Other than autism, is there a good reason to use a distro other than Ubuntu?

Other than autism, is there a good reason to use a distro other than Ubuntu?

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not wanting to feel amazon's hard cock in your bum


>implying Ubuntu means using Unity
I think the amazon dashboard search is disabled by default now. Shit can be removed anyway

Yes. Ubuntu is very badly maintained nowadays. Every single release (including LTS) is full of bugs that get left unfixed for months. Packages that get fixed by it's devs in a matter of weeks take half a year (or more) to get fixed in Ubuntu repos.

So what's the alternative?


I'm only really using Ubuntu for the GNS3 PPA. I don't want to use their VM and I don't want to compile from source either because of how many parts there are

Mint, Manjaro.

Anything, really. Debian or Fedora if you are too baby to use Arch or Gentoo. Fedora is shit in it's own way though (breaks like shit every 6 months, poor repos) so I guess debian is the only choice.

>I guess debian is the only choice.

Which version?

If it's generic desktop home use then testing.

Ubuntu was okay for a few months while coming to Linux then I realised what a fucking shit APT was.

Arch has no LTS but has the AUR. Still, too many updates - too vulnerable to breakage

Fedora has
-a good package manager
-good stability

So use Arch or Fedora or OpenSUSE. Apt is trash


>install fedora
>can't listen to mp3


Isn't mint just a slightly reworked Ubuntu with different programs preinstalled?

Ubuntu is a trap
It is full of bugs and even if you have good support from the ubuntu forum you ll waist a lot of time
Install something else!
And i am not even talking of privacy.
Tbh i spend 1½years with fedora 21 and it was great no major bugs just some shit i did because i was a noob but stable af.

Ubuntu make my laptop freeze more than 5 times a week. Dont have time to fix it. Thanks to vim i never lose my work when it happens.
I was thinking of Debian but it is heavy af
Maybe trisquel... Idk

I want to be able to uninstall GNOME

And even worse update management

sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-gnome-desktop
sudo apt-get autoremove

Don't forget shitty security

>sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-gnome-desktop
>sudo apt-get autoremove

>which gnome-weather


sudo apt-get purge gnome*

>totem is still there

Yes. You should use Linux Mint, because it's better.

This. Debian Unstable feels more stable than Ubuntu LTS.

why did you install literally the whole GNOME app library in the first place?

Just to try GNOME - how it works with wayland

pretty sure Totem isn't a dependency for ubuntu-gnome-desktop


What the difference between all of these
'works out of the box' desktop distros?

Once you choose KDE, gnome or xfce they all have exactly the same apps as each other, the only noticeable difference through normal use seems to to be the package manager and how easy it is to install propriety drivers.

I chose ubuntu because it has by far the most support out there - if you have a question you can google it and get a specific ubuntu-focused answer.

Install kubuntu or xubuntu - you also automatically remove amazon crap.

I use Mint as a political statement

Well, can't argue with that, user.

I use Gentoo because of flexibility in configuration with use-flags and kernel recompiling. In Ubuntu or Debian I should download the deb sources, compile a kernel then build a deb package then install it as a package, prebuilt packages in these distros are generic and bring loads of redundant dependencies while in Gentoo I can make an ebuild without the KDE support in order to don't download and compile unnecessary QT libraries.


the distro you use should be the one that is most optimized for your computer by default so you have less work to do


>more up to date packages than ubuntu
>suggests debian
ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy fucking lmao

So... Gentoo?

Just fucking compile from source if you want a more updated version of a package.
git clone
sudo checkinstall make install

Yes, that's fucking all it takes to compile most things and install it as a package. Don't need to be a le ebin anomalous 1337 hacker programming in pure binary.

You literally missed entire point. I actually don't even know how to respond to post this retarded.
I would love to see you spend entire days compiling shit from source on Ubuntu because you are too dumb to install Arch or Gentoo, then cry when shit breaks due to fucked up dependencies.

- dependencies
- you have to keep sources for make uninstall
- some sources doesn't support uninstalling i3wm for example

This isn't a solution, in some particular cases only.

Not really. But there are great reasons to use other DEs.

Dependencies make hate existence

i prefer non systemd distros, Slackware is good, but some software i like to run wont build on it and i have no clue what to patch on it, but it does build and run nicely on antiX which is a debian based non systemd distro that runs pretty good,

the app i like to run is rx320 it is software than runs a Ten-Tec RX320 HF radio, the top image is after i tweaked the fonts to look better on modern monitors with higher resolutions, the bottom image is the original before the tweaks to the fonts and font_color

apt is for faggots




Oh you didn't ask for an explaination.

Manjaro all day erryday.

Will CentOS or RHEL software work on Fedora?

Why use Ubuntu when you can use the distro it's based on?

I used it for few years (mint). I dont think im advanced user but im willing to learn more about linux. Im also webdev. Any suggestions for stable, lightweight distro?

why use anybuntu at all? why not use solus?

What was Solus based on again? Looks like Gnome too.

It is based on gnome.

Personal preference you fucktard (and I am actually using ubuntu as a base)

Actualy Budgie is a Mutter-based desktop environment that happily sits on top of the GNOME stack. It’s not a “fork” of GNOME.

why do you hate systemd?

any bug or issue

sudo service thething restart

ez pz

isn't everything based on Gnome?

I really struggled to find anything that you could live with other than Gnome

uh, personal preference. Some people don't like apt. Others like to have a more complex user experience.


Because it comes with a ton of shit I don't give a fuck about, and if I'm going to do a net install to avoid that I might as well just install arch and have a lot more packages available without installing a ton of PPAs that may or may not have even been updated for my version anyway.

Ubuntu is a really nice distribution for people that are just browsing the web, maybe playing a few light steam games and posting to Facebook. It's just a little too outdated for me. For example, if I took my .nanorc from a year and a half ago and dropped it into Ubuntu from six months ago it wouldn't work without complaining about unknown options because the nano version is too old.


What the fuck was so hard about "service thing restart"?


that's what I'm saying

I'd just like to point out that "lightweight" distros don't exist.
Your distro is only as lightweight as you make it.

doesnt linus use fedora? cant be that bad if thats true

what about lubuntu? i read its easier on ressources then xubuntu on some wiki