im not that retarded), any tips Sup Forums?
34 wpm .__.
around 45. learned touch typing a few months ago
I'm having a lot of trouble typing at the moment because I've never typed with this keyboard (black keys) and it fucking hurts my hands. I wish I could still use my blues or even browns but I spilled shit on both boards. RIP.
Retina MacBook keyboard. English is not my native language so I'm slower than usual.
beat ya by one, nigga!
Only took me one try to beat you, but I can't stop erring with this board. My fingers get tired midway and they start misjudging and fucking up.
I only type with two fingers, my thumb for space, and ring for shift.
slow as shit
I just woke up, English is not my native language and I did it while laying in bed, but still I feel like a failure compared to other anons.
I was wondering. I usually type pretty fast, but I suck at copying text which is used for testing on these kinds of websites. So my question is, is there typing speed testing software that works with free writing?
Blind attempt at 9 am after 3 hours of sleep
Incidentally, I perform much better on websites that use strings of short
words with no capitalization etc., which is probably true for everybody
(It's the capitalization and punctuation that throws me off the most)
Can we get a vid of the script your running filling out the test?
Nice font rendering bro
45wpm 0 errors