IT is for people too dumb to code.
Prove me wrong.
IT is for people too dumb to code.
Prove me wrong.
You've guessed right! You win absolutely nothing! Congrats faggot! How do you feel?
Coding is for people too dumb to have sex.
Technology is for people too dumb to work things out in their head.
Thanks for the heads up OP! What do you do?
Anime is for people too dumb to sex
>implying IT doesn't involve programming
So what is your definition of the IT field if it doesn't include programming?
coding is for people too dumb to understand theoretical computer science
Theoretical Computer Science is for people too dumb for Mathematics.
The IT degree at my University were mostly for the people too dumb to do the math and higher level programming classes required for CS.
IT is a broad subject user
It doesn't. IT is setting up computers and networks for the wagies and fixing things.
both are soul crushing, who cares
This is what it has traditionally meant
My brother is an IT expert and he doesnt program
Strange to see the term has somehow morphed into meaning programming
Coding is the exact opposite of sex. Computer do exactly what you tell them to. Women, well...
OP thinks that bash and .bat aren't programming languages.
Does a GNU/Linux admin count? Automation is about 50% of my job, and I create small services to maintain infrastructure.
Coding is for people too dumb to IT.
Prove me wrong.
Probably counts. Tbh command lining linux is on the same level as programming I find.
IT wouldnt exist without software
guess which one is easy money and which one has all been outsourced to pajeets
Software wouldn't exist without IT.
I'm going into IT, I never got how people liked doing programming. Whenever I try to do programming I get super bored and uninterested and eventually get up and do something else in the span of 5 minutes. The thought of doing it all day as a job is mind-numbing to me.
>Implying that Pajeet isn't taking over both IT and coding and ruining it for everybody else anyway
I actually left my coding job for an IT job because the pay was better.
>tfw working a IT job and getting paid $200,000 a year
>laugh at OP being a CS cuck that cant into networking and thinks he can program because he wrote "hello world" in java
>tfw I'm a self taught programmer and I'm better than OP
Top kek OP you've out done yourself
I agree.
Source: The IT guy at my job is an insufferable piece of shit. He's most certainly frustrated at being a failure.
you're in no place to call anyone a cuck when it's pretty obvious you're in commiefornia where half your pay goes to taxes and the other half towards your rent.
>Women, well...
Haha, that is hilarious and funny because women don't do everything they are told as they should. You are hilarious and should do standup buddy.
Of course it would. It just wouldn't work.
I thought this during college and I sort of still do. This is why I like working on infrastructure. I have a spread of tasks, some are scripting some are ops work and some are service design. I do like programming but as a means to an end not as my job 100%.
>not being a security electrician
>Not doing entry level coding with the alpha status of a tradesman
You guys don't really do this... Do you?
kill me now
>I never got how people liked doing programming
Well thanks for not getting a programming job like 99% of the other fucking retards and shitting out exploitable code.
butthurt vaginal jew detected
I saw this argument four years ago when I first started browsing Sup Forums and was just fresh into high school. It went something like "engineers design rockets, programmers design the code that gets them to the moon, and the IT people make sure the lights turn on and off". However, I remained interested in the field while keeping this argument in mind. Four years later, still browsing Sup Forums and now in a different region of the country to study IT in college (taking programming classes by requirement ironically), I still hear the argument a lot: why not do CS? I guess it's just not my exact niche. I worked as a computer technician for a year before college and there's a feel, a jive for the field that I just like, I enjoy it. So is IT for people too dumb for programming? Maybe. But I've been fighting this argument for years now, and in my opinion, say what you will, IT is a necessity that goes along with programming and it's okay not to be a programmer. Bottom line is for anyone else who's struggled with this dilemma, I've been turning it over for 5 years now and the basic question is "Who gives a shit? Do what you want."
So what you're saying is that you can't think for yourself and that's okay. I agree. Words and stuff.
I find it quite odd that you refer to people who don't code as "smarter" individuals. The average IQ of somebody who knows how to code is higher then the average joe working in MCDonalds. I guess you could argue that that their EQ is lower than that guy in MCDonalds. Now, what is more important: IQ or EQ. Neither depends on what you find important in life. However people in the general sense are talking about IQ when calling somebody smart. Poor wordchoice, further more you need both a high EQ and IQ to truly succeed in life. Some normie and nerd (in your eyes) arguing what is more important is like arguing if the right or left leg is better. You are trying to compensate for your shortcomings by minimalizing the aspect your horrible at. Please think before you type something next time so I don't have to read through the rubbish that you post on the internet.
IT and CS are very broad fields, you wouldn't say that a penetration tester is dumb compared to a code-monkey who does nothing buy copy from technet.
Stop judging whole groups of people based just on their major or their job. I'm sure that there are plenty of CS students who would find it impossible to wrap their heads around networking or virtualization, just like there are some IT students who couldn't write good code to save their lives.
Maybe, user. See you in another four years.
women can live with them can't live without them xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD my wife is such a pain in the ass sometimes she goes "george clean up after yourself geee!!!!!" LOL and don't get me started on when i want to pork her vag and she "has a headache" xDDD XDDDDDD Xddddd xDDXXDXDXDX WOMEN AMIRITE
programming is brute force
IT is discipline
IT is too smart for me because the places that are hiring look for comp sci majors so they can pay the bare minimum but expect level 4 experience.
we get it, it's that time of the month.
wow i'm making fun of you for making gross mysoginist uncle jokes and you just make another gross mysoginist uncle joke
it's like you're fucking peter griffin or something.
IT and programmer are for people too dumb to do real engineering.
Probably not but good luck in your endeavors and things. You sound like you got something good going on. Anyway, you're probably right, but I'm too dumb to write books about it unlike him. It's okay or something.
double major in both lol. already started graduate work for math suck my dick
It's almost like he doesn't give a shit that you're triggered!
I would take good care of her tail
>top kek
Do all ITfags talk like retards?
engineering is fixing problems left behind by other engineers
always has been, including when it was actually about, you know, engine work, instead of a stolen title